Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/8/22  11:41 pm
Commenter: Frances Nelson

Virtual Visits For Medicaid Waiver Recipients

Please continue to allow families to have virtual visits with their service facilitators. Medically vulnerable and immunosuppressed families like mine deserve the right to make the decisions to keep our families safe. Requiring in home care (especially with no mask mandate) puts our health and lives at serious risk. We do not get the same protection from any vaccine that people with a fully functioning immune system obtain. The common cold can leave us ill for weeks leading to terrible co-infections. The same is true of all of the viruses going around right now, but it's worse for us because these are more severe viruses i.e. SarsCov2, Influenza, RSV, Strep, etc. 

We are begging you to not put our child and family in this extremely dangerous situation. We have successfully avoided SarsCov2 (COVID) via getting vaccinated and boosted, high quality N95 masks, elastomeric masks, and self isolation. My child's diagnosis puts him at a thirty percent plus mortality rate if he were to contract SarsCov2 and a huge risk for further disability. 

CommentID: 206552