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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
Regulations Governing the Practice of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology [18 VAC 30 ‑ 21]
Action Regulatory Reduction 2024
Stage Fast-Track
Comment Period Ended on 1/29/2025
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1/28/25  7:28 pm
Commenter: Karen

Vehemently Opposed

I am shocked that removing the requirement for a certificate of clinical competence for SLPs would be considered. I worked without my CCC for the first years of my career in the 70s and early 80s. In those days, however, children in schools were only served for articulation and language; and children with more complex issues were likely not even in our schools. Or, more complex issues were less well understood. Now, as of the early 80s, we educate everyone in our schools; and children with complex issues are more numerous than ever. I ended my career recently by supervising strong SLPs; but still, there was always more to learn and new case presentations to consider. We cannot consider leaving the job to less prepared staff. I am not even comfortable that SLP assistants are strong enough to recognize relevant patterns that matter and should alter course of treatment or add strategies to course of care. We all need to continue to strive to be stronger, not to accept less preparedness.

CommentID: 230181