Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/6/22  3:57 am
Commenter: Lisa Charles

ADA and Reasonable Accommodations

My child was on homebound schooling because he was not medically stable enough. In 2017, he returned to in-person schooling.  By 2019, in ONE CALENDAR YEAR he had ELEVEN hospitalizations. Since March 2020, he has had a total of TWO. The substantial reduction in hospitalizations is because he's not exposed to common illnesses. It is unequivocal virtual visits work for both families and service facilitators. My son has multiple chronic medical complexities. He is immune compromised and has severe pulmonary, neurological, endocrine, and GI disorders. It is unconscionable to take away the option of virtual visits. Families such as mine have gone to great lengths to keep our children safe. I work from home and homeschool my children. If my son catches the common cold, that could be life threatening. The structure of a service facilitator is to visit as many families as possible, as they are paid per visit. I am beyond uncomfortable having someone outside of our household come into our house, especially when their job description is meeting with a spectrum of families who may not adhere to the same safety standards as we do. 

Considering there is legitimate risk, the ADA should apply here.

Reasonable Accommodations should be granted:                                                                           1- Service facilitators wear a mask (not cloth)                                                                                 2- Washes hands with soap and water (no Purell)                                                                       3- Takes shoes off or places disposable booties over shoes (we don't wear shoes inside)     4- Ask if they are currently or recently been sick (if yes, they need to reschedule) 

Service facilitators are coming into my home. My home is not a public space. 

CommentID: 206505