Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/20/22  3:53 pm
Commenter: Donna M Patchett

Keep Option of Virtual Service Facilitator Meetings

Virtual service facilitator visits are efficient, cost effective, and are appropriate to meet the needs of my family. My son recently moved into a group home. With virtual visits, he and I can log in from different locations. In-person visits would require me to travel to his home. Our monthly visits typically take less than 15 minutes because his services are in place and his condition and needs are stable. If both the service facilitator and the family agree that virtual visits are effective, this option should be available. In addition, the flexibility of remote work is an important incentive for hiring and retaining service facilitators.

CommentID: 206699