Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/17/22  12:11 am
Commenter: Anonymous

Virtual Visits are Mission Driven and Good Business

Virtual Visits protect the health of clients, their caregivers and their service providers. I have an adult child who is a waiver services recipient. Like many, she has Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome among a constellation of other clinical health challenges. We were disinfectant wiping and spraying and masking our way through life pre-COVID.  There is no mission driven reason to jeopardize her health by exposing her to her wonderful service coordinators who would be visiting multiple clients each day and potentially being exposed to pathogens at close range. Such exposures would include persons who have chosen not to vaccinate - or who are unable to vaccinate - against COVID, the flu, etc. Virtual Visits have worked beautifully for us. An unexpected outcome of Virtual Visits has been increased access to our Service Providers. They are able to be much more available and provide rapid response to questions and concerns. I can only conclude that this is because they are not spending hours driving. I can also only expect that they also enjoy being more available and they also appreciate not spending more time driving to meet with a client than they spend with the client once they arrive. We know that many of the persons providing care to waiver clients are older as are those serving to provide natural supports. These people are at highest risk for severely negative outcomes from COVID and other infections. The candidate pool for Personal Care Attendants has always been very limited and is even more so now. Anything that can be done to keep all those serving and supporting clients in every capacity healthy must of course be done. No matter what, perhaps the height of the flu season is the wrong time to end Virtual Visits. 

CommentID: 206638