Proposed Text
Part I
General Provisions
12VAC30-141-10. Definitions.
The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Act" means the Social Security Act.
"Adult caretaker relative" or "caretaker
relative" means an individual who is age 18 or older, who is not the
parent of, but who is related to, the child by blood or marriage, and who lives
with and assumes responsibility for day-to-day care of the child in a place of
residence maintained as his or their own home.
"Adverse action," consistent with 42 CFR 457.1130, means the denial of eligibility; failure to make a timely determination of eligibility; suspension or termination of enrollment, including disenrollment for failure to pay cost sharing; or delay, denial, reduction, suspension, or termination of health services, in whole or in part, including a determination about the type or level of services; and failure to approve, furnish, or provide payment for health services in a timely manner; provided, however, that determination of eligibility to participate in and termination of participation in the FAMIS Select program shall not constitute an adverse action.
"Adverse benefit determination," consistent with 42 CFR 438.400, means the denial or limited authorization of a requested service; the failure to take action or timely take action on a request for service; the reduction, suspension, or termination of a previously authorized service; denial in whole or in part of a payment for a service; failure to provide services within the timeframes required by the state; for a resident of a rural exception area with only one MCO, the denial of a enrollee's request to exercise the enrollee's right under 42 CFR 438.52(b)(2)(ii) to obtain services outside of the network; the denial of a enrollee's request to dispute a financial liability as provided in 42 CFR 438(b)(7); or the failure of an MCO to act within the timeframes provided in 42 CFR 438.408(b).
"Agency" means a local department of social services, the central processing unit, or other entity designated by DMAS to make eligibility determinations for FAMIS.
"Agency error" means a person or persons received
benefits to which they were not entitled as a result of an error on the part of
an eligibility worker at a local department of social services or the central
processing unit.
"Agent" means an individual designated in writing to act on behalf of a FAMIS Plan applicant or enrollee during the administrative review process.
"Appeal" means an enrollee's request for review of an adverse benefit determination by an MCO or an adverse action by the LDSS, CPU, or DMAS.
"Applicant" means a child who has filed an application (or who has an application filed on his behalf) for child health insurance and is awaiting a determination of eligibility. A child is an applicant until his eligibility has been determined.
"Application for health insurance" means the form
or forms developed and approved by the Department of Medical Assistance
Services that are used for determining eligibility for Family Access to Medical
Insurance Security Plan (FAMIS), FAMIS Plus (Children's Medicaid), for Medicaid
for pregnant women, and for FAMIS MOMS single streamlined application
for determining eligibility in public health insurance programs operated by the
"Authorized representative" means a person, 18
years of age or older, who is authorized to conduct the personal or
financial affairs for an individual who is 18 years of age or older.
"Board" or "BMAS" means that policy
board created by § 32.1-324 of the Code of Virginia to administer the plans
established by the Social Security Act.
"CMSIP" means that original child health
insurance program that preceded FAMIS.
"Central processing unit" or "CPU" means Cover
Virginia, which is the private contractor that will determine
eligibility for and administer part of the Family Access to Medical Insurance
Security Plan or FAMIS centralized entity supported by DMAS to accept
and act on applications for health insurance.
"Child" means an individual under the age of younger
than 19 years of age.
"Competent individual" means a person who has not
been judged by a court to be legally incapacitated.
"Comprehensive health insurance coverage" means
health benefits coverage, which includes the following categories of services
at a minimum: inpatient and outpatient hospital services; physician's surgical
and medical services; and laboratory and radiological services.
"Creditable health coverage" means coverage that meets the definition in 42 CFR 457.10.
"Conservator" means a person appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction to manage the estate and financial affairs of an incapacitated individual.
"Continuation of enrollment coverage"
means ensuring an enrollee's benefits are continued until completion of the
review process, with the condition that should the enrollee not prevail in the
review process, the enrollee shall be liable for the repayment of all benefits
received during the review process.
"Director" means the individual, or his designee, specified in § 32.1-324 of the Code of Virginia with all of the attendant duties and responsibilities to administer the State Plan for Medical Assistance and the State Plan for FAMIS.
"DMAS" or "department" means the Department of Medical Assistance Services.
"Eligibility worker" means an individual who, under supervision, applies regulations, policies, and procedures to determine eligibility for public assistance programs, including FAMIS and FAMIS MOMS.
"Enrollee" means a child who has been determined eligible to participate in FAMIS and is enrolled in the FAMIS program.
"Ex parte review" means the review of administratively available information pertinent to the application or renewal process, conducted by eligibility staff, in order to expediently process the applicant's renewal without seeking that information from the applicant.
"External quality review organization" means the independent contractor assigned by DMAS to handle quality reviews and to conduct final review of MCHIP adverse actions for FAMIS.
