Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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9/3/24  3:22 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

changes are needed
Service Facilitators should have at least an associates degree with experience. A person who has 5 to 7 yrs of experience could be a service facilitator. VIDEs doesn't reflect person accurately a person who can add 1+1 doeasn't mean they know how to budget or maintain checkbook. The vides is old and antiquated. It needs to be updated. at/em combined would be nice however, a/t's require p/t ot or an order for dr. hopefully e/ms will continue to not need it. at times a/t shouldn't need one either. Medicaid should be given to anyone with a disability and parents' income should not be looked at when they are a minor. A lot of services could be put into place as they are younger. This has been proven early intervention services now and won't need more services later. We need more services for DD with MH d/o. all waivers are lacking it. We are lacking centers and hospitals who know how to work with people with dd/id. most times in e.r's ppl i.d are pushed aside and not taken seriously. there is so much that could be done and could make it better. Virginia is 25 yrs plus behind many states in services, attitudes, policies, and procedures.
CommentID: 227589