Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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3/26/23  7:18 pm
Commenter: Cassie Kreiler

Consumer Directed Care/Appendix K Medicaid CCC+ Waiver

I'm writing in light of possible changes to the CCC+ Medicaid waiver directed care options and Appendix K.
Our son is a high school home bound/virtual student with Autism, Seasonal Affective Disorder and sensory issues. My husband and I chose Consumer Directed Care through Moms In Motion instead of Agency Directed Care to find attendants for our son for several reasons. On my Dad's side of the family, there was a child molester. He sexually and physically abused at least three generations before he finally died. He was a pillar in our community and church-very few people knew he was a child predator and believed his victims when they finally spoke out as adults. The affect of his abuse was a cancer to his victims, their children and their children. I was raised to see every person as a potential predator despite a background check, education, or a sparkling application. A background check is only good if someone has been convicted of a crime. How many predators scare their victims into silence? Our son has limited speech and would not be able to tell us if he was abused by an attendant. For these reasons, we chose Consumer Directed Care so we could hire his attendants: they are my Dad and my sister, people we trust fully. Please DO NOT take Consumer Directed Care away. Our son's safety depends on you and your vote. He is not a dollar sign. He is our precious only child and is worth your support and consideration.

Concerning Appendix K, all money coming from hours logged in under Appendix K has been used for the following:
During the pandemic, our son's IEP team discovered he learns best at home. There are fewer distractions; he has had perfect attendance because he has way fewer migraines; due to his body's inability to adhere to normal circadian rhythms (as diagnosed by his pediatrician and documented in his IEP), his education now starts after adequate sleep and adequate transition time from sleep to awake. This is normally between 1-3pm each day. I do the majority of his teaching (I have a B.S. in Biology from Virginia Tech) with the help and guidance of a wonderful special needs Autism teacher. In order for our son to succeed in his education, money that comes from his CCC+ waiver under Appendix K is used to purchase supplies to further his education.
Such supplies have included:
a microscope and slides; rock test kits; countless experiment supplies and kits; fossils and meteorite samples; beakers and pipettes; physics experiment kits; math tools such as analog clocks that help identify the hour, minute and AM/PM; clips and paint sticks for learning skip counting; paid worksheets from Teachers Pay Teachers; Generation Genius account; News2You account; special pencils, paper, Play-doh, fidgets, etc.; a computer for his school use; we purchased the Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy and Intervention book program to continue his progress in reading; we, also, purchased the Articulation Station pro series app to aid in speech therapy given through the school system per our son's IEP; various sized balls and therapy aids used during Occupational Therapy to aid in motor planning, hand writing and to calm stimming.
These are just some of the things we were able to purchase to further our son's education and well being. He has excelled in every subject as is documented by his IEP team in his IEP. He was even recognized by President Biden for a Presidential Academic Award of Academic Excellence. My son-a child with Autism! We could not be more proud of him! We, also, volunteer at our local SPCA. Animals have an amazing impact on children and adults with Autism. My son has benefited greatly by working closely with them at this organization. Appendix K paid for his application fee. He is learning life skills such as cleaning laundry and folding it, cleaning windows and floors, and caring for others in need. Social skills are developing in Andy due to the full acceptance of him by the staff and other volunteers at this loving organization despite his disability. He is excited to volunteer every Wednesday and even proudly showed off his volunteer t-shirt to his aunt, uncle and grandparents, saying, "I volunteer!" This is possible for him because we can afford gas for our car and supplies to clean with through the use of Appendix K.
Please DO NOT take Appendix K away from our son. His academic education and his development of life skills depend on this money. We are a single family income in a time of great inflation.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
The Kreiler Family

CommentID: 213850