"Family" means parents, including adoptive and
stepparents, and their children under the age of 19, who are living in the same
household. Family shall not mean grandparents, other relatives, or legal
"Family," when used in the context of the FAMIS
Select component, means a unit or group that has access to an a
private or employer's group health plan. Thus, it includes the policyholder
or employee and any dependents who can be covered under the employer's
"Family income" means the total income of all
family members in a household. Income includes, but is not necessarily limited
to, before-tax earnings from a job, including cash, wages, salary, commissions,
tips, self-employment net profits, Social Security, Retirement Survivor
Disability Insurance (RSDI), veterans benefits, Railroad Retirement, disability
workers' compensation, unemployment benefits, child support, alimony, spousal
support, pensions, retirement benefits, settlement benefits, rental income, and
lottery/bingo winnings. Income excludes public assistance program benefits such
as SSI and TANF payments, foster care payments, general relief, loans, grants,
or scholarships for educational expenses or earned income of a child who is a
"FAMIS" means the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan.
"FAMIS Select" means an optional program available to children determined eligible for FAMIS, whereby DMAS provides premium assistance to the family to cover the child through a private or employer-sponsored health plan instead of directly through the FAMIS program.
"Federal poverty level" or "FPL" means that income standard as published annually by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the Federal Register.
"Fee-for-service" means the traditional Medicaid health care delivery and payment system in which physicians and other providers receive a payment for each unit of service they provide.
"Fixed premium assistance amount" means a predetermined amount of premium assistance that DMAS will pay per child to a family who chooses to enroll its FAMIS eligible child in a private or employer-sponsored health plan. The fixed premium assistance amount will be determined annually by DMAS to ensure that the FAMIS Select program is cost-effective as compared to the cost of covering a child directly through the FAMIS program.
"Fraud" means an intentional deception or
misrepresentation made by a person with the knowledge that the deception could
result in some unauthorized benefit to himself or some other person. It
includes any act that constitutes fraud under applicable federal or state laws.
"Group health plan" or "health insurance
coverage" means that health care coverage as defined in § 2791 of the
Public Health Services Act (42 USC § 300gg-91(a) and (b)(1)).
"Guardian" means a person appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be responsible for the affairs of an incapacitated individual, including responsibility for making decisions regarding the person's support, care, health, safety, habilitation, education, and therapeutic treatment, and if not inconsistent with an order of commitment, residence.
"Household" means the household composition and follows the federal tax rules through the use of modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) methodology. An individual's household is based upon the tax filing relationships of applicant, persons living with the individual, and those claimed as dependents and as outlined in 42 USC § 435.603(3)(f)(1) through (f)(4),
"Household income" means the sum of MAGI-based income as outlined in 42 USC § 435.603(3)(d) through (3)(e) to include every individual in the household.
"Incapacitated individual" means a person
who, pursuant to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, has been found
to be incapable of receiving and evaluating information effectively or
responding to people, events, or environments to such an extent that the
individual lacks the capacity to (i) meet the essential requirements of his
health, care, safety, or therapeutic needs without the assistance or protection
of a guardian, or (ii) manage property or financial affairs or provide for his
support or for the support of his legal dependents without the assistance or
protection of a conservator.
"Internal appeal" means a request to the MCO by an enrollee, an enrollee's authorized representative, or a provider, acting on behalf of the enrollee and with the enrollee's written consent, for review of an MCO's adverse benefit determination. The internal appeal is the only level of appeal with the MCO and must be exhausted by an enrollee or deemed exhausted according to 42 CFR 438.408(c)(3) before the enrollee may initiate a state fair hearing.
"Lawfully residing" means the individual is lawfully present in the United States.
"Legally emancipated" means that the parents and
child have gone through the court and a judge has declared that the parents
have surrendered the right to care, custody, and earnings of the child and have
renounced parental duties. A married minor is not emancipated unless a court
has declared the married minor emancipated from his parents.
"LDSS" or "local department" means the local department of social services.
"Managed care health insurance plan" or "MCHIP,"
as defined in § 32.1-137.1 of the Code of Virginia, means an arrangement
for the delivery of health care in which a health carrier means under
contract with DMAS for Title XXI delivery systems, undertakes to provide,
arrange and pay for, or reimburse any of the costs of health care services for
a covered person on a prepaid or insured basis, which contains one or more
incentive arrangements, including any credential requirements intended to
influence the cost of the health care services between the health carrier and
one or more providers and requires or creates benefit payment differential
incentives for covered persons to use providers that are directly or indirectly
managed, owned, under contract with, or employed by the health carrier.
"Maternal and child health insurance application"
means the form or forms developed and approved by the Department of Medical
Assistance Services that are used by local departments of social services and
the FAMIS CPU for determining eligibility for Medicaid for poverty-level
children and for the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan (FAMIS).
