Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for the Immunization of School Children [12 VAC 5 ‑ 110]
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9/28/21  9:32 am
Commenter: Anonymous

No to vaccine mandates

According to the CDC website COVID (as of last night) currently has a recovery rate of 98% I personally believe this number is actually higher because I have heard of way too many reports of deaths being blamed on covid. (I.E. you get in a car accident and test positive for COVID your death is due to COVID NOT the car accident). 

The government SHOULD NOT be able to force something on ANYONE. My son has a medical exemption with regards to vaccines because his doctors and I determined getting a vaccine would be detrimental to his health. But his DOCTORS were the ones to make that decision NOT government officials. To the original poster, I understand you asked for medical exemptions to be taken into consideration, thank you. However it is my body my choice or in this instance I am the mother therefore I get to determine what is best for MY child. This should be the case for everyone no matter the situation. 

I urge everyone to get off main stream media because they are the ones feeding all of these skewed statistics. Look at the many many reports being made by doctors, virologists, etc that are NOT paid by the vaccine industry and listen to what they are saying. The latest argument for this has been that the unvaccinated are the ones that are in the hospitals, these numbers are also skewed. A patient cannot be counted as fully vaccinated until after 14 days of receiving the vaccine, until then they are counted as unvaccinated. 

Additionally if you look at VAERS data you may think twice about getting this vaccine or how about searching social media for the thousands upon thousands of people reporting side effects and death from the vaccine that are NOT reported in VAERS. Many medications and vaccines before this have been pulled from the shelves for FAR less contraindications/deaths. Most doctors will only say it is a coincidence because they have been threatened with this licenses for going against what is being reported to us. 

Additionally this vaccine is still in an experimental phase. You can look up their so called “approval”. The current vaccine has NOT been approved, go ahead do a little digging. Forcing vaccines would be against the Nuremberg Code. You can also look at countries like Sweden who went against the mandates from the beginning and their statistics are incredibly low. Mandating masks is killing everyone’s immune system. The “follow the science” line is getting pretty old when the “science” is misrepresented to follow along with what the government wants. 

In summary, DO NOT impose medical procedures on ANYONE!!!


CommentID: 100205