The amendment that I will like to be look into is the objective written documentation.
The 40 hour limit and the respite hours.
Parents shouldn't be penalize by taking care of their children while nobody else is willing to take the Job which in nowadays 13.70 hr is not a good wage for caregivers. It is hard to find someone who wants to do all of this job for that price. My daughter qualifies for 56hr she is quadriplegic and she depends in a 100% support at all times.I was never able to find no one for her. Now her hours are cut down to 40 hrs and no respite. The one who is being put in jeopardy and her rights are being taking away because I as a parent is her LRI.
You are taking away from the one who needs the most my daughter.
Her grandmother will do respite hours for me to have a break occasionally one of my close friends will watch her but no more than 2hrs because she is a lot of work which me as a mother is the only one who can really take care of her. They still watch her here and there for me without the pay now but is that really fair. For them for me and my daughter.
Objective written documentation to prove I should be the one taking care of her is just another slap on the face to us another obstacle when all I want is to take care of my daughter without all the extra hustle.
Please make this procces easier not harder for my daughter to receive the care she needs.
Thank you.