Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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3/30/23  4:45 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Concerned parent

I can’t even believe I’m having to defend this. My son is on the autism spectrum. He’s big. Really big. He’s still in pull ups, and requires medications, therapies, and all assistance in daily living. He can elope, be aggressive, swear, fall down, etc. Please tell me who will do this for $12.70 an hour? I have tried to find people. No one wants to do it. And why would they? My son could overpower most of the people we find. I’ve already been insulted and had his hours cut because I was told a good parent does what I do. A good parent should not have to wipe, bathe, clean feces off the floor, etc for an 11 year old child. I care for him 24/7 because it’s my only choice. I do it in the early morning when he needs assistance with daily living skills until it’s time for school, after school until he goes to bed. In the middle of the night when he wakes up and is trying to run out of the house…the list goes on. Stop denying parents their right to care for their children. There’s plenty of us who are tired but do it because we can’t find anyone. 

CommentID: 215692