Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for the Immunization of School Children [12 VAC 5 ‑ 110]
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11/15/22  9:11 pm
Commenter: Claude, CCM

No new vaccines to our children

As a Parent of a Childhood Schedule Vaccine - I Demand You SAY NO to ANY NEW Vaccines for Children.


Each of you know the risks of adverse reactions are stronger than the risk the children catch any of these illnesses.


Not to mention there's 10-100x stronger risk of suffering/death from the Vaccines NOT the Illness you're vaccinating against.


The CDC is Privately Owned - has an Agenda to Make Money and have You be Dependent on their "Advice".


Stop this Cycle of Malpractice under the guise of the government taking care of it's citizens.


ENOUGH - SAY NO to ADDING ANY NEW VACCINE to the Childhood Vaccine Schedule.



Thank you!

CommentID: 205396