Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/16/22  6:21 pm
Commenter: Leslie Mcclary

I do not agree with the face to face service facilitator visits

I am a 43 year old immune compromised individual with a total of 13 various diseases. I am on the CCC plus waiver and receive 8 hours of care a day. I am bedridden and rely 100% on someone someone to take care of me. I am having a very hard time finding caregivers and currently only have one. I am writing this to request face to face service facilitator monthly meetings not take place because this is definitely jeopardizing not only my health but that of my caregiver. I also have a son on the DD waiver who also receives 8 hours of care daily. He has only been home from the hospital a week and a half from a 4-day stay with covid. This is the third time we have had covid outbreaks. I almost lost my life to covid in January of this year when I developed pneumonia and had to be hospitalized. I am considering refusing allowing my service facilitator who I love dearly to enter my home because I am just simply scared. I do not know how many clients each service facilitator has but it is too big of a breast to my dire health to allow people into my home at this time. I have no immune system and cannot fight even the most minuscule of illnesses. I believe that virtual meetings are just as efficient and I am baffled as to why they are no longer going to be accepted when we are still very much so being affected by the pandemic. It is not fair to put myself and other people who are severely compromised in such danger. I think this is very neglectful and just flat out insanity. I will not accept anyone into my home has the potential to end my life accidentally. I am requesting you please stop this nonsense and think about the people. 

Thank you 

Leslie Mcclary 





CommentID: 206625