"Member of a family," for purposes of determining
whether the child is eligible for coverage under a state employee health
insurance plan, means a parent or parents, including stepparents with whom the
child is living if the stepparent claims the child as a dependent on the
employee's federal tax return.
"Managed care organization" or "MCO" means an organization that offers managed care health insurance plans (MCHIPs) as defined in this section.
"Notice of reasonable opportunity" means the written notice that is sent to the applicant to inform the applicant that the applicant must provide verification of citizenship and identity within 90 calendar days.
"Premium assistance" means the portion of the family's cost of participating in a private or employer's health plan that DMAS will pay to cover the FAMIS-eligible children under the private or employer-sponsored plan if DMAS determines it is cost effective to do so.
"Private" or "employer-sponsored health insurance coverage" means a health insurance policy that is either purchased by an individual directly or through an employer. This component of FAMIS refers to the ability of DMAS to provide coverage to FAMIS-eligible children by providing premium assistance to families who enroll the FAMIS-eligible children in a private or employer-sponsored health plan.
"Provider" means the individual, facility or other entity registered, licensed, or certified, as appropriate, and enrolled by an MCHIP or in fee-for-service to render services to FAMIS enrollees eligible for services.
"Supplemental coverage" means coverage provided to
FAMIS-eligible children covered under the FAMIS Select component so that they
can receive all childhood immunizations included in the FAMIS benefits.
"Reasonable opportunity period" means a 90-calendar-day period given to applicants to supply verification of citizenship and identity.
"State fair hearing" means, consistent with 42 CFR 438.400, the process set forth in 42 CFR 431 Subpart E.
"Targeted low-income child" means an uninsured child younger than age 19 years whose household income is within the FAMIS eligibility standards established by the Commonwealth.
"Targeted low-income pregnant woman" means an uninsured pregnant woman whose household income is within the Medicaid or FAMIS MOMS eligibility standards established by the Commonwealth.
"Title XXI" means the federal State Children's Health Insurance Program as established by Subtitle J of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.
"Virginia State Employee Health Insurance Plan"
means a health insurance plan offered by the Commonwealth of Virginia to its
12VAC30-141-20. Administration and general background.
A. The state shall use funds provided under Title XXI for obtaining coverage that meets the requirements for a State Child Health Insurance Plan (also known as Title XXI).
B. The DMAS director will have the authority to contract with
entities for the purpose of establishing a centralized processing site,
determining eligibility, enrolling eligible children into health plans,
performing outreach, data collection, reporting, and other services necessary
for the administration of the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan and
for employing state staff to perform Medicaid eligibility determinations on
children referred by FAMIS staff.
C. Health care services under FAMIS shall be provided through MCHIPs and through fee-for-service or through any other health care delivery system deemed appropriate by the Department of Medical Assistance Services.
12VAC30-141-30. Outreach and public participation.
A. DMAS will work cooperatively with other state agencies and contractors to ensure that federal law and any applicable federal regulations are met.
B. Pursuant to § 32.1-351.2 of the Code of Virginia, DMAS
shall establish an Outreach Oversight Committee (committee) to discuss
strategies to improve outreach activities. The committee members shall be
selected by DMAS and shall be composed of representatives from community-based
organizations engaged in outreach activities, social services eligibility
workers, the provider community, health plans, and consumers. The committee
shall meet on a quarterly basis. As may be appropriate, the committee shall make
recommendations regarding state-level outreach activities, the coordination of
regional and local outreach activities, and procedures for streamlining and
simplifying the application process, brochures, other printed materials, forms,
and applicant correspondence.
C. The board, in consultation with the committee, shall
develop a comprehensive, statewide community-based outreach plan to enroll
children in the FAMIS program and, if so eligible, in Medicaid. The outreach
plan shall include specific strategies for: (i) improving outreach and
enrollment in those localities where enrollment is less than the statewide
average and (ii) enrolling uninsured children of former Temporary Assistance to
Needy Families (TANF) recipients.
D. B. DMAS shall develop a comprehensive
marketing and outreach effort. The marketing and outreach efforts will be aimed
at promoting the FAMIS and Medicaid programs and increasing enrollment,
and may include contracting with a public relations firm, nonprofit
agencies, and foundations; coordination with other state agencies,;
coordination with the business community,; and coordination with
health care associations and providers.
C. DMAS shall ensure consultation by Native American tribes on the development and implementation of enrollment processes and procedures to exempt cost-sharing for American Indian and Alaskan Native children in compliance with 42 CFR 457.120 and 42 CFR 457.125.
Part II
Review Appeal of Adverse Actions
12VAC30-141-40. Review Appeal of adverse actions or
adverse benefit determinations.
