Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems [12 VAC 5 ‑ 613]
Action Action to Adopt Regulations for Alternative Onsite Sewage Systems
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 2/4/2011
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2/4/11  2:12 pm
Commenter: Bob Willoughby, AOSE, Va. Beach

12VAC5-613-170 O & M Manual

B. The O & M Manual should be provided to the owner by the O & M Provider at the time the service agreement is initiated and a relationship established. At the time of the Start-Up Inspection, I, the AOSE, require an O & M Provider be there to establish a relationship with the owner. We believe that all AOSE's do this as well.

C. All of these requirements are provided in the AOSE permit which the owner has a copy of. The only possible thing not in a typical AOSE permit is " information for replacement parts for each unit process.". Why does a homeowner need this information? The O & M Provider and the Installer have all this information and I believe they are the only people, by law, that are allowed to work on and maintain these systems.

Here is an example of how some local health departments are going overboard with this requirement:

1. A local EHS held up a closing on a house because we didn't provide "the contact information for replacement parts for each unit process to the owner". The owner was so mad at the health department he was on his way to complain to City Council. He couldn't move into his house because the health department was demanding he be given information that he DID NOT want nor care about. His exact words "That's why I signed a contract and paid someone to maintain my system!!" 

In regards to requiring all this information be given to homeoweners, the State Health Department informed me that I should consider this the same as having an owners manual for my truck. So I got my truck owners manual out and everywhere it mentioned replacing parts or fixing problems, it states that I should contact an authorized mechanic to make any repairs.

CommentID: 15051