Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality
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2/26/23  9:15 pm
Commenter: Alexandra Lobo

Do Not Allow Data Centers to Use Dirty Fuel to Power Them

The majority of the citizens did not want these huge data center campuses to begin with but the board of supervisors approved them anyway. Some were approved during the pandemic without the knowledge of the public and others were approved even with many, many  voices of opposition. Now we are being told that we don't have the electricity to fuel them. This poor planning is putting the citizens of this county at risk. I am writing to urge those in power to not allow this. Someone up at the top has to protect all of our  citizens and be better stewards of our environment. Please take a step back from this data center frenzy and plan for a clean future for all of our children.

CommentID: 209108