A. Upon written request, all FAMIS Plan applicants and
enrollees shall have the right to a review state fair hearing of
an adverse action made by the MCHIP, local department of social
services, CPU, or DMAS and to an internal appeal of an adverse
benefit determination made by an MCO.
B. During review the appeal of a suspension or
termination of enrollment or a reduction, suspension, or termination of
services, the enrollee shall have the right to continuation of coverage if the
enrollee requests review an internal appeal with the MCO or an appeal
to DMAS prior to the effective date of the suspension or termination of
enrollment or suspension, reduction, or termination of services.
C. Review An appeal of an adverse action made by
the local department of social services, CPU, or DMAS shall be heard and
decided by an agent of DMAS who has not been directly involved in the adverse
action under review appeal.
D. Review An internal appeal of an adverse action
benefit determination made by the MCHIP MCO must be
conducted by a person or agent of the MCHIP MCO who has not been
directly involved in the adverse action benefit determination
under review appeal.
E. After final review by the MCHIP, Pursuant to 42
CFR 438.402(c)(1)(B), after exhausting the MCO's internal appeals process,
there shall also be opportunity for final independent the
enrollee to request an external medical review by the an
independent external quality review organization. The review is optional
and shall not be required before proceeding to a state fair hearing. The review
shall not extend any of the timeframes for issuing a decision and shall not
disrupt any continuation of coverage granted to the enrollee.
F. There will be no opportunity for review appeal
of an adverse action to the extent that such adverse action is based on a
determination by the director that funding for FAMIS has been terminated or
exhausted. There will be no opportunity for review based on which type of
delivery system (i.e., fee-for-service, MCHIP) is assigned. There will be
no opportunity for review appeal if the sole basis for the adverse
action is a state or federal law or regulation requiring an automatic change
that affects all applicants or enrollees or a group of applicants or enrollees
without regard to their individual circumstances. decision is a
provision in the State Plan or in a state or federal law requiring an automatic
change in eligibility or enrollment or is a change in coverage under the health
benefits package that affects all applicants or enrollees or a group of
applicants or enrollees without regard to their individual circumstances.
G. The burden of proof shall be upon the applicant or enrollee to show that an adverse action or adverse benefit determination is incorrect.
H. At no time shall the MCHIP's, local department's
department of social services, the CPU's, or DMAS' MCO, CPU,
or DMAS failure to meet the time frames timeframes set in
this chapter or set in the MCHIP's MCO or DMAS' DMAS
written review appeal procedures constitute a basis for granting
the applicant or enrollee the relief sought.
I. Adverse actions related to health benefits covered through
the FAMIS Select program shall be resolved between the insurance company or
employer's plan and the FAMIS Select enrollee, and are not subject to
further review appeal by DMAS or its contractors. Adverse
actions made by an MCHIP, the local department of social services, the CPU, or
DMAS shall be subject to the review process set forth in Part II
(12VAC30-141-40 et seq.) of this chapter.
12VAC30-141-50. Notice of adverse action or adverse benefit determination.
A. The local department of social services, the CPU, or
DMAS shall send written notification to enrollees at least 10 calendar days
prior to suspension or termination of enrollment.
B. DMAS or the MCHIP MCO shall send written
notification to enrollees at least 10 calendar days prior to reduction,
suspension, or termination of a previously authorized health service.
C. The local department of social services, the CPU,
DMAS, or the MCHIP MCO shall send written notification to
applicants and enrollees of all other adverse actions within 10 calendar days
of the adverse action.
D. Notice shall include the reasons for determination, an
explanation of applicable rights to a review of that determination, the
standard and expedited time frames for review, the manner in which a review can
be requested, and the circumstances under which enrollment or services may
continue pending review.:
1. The determination the LDSS, CPU, DMAS, or MCO has made or intends to make;
2. The reasons for the determination, including the right of the enrollee to be provided, upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to and copies of all documents, records, and other information relevant to the determination;
3. An explanation of applicable rights to request an appeal of that determination. For adverse benefit determinations by an MCO, this shall include information on the MCO's internal appeal process and, after the internal appeal process is exhausted, a state fair hearing pursuant to 42 CFR 402(b) and 42 CFR 402(c);
4. The procedure for exercising these appeal rights;
5. The circumstances under which an appeal process can be expedited and how to request it; and
6. The circumstances under which enrollment or services may continue pending appeal, how to request benefits be continued, and the circumstances, consistent with state policy, under which the enrollee may be required to pay the costs of these services.
12VAC30-141-60. Request for review appeal.
A. Requests for review internal appeal of MCHIP
MCO adverse actions benefit determinations shall be
submitted orally or in writing to the MCHIP MCO. Unless
the enrollee requests an expedited appeal, an oral appeal request must be
followed by a written appeal request. The enrollee must exhaust the MCO's
internal appeals process before appealing to DMAS.
