Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/25/23  11:31 pm
Commenter: Shm

Parents as attendants continuation for under 18

With a child experiencing qualifying medical diagnoses for Medicaid, often times assistance is needed to maintain the child’s medical needs and safety. Parents know this best and should have the right to choose the attendant best suited for the medical and daily care. Attendants that live elsewhere can bring in compromising health factors for the qualifying child so services needed should have the option for parents to provide (if they so choose or are able)

please listen to the constituents of your state— keep parents as attendants as an available option and keep virtual visits by outsiders for service facilitator/care coordinators an option. Bringing outsiders into the home and lives of the child should be the decision of the parents. Thank you

CommentID: 218138