Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/26/23  12:43 pm
Commenter: Brenda B Joyner

The Caregiver That I Need

To whom it may concern:

My name is Brenda Joyner and I have been married for 56 years to Jack Joyner.

I have Parkinson's disease and bone on bone back issues which cause severe pain. I have had 3 discs replaced in my neck and lower back surgery dating back to 1974.  I have suffered with pain for over 50 years.  I also have endured Menieres disease which has resulted in losing all my hearing in my right ear and 1/2 the hearing in my left ear.  This also causes me to be unstable sometimes.  I am 74 years old and I was put on Medicaid during Covid in 2020. I went with an agency and it took a long time to even get someone to help.  After a few weeks, the first lady left and then we were told that we would get another person.  That didn't work out very well because the lady didn't show up a lot and she didn't have any transportation.  My husband was helping me navigate during the times when she didn't show up.  After speaking with our representative, we found out that Jack could be my caregiver.  It has been an absolute blessing because he knows all the needs that I have and he is with me all the time.  He takes care of all my doctor's appointments, all my medications, does the cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, etc.  He is there when I need him during the night or day.  He goes above and beyond whenever it is necessary. There is no one whom I would rather take care of me!!!

As you know, since Covid, it seems that our society has changed with regards to people wanting to work.  It is very hard for a person in my condition to have different people come and go.  It is very unsettling and upsetting for me and I am sure it is for others as well.      I'm sure it is difficult for agencies to find people and for this reason as well as those above, we kindly submit that the waivers be kept as they are so family members can care for their loved ones while getting paid for doing so.  In the long run, it is also cost saving for the state!


Brenda Joyner

CommentID: 218143