B. If the MCO fails to adhere to the notice or timing requirements set forth in this part, the enrollee is deemed to have exhausted the MCO's internal appeals process and may initiate a state fair hearing.
C. Requests for review appeal of adverse
actions made by the local department of social services, the CPU, or
DMAS or of internal appeal decisions by the MCO shall be submitted in
writing to DMAS.
C. D. Any written communication clearly
expressing a desire to have an adverse action benefit determination
by an MCO reviewed shall be treated as a request for review an
internal appeal. Any communication expressing a desire to have an
adverse action by the LDSS, CPU, or DMAS reviewed shall be treated as a request
for a state fair hearing. Any communication expressing a desire to have an
MCO's internal appeal decision reviewed shall be treated as a request for a
state fair hearing.
D. E. To be timely, requests for review internal
appeal of a MCHIP an MCO's adverse benefit determination
shall be received by the MCHIP MCO no later than 30 60
calendar days from the date of the MCHIP's MCO's notice of
adverse action benefit determination.
E. F. To be timely, a request for an appeal of an
adverse benefit determination upheld in whole or in part by the MCO's internal
appeal decision shall be received by DMAS within 120 calendar days from the
date of the internal appeal decision.
G. To be timely, requests for review appeal
of a local department of social services, DMAS, or CPU determination
adverse action shall be filed with DMAS no later than 30 calendar days
from the date of the CPU's, LDSS' or DMAS' notice of adverse action.
Requests for review appeal of a local department of social
services, DMAS, or CPU an agency determination shall be considered
filed with DMAS on the date the request is postmarked, if mailed, or on
the date the request is received, if delivered other than by mail, by
12VAC30-141-70. Review Appeal procedures.
A. At a minimum, the MCHIP review MCO internal
appeal shall be conducted pursuant to written procedures as defined in §
32.1-137.6 of the Code of Virginia and as may be further defined by DMAS
42 CFR 438.400 et seq. Such procedures shall be subject to review and
approval by DMAS.
B. Any adverse benefit determination upheld in whole or in part by the internal appeal decision issued by the MCO may be appealed by the enrollee to DMAS in accordance with the DMAS client appeals regulations at 12VAC30-110-10 through 12VAC30-110-370. DMAS shall conduct an evidentiary hearing in accordance with the 12VAC30-110-10 through 12VAC30-110-370 and shall not base any appealed decision on the record established by any internal appeal decision of the MCO. The MCO shall comply with the DMAS appeal decision. The DMAS decision in these matters shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal by the MCO.
The DMAS review C. Appeals of adverse actions by the
LDSS, CPU, or DMAS shall be conducted pursuant to written procedures
developed by DMAS 12VAC30-110.
C. The procedures in effect on the date a particular
request for review is received by the MCHIP or DMAS shall apply throughout the
D. Copies of the procedures shall be promptly mailed provided
by the MCHIP MCO or DMAS to applicants and enrollees upon receipt
of timely requests for review internal appeals or state fair hearings.
Such written procedures shall include but not be limited to the
1. The right to representation by an attorney or other agent of
the applicant's or enrollee's choice, but at no time shall the MCHIP MCO,
local department of social services, DSS, or DMAS be required to obtain or
compensate attorneys or other agents acting on behalf of applicants or
2. The right to timely review of their files and other
applicable information relevant to the review of the internal appeal
or state fair hearing decision;
3. The right to fully participate in the review internal
appeal or state fair hearing process, whether the review internal
appeal or state fair hearing is conducted in person or in writing,
including the presentation of supplemental information during the review
internal appeal or state fair hearing process;
4. The right to have personal and medical information and
records maintained as confidential; and
5. The right to a written final decision within 90 calendar
days of receipt of the request for review, unless the applicant or enrollee
requests or causes a delay.:
a. For internal appeals to the MCO, within 30 calendar days of receipt of the request for an internal appeal; or
b. For state fair hearings, within the time limitations for appeals imposed by federal regulations and as permitted in 12VAC30-110-30;
6. For eligibility and enrollment matters, if the applicant's
or enrollee's physician or health plan determines that the 90-calendar-day
timeframe could seriously jeopardize the applicant's or enrollee's life or
health or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function, an applicant
or enrollee will have the opportunity to request an expedited review
appeal. Under these conditions, a request for review an
expedited appeal shall result in a written final decision within three
business days 72 hours after DMAS receives, the expedited
appeal request from the physician or health plan, with the
case record and information indicating that taking the time for a standard
resolution of the review appeal request could seriously
jeopardize the applicant's or enrollee's life or health or ability to attain,
maintain, or regain maximum function, unless the applicant or enrollee or
his authorized representative causes a delay. requests an extension;
7. For health services matters for FAMIS enrollees receiving services
through MCHIPs, if an MCO:
a. If the enrollee's physician or health plan
determines that the 90-calendar-day 30-calendar-day timeframe for
a standard internal appeal could seriously jeopardize the enrollee's life
or health or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function, an
enrollee will have the opportunity to request an expedited review
internal appeal. Under these conditions, a request for review an
internal appeal shall result in a written decision by the external
quality review organization MCO within 72 hours from the time an
enrollee requests the expedited review internal appeal is
requested, unless the applicant, enrollee, or authorized representative
requests or causes a delay. If a delay is requested or caused by
the applicant, enrollee, or authorized representative, then the
expedited review internal appeal may be extended up to 14
calendar days.
