General Comments:
Section 1.1
Priority B: “Prioritize recreation facilities and amenities that improve recreation experiences for all, reach underserved communities and geographic areas, improve safety, and make positive impacts to community health”
Section 1.2
Section 2.1.2
In addition there are future projects that are recommended in many of our long-range plans, including the Roanoke Valley Greenway Plan and draft 200 Plan (County Comprehensive Plan). Although it is noted that the VOP Mapper data will be expanded to include all recreation facilities and amenities across the state during 2024 implementation, the lack of up-to-date information in the VOP Mapper does not provide confidence that this resource will be reliable. It would be valuable to understand who will be managing the information available, whether the spatial data will be authoritative, and how often it will be updated if it is intended to be used for future planning.
Roanoke County appreciates having the opportunity to provide comment on this draft of the 2024 VOP. We are happy to provide further input for the development of this plan, including input on the identification of Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Recreation Region-specific priorities and recommendations, and data for inclusion in your mapping repository. For any questions regarding the above comments, or to connect in a greater capacity, please reach out to Sarah Gilmore,