Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Charitable Gaming
Charitable Gaming Regulations [11 VAC 20 ‑ 20]
Action Promulgation of Charitable Gaming Regulations by Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, including electronic gaming provisions
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 11/23/2022
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11/22/22  4:07 pm
Commenter: William Chan

Opposition to Changes Regarding Charitable Gaming Authorization for Electronic Gaming

I am writing in opposition to 11VAC20-20-40 Section K, mandating that 40% of its electronic gaming adjusted gross receipts be given to charity. This mandate, if implemented would effectively force, our post to close. Our American Legion Post relies on these proceeds to be able to keep our doors open. Our post is not a club, but a Veterans Service Organization providing a safe meeting space for Veterans as well as a home away from home for thousands of sailors, soldiers and airmen who are stationed in the area away from home. The post also provides assistance to Veterans in filing claims for benefits and other services, helping take the strain off the overwhelmed staff of both the Veterans Administration and the Virginia Department of Veterans Services. The proposed changes will negatively impact the Veteran and Active duty population who live in this area, where organizations like ours are among the few places where Veterans can not only feel at ease, but get assistance that they need. This regulation is reckless and will further erode the ties that bind communities together, when, more than ever, they need to be strengthened.

I ask you to reconsider this piece of legislation. This will hurt not only the local organization or Post, but it will have affects with Active Military, Veterans, their families, the youth, and the local communities that my Post and other groups serve. Thank you for your time in this matter. 

CommentID: 205970