I’ve only lived here for 7 years. And the amount of cobia, red drum, and striped bass I’ve seen Omega kill and throw overboard is absolutely insane! We’re the only state that allows these people to come in and fish out our bay. Every other state along the east shore and the Gulf of Mexico keeps the menhaden fishermen out in federal waters. Menhaden are a critical baitfish for the Chesapeake bay. And we can’t allow them these overfishing programs to continue without some regulations. Further more, it’s not fair that we recreational fishermen are paying the price for these people who are over fishing our bay. Even if every recreational fishermen took every fish, we’ve caught on hook and line or cast net, we would do probably 1/10th of what omega and gill nets take in one net full. This is why we need to regulate Omega and the gill nets. Thank you.