b. If the adverse benefit determination is upheld in whole or in part by the expedited internal appeal decision issued by the MCO, and if the enrollee's physician or health plan determines that the timeframe for a standard appeal to DMAS could seriously jeopardize the enrollee's life or health or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function, and enrollee will have the opportunity to request an expedited appeal to DMAS. Under these conditions, a request for a state fair hearing shall result in a written decision within 72 hours from the time an enrollee requests the expedited appeal, unless the applicant, enrollee, or authorized representative requests a delay. If a delay is requested by the applicant, enrollee, or authorized representative, then the expedited appeal may be extended up to 14 calendar days; and
8. For health services matters for FAMIS enrollees receiving
services through fee-for-service, if the enrollee's physician or health plan
determines that the 90-calendar-day timeframe for a standard appeal
could seriously jeopardize the enrollee's life, health, or ability to
attain, maintain, or regain maximum function, an enrollee will have the
opportunity to request an expedited review. Under these conditions, a
request for review an expedited appeal shall result in a written
decision within 72 hours from the time an enrollee requests the
expedited review appeal is requested, unless the applicant,
enrollee, or authorized representative requests or causes a delay. If a
delay is requested or caused by the applicant, enrollee, or authorized
representative, then expedited review appeal may be extended up
to 14 calendar days.
Part III
Eligibility Determination and Application Requirements
12VAC30-141-100. Eligibility requirements General
conditions of eligibility.
A. This section shall be used to determine eligibility of
children for FAMIS. An LDSS, DMAS, or the CPU determines eligibility for
Title XXI services.
B. FAMIS shall be in effect statewide.
C. Eligible children must: FAMIS serves targeted
low-income children consistent with requirements at 42 CFR 457.310, 42 CFR
457.315, and 42 CFR 457.320.
1. Be determined ineligible for Medicaid by a local
department of social services or be screened by the FAMIS central processing
unit and determined not Medicaid likely;
2. Be under 19 years of age;
3. Be residents of the Commonwealth;
4. Be either United States citizens, United States nationals
or qualified noncitizens;
5. Be uninsured, that is, not have comprehensive health
insurance coverage; and
6. Not be an inpatient in an institution for mental diseases
(IMD), or an inmate in a public institution that is not a medical facility.
D. Income.
1. Screening. All child health insurance applications
received at the FAMIS central processing unit must be screened to identify
applicants who are potentially eligible for Medicaid. Children screened and
found potentially eligible for Medicaid cannot be enrolled in FAMIS until there
has been a finding of ineligibility for Medicaid. Children who do not appear to
be eligible for Medicaid shall have their eligibility for FAMIS determined.
Children determined to be eligible for FAMIS will be enrolled in the FAMIS
program. Child health insurance applications received at a local department of
social services shall have a full Medicaid eligibility determination completed.
Children determined to be ineligible for Medicaid due to excess income will
have their eligibility for FAMIS determined. If a child is found to be eligible
for FAMIS, the local department of social services will enroll the child in the
FAMIS program.
2. Standards. Income standards for FAMIS are based on a
comparison of countable income to 200% of the federal poverty level for the
family size, as defined in the State Plan for Title XXI as approved by the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Children who have income at or
below 200% of the federal poverty level, but are ineligible for Medicaid due to
excess income, will be income eligible to participate in FAMIS.
3. Grandfathered CMSIP children. Children who were enrolled
in the Children's Medical Security Insurance Plan at the time of conversion
from CMSIP to FAMIS and whose eligibility determination was based on the
requirements of CMSIP shall continue to have their income eligibility
determined using the CMSIP income methodology. If their income exceeds the
FAMIS standard, income eligibility will be based on countable income using the
same income methodologies applied under the Virginia State Plan for Medical
Assistance for children as set forth in 12VAC30-40-90. Income that would be
excluded when determining Medicaid eligibility will be excluded when
determining countable income for the former CMSIP children. Use of the Medicaid
income methodologies shall only be applied in determining the financial
eligibility of former CMSIP children for FAMIS and for only as long as the
children meet the income eligibility requirements for CMSIP. When a former
CMSIP child is determined to be ineligible for FAMIS, these former CMSIP income
methodologies shall no longer apply and income eligibility will be based on the
FAMIS income standards.
