Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Wildlife Resources
Board of Wildlife Resources
Game: In General [4 VAC 15 ‑ 40]
Chapter is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Action Adding Section 320: Reasonable efforts for deer and bear hunting with dogs.
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ends 7/5/2024
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6/13/24  12:28 pm
Commenter: Sandy Buissett


My name is Sandy Buissett.  I am 62 years old and have hunted with dogs all my life.  We hunt on four family owned farms whose land touches.  We are on good terms with surrounding hunt clubs and landowners.  

I feel that the laws that are in place are adequate.  If the dog trespass law is put in place, people who hate hunters with dogs will be able to lie about someone's dog being on their property, lie about how many times it was on their property and could catch someone's dog and put it on their property, just to get the hunter in trouble.

Land owners who do not want dogs on their property need to understand that the dogs are chasing the deer.  They will probably just cross through their property.

It is unfair and unreasonable to target deer and bear hunters when so many homeowners have dogs as pets and they allow their dogs to run at large around the year. 

If a hunter turns their dogs loose on a landowner's property without permission, then the landowner needs to call law enforcement.  Most hunters are good, honest people and would not do that.  But with or without a GPS tracking device, the dog is going to chase the deer, wherever it goes.  If the landowner leaves the dog alone, it will continue to chase. It will follow the deer until the deer is too far ahead of the dog or the dog gets tired and heads back home.

Without dogs, the deer harvest members will decrease, causing overpopulation issues.  Farmers will have crops destroyed on a much larger level.  Deer/car collisions will increase due to rise in the deer population.  This will cause everyone's insurance to sky rocket.  I feel we need to keep this Virginia tradition of hunting deer/bear with dogs in place for everyone's benefit.

I do not understand why DWR has the authority to create laws that have already been shot down this year at the Capitol.  Once it got rejected this year, it should not be allowed to be brought again until next year.

I oppose this law.

CommentID: 225951