Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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3/30/23  11:57 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Please do not change the parental and legal guardian program

To many parents sacrifice for their child with disabilities, even when they work with the child in the home. They need support and not additional restrictions. Capping their services by limiting their hours to 40 hrs. a week and taking their respite hours does not help them. Too many parents need additional supports, not a reduction in services forcing them to be under an agency.  Currently, there are facilitators and case managers who currently continues to give oversight within the current Consumer Direct Care program. Additional steps to make it more challenging for the families and children with disabilities it hinders the program. 

Please do not make it harder for parents to care for their children. Do not make it harder by making everyone go to an agency, remove respite and cap their hours at 40hrs.  They need additional support and not additional regulations which prevents the family and the child from living their best lives. 

CommentID: 215886