4. Spenddown. Deduction of incurred medical expenses from
countable income (spenddown) shall not apply in FAMIS. If the family income
exceeds the income limits described in this section, the individual shall be
ineligible for FAMIS regardless of the amount of any incurred medical expenses.
E. Residency. The requirements for residency, as set forth
in 42 CFR 435.403, will be used when determining whether a child is a resident
of Virginia for purposes of eligibility for FAMIS. A child who is not
emancipated and is temporarily living away from home is considered living with
his parents, adult relative caretaker, legal guardian, or person having legal
custody if the absence is temporary and the child intends to return to the home
when the purpose of the absence (such as education, medical care,
rehabilitation, vacation, visit) is completed.
F. United States citizen or nationality. Upon signing the
declaration of citizenship or nationality required by § 1137(d) of the Social
Security Act, the applicant or recipient is required under § 2105(c)(9) to
furnish satisfactory documentary evidence of United States citizenship or
nationality and documentation of personal identity unless citizenship or
nationality has been verified by the Commissioner of Social Security or unless otherwise
G. Qualified noncitizen. The requirements for qualified
aliens set out in Public Law 104-193, as amended, and the requirements for
noncitizens set out in subdivisions 3 b, c, and e of 12VAC30-40-10 will be used
when determining whether a child is a qualified noncitizen for purposes of
FAMIS eligibility.
H. Coverage under other health plans.
1. Any child covered under a group health plan or under
health insurance coverage, as defined in § 2791 of the Public Health Services
Act (42 USC § 300gg-91(a) and (b)(1)), shall not be eligible for FAMIS.
2. No substitution for private insurance.
a. Only uninsured children shall be eligible for FAMIS. A
child is not considered to be insured if the health insurance plan covering the
child does not have a network of providers in the area where the child resides.
Each application for child health insurance shall include an inquiry about
health insurance. Each redetermination of eligibility shall also document
inquiry about current health insurance.
b. Health insurance does not include Medicare, Medicaid,
FAMIS, or insurance for which DMAS paid premiums under Title XIX through the
Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program or under Title XXI through the
SCHIP premium assistance program
D. Each individual covered under the plan shall be:
1. Financially eligible to receive services as established using the methods and standards described in subsection F of this section; and
2. Meet the applicable nonfinancial eligibility conditions.
E. Nonfinancial eligibility conditions.
1. Eligible individuals shall be younger than 19 years of age.
2. Eligible individuals shall be residents of the Commonwealth. A child is considered to be a resident of the Commonwealth under the following conditions:
a. A noninstitutionalized child if capable of indicating intent and who is emancipated or married if the child is living in the state and intends to reside in the state, including without a fixed address;
b. A noninstitutionalized child not described in subdivision E 2 a of this section and who is not in the custody of the state:
(1) Residing in the state, with or without a fixed address; or
(2) The state of residency of the parent or caretaker, in accordance with 42 CFR.435.403(h)(1), with whom the individual resides;
c. An institutionalized child who is not a ward of the state if the state is the state of residence of the child's custodial parent or caretaker at the time of placement;
d. A child who is in the custody of the state regardless of where the child lives; or
e. A child physically located in the state when there is a dispute with one or more states as to the child's actual state of residence.
3. FAMIS eligibility is open to:
a. United States citizens;
b. United States nationals;
c. Qualified noncitizens as defined in § 431 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) (8 USC § 1641) or whose eligibility is required by § 402(b) of PRWORA (8 USC § 1612(b)) and is not prohibited by § 403 of PRWORA (8 USC § 1613);
d. Individuals who have declared themselves to be citizens or nationals of the United States or an individual having satisfactory immigration status, during a reasonable opportunity period pending verification of their citizenship, nationality, or satisfactory immigration status consistent with requirements of §§ 1903(x), 1137(d), and 1902(ee) of the Social Security Act and 42 CFR 435.407, 42 CFR 407, 42 CFR 956, and 42 CFR 457.380.
(1) The reasonable opportunity period begins on and extends 90 calendar days from the date the notice of reasonable opportunity is received by the individual.
(2) An extension of the reasonable opportunity period is allowed if the individual is making a good faith effort to resolve any inconsistencies or obtain any necessary documentation, or the agency determining eligibility needs more time to complete the verification process.
