Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/21/22  10:00 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Cost effective

Has anyone thought about how much money Medicaid is going to end up spending when those medically fragile members get sick and have to go to the doctor, be prescribed medications or be hospitalized? It's more cost effective to keep your members safe from in person visits and viruses. While you may not pay for the mileage for these in person visits, you will end up paying in the long run when people get sick. Our health care system is already overworked with Flu, Covid and RSV. Let's either wait until this season is over and start in person visits in the spring or let it continue to be optional. Some people need to be seen because they don't have a virtual option and some welcome the visits, but not everyone does. It shouldn't be a one size fits all. These past few years have shown that virtual works just as good if not better. It's much easier for all involved to reschedule a virtual visit because someone is sick than an in person visit. Keep virtual visits!!

CommentID: 206766