Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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10/6/21  8:59 pm
Commenter: Stephen Grammer


Agencies need to make an reasonable accommodation for the DSPs to give all medications to clients who cannot do it themselves.  Theres needs to be clarification and word changing to the policy on agency-directed and consumer-directed that allow personal attendants to administer medications.  Also, there should be clarification between medication moniotring and administration.  If attendants are not allowed to give medications that puts people with disabilities at risk of being forced to go to a nursing home which violates ADA rights to live in the least restrictive environment possible. 


We really should not be forced to have a CSB for case management.  This takes away our freedom to choose the Case Manager that we would like to have.  People with disabilities are supposed to live in the least restrictive environment possible, and have a life like yours.  Forcing us to have a CSB violates our freedom of choice.

CommentID: 104940