The supervisors have already shown their priorities are misplaced resulting in loss of open land and an increase in noise with impact on humans and wildlife. Now you want to give a variance in order to add more noise and the pollution of a diesel fueled generators. And you promise to make the data center monitor the time of use and air pollution - the horse is out of the barn once you pass this variance and your “enforcement” is known to be a slap with a token warning instead of a stop order.
You are the Department of Environmental QUALITY - don’t allow them to operate as they please at the expense of the rest of us humans that value the quality of the environment and have a desire to breath clean air and hear something other than the loud droning of whirring fans to cool all that data flow. You have QUALITY in the title of your department – you can’t give a variance that adds to the already long list of impacts that negatively affects all those around this data center. Why wasn’t their calculation of hourly energy need part of the original plans that went through review before construction started?
Enough variances. You are already allowing variances to take land that should never have been rezoned to industrial, don't make matters worse by your department falling for the data center pleading they are short of electricity. If the political pressure is upon your back, get a spine and enforce the word “Environmental QUALITY” –require them to use the cleanest energy assist such as install solar panels to cover their needs and their own mistake in understanding their own electric loading issues. Make them rely on solar panels on the immense roof space they have.
You are the DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - act like it. Deny this variance -give more credence to people, air, and animals of these counties than a here today gone tomorrow environmentally negative business. Knowing I'm howling at the moon - so last word - at a minimum, make them use solar and not a loud, dirty, diesel generator.