Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/13/22  3:49 pm
Commenter: Paul Brown

Don't discourage care for those in need.

While virtual appointments help many, there may be some that need personal attention. But the fact is that workers are not being compensated for their travel (gas for example) and thus it discourages care for those in difficult to reach locations. Keeping virtual is very important but for any that do need an actual visit it is wrong to disincentivize the workers from taking appointments that are not only a hassle but expensive for them. 

Please keep the virtual appointments and pay workers for their travel when necessary. 

CommentID: 206588