Description |
The purpose of the proposed regulation is to reduce/eliminate employee injuries and fatalities by considering for adoption a comprehensive regulation to address non-logging, arborist/tree trimming and cutting operations on residential and commercial work sites.
State Authority |
Code of Virginia, ยง40.1-22
Federal Authority |
The federal OSH Act of 1970 (P.L.91-596)
Exempt from APA |
No, changes to this chapter are subject to the Administrative Process Act.
Text of Regulation |
Link to Virginia Administrative Code |
Goals of Regulation |
There is currently no specific regulatory standard that applies to arborist/tree trimming operations. One goal of this regulation is to address the hazards associated with tree trimming operations. A second goal is to prevent fatalities and injuries among workers in the arborist industry who work in tree trimming operations.
Meetings |
See all meetings (5) relating to this chapter.