(3) The agency will provide benefits to otherwise eligible individuals during the reasonable opportunity period;
e. Lawfully residing in the United States, as provided in § 2107(e)(1)(J) of the Social Security Act (§ 214 of CHIPRA 2009, P.L. 111-3). An individual is considered to be lawfully residing in the United States if the person is:
(1) A qualified noncitizen as defined in 8 USC § 1641(b) and (c);
(2) A noncitizen in a valid nonimmigrant status as defined in 8 USC § 1101(a)(15) or otherwise under the immigration laws (as defined in 8 USC § 1101 (a)(17));
(3) A noncitizen who has been paroled into the United States in accordance with 8 USC § 1182(d)(5) for less than one year, except for an individual paroled for prosecution, for deferred inspection, or pending removal proceedings;
(4) A noncitizen who belongs to one of the following classes;
(a) Granted temporary resident status in accordance with 8 USC § 1160 or 1255a, respectively;
(b) Granted temporary protected status (TPS) in accordance with 8 USC § 1254a and individuals with pending applications for TPS who have been granted employment authorization;
(c) Granted employment authorization under 8 CFR § 274a.12(c);
(d) Family unity beneficiaries in accordance with § 301 of P.L. 101-649, as amended;
(e) Under deferred enforced departure in accordance with a decision made by the President;
(f) Granted deferred action status;
(g) Granted an administrative stay of removal under 8 CFR 241; or
(h) Beneficiary of approved visa petition who has a pending application for adjustment of status;
(5) Is an individual with a pending application for asylum under 8 USC § 1158, for withholding of removal under 8 USC § 1231, or under the Convention Against Torture who:
(a) Has been granted employment authorization; or
(b) Is younger than 14 years of age and has had an application pending for at least 180 calendar days;
(6) Has been granted withholding of removal under the Convention Against Torture;
(7) Is a child who has a pending application for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status as described in 8 USC § 1101(a)(27)(J);
(8) Is lawfully present in American Samoa under the immigration laws of American Samoa; or
(9) Is a victim of severe trafficking in persons, in accordance with the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, P.L. 106-386, as amended (22 USC § 7105(b)).
f. An individual with deferred action under the Department of Homeland Security's deferred action for the childhood arrivals process, as described in the Secretary of Homeland Security's June 15, 2012, memorandum, shall not be considered to be lawfully present with respect to any of the categories in subdivision E 3 e of this section.
4. Eligible individuals shall be uninsured, that is, not have creditable health insurance coverage.
a. Individuals eligible for FAMIS shall not be found eligible or potentially eligible for Medicaid under policies of the State Plan determined through the screening process described at 42 CFR 457.350.
b. Any child covered under a group health plan or under health insurance coverage, as defined in § 2791 of the Public Health Services Act (42 USC § 300gg-91(a) and (b)(1)), shall not be eligible for FAMIS.
(1) FAMIS shall not be a substitution for private insurance.
(2) Only uninsured children shall be eligible for FAMIS. A child is not considered to be insured if the health insurance plan covering the child does not have a network of providers in the area where the child resides. Each application for child health insurance shall include an inquiry about health insurance. Each redetermination of eligibility shall also document inquiry about current health insurance.
(3) Health insurance does not include Medicare, Medicaid, FAMIS, or insurance for which DMAS paid premiums under Title XIX through the Health Insurance Premium Payment Program or under Title XXI through the state children's health insurance program premium assistance program known as FAMIS Select.
5. Residents of an institution. Eligible individuals may not be an inpatient in an institution for mental diseases or an inmate in a public institution that is not a medical facility at the time of the initial eligibility determination or redetermination.
6. Social Security Number.
a. All eligible individuals shall furnish their Social Security Numbers (SSNs), with the following exceptions: (i) individuals refusing to obtain a SSN because of well-established religious objections; (ii) individuals who are not eligible for a SSN; or (iii) individuals who are issued a SSN only for a valid nonwork purpose.
b. DMAS or its designee shall:
(1) Assist individuals who are required to provide their SSN to apply for or obtain an SSN from the Social Security Administration if the individuals do not have or forgot their SSNs;
(2) Inform individuals required to provide their SSNs (i) by what statutory authority the number is required to be provided; and (ii) how the Commonwealth will use the SSN;
(3) Verify each SSN furnished by applicants or beneficiaries with the Social Security Administration; and
(4) Not deny or delay services to an otherwise eligible applicant pending issuance or verification of the individual's SSN by the Social Security Administration.
c. The utilization of the SSN is consistent with §§ 205 and 1137 of the Social Security Act and the Privacy Act of 1974.
d. DMAS requests nonapplicant household members to voluntarily provide their SSNs. When requesting an SSN for nonapplicant household members, DMAS (i) informs the nonapplicant that this information is voluntary and provides information regarding how the SSN will be used and (ii) uses the SSN for determination of eligibility for Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) or other insurance affordability programs or for a purpose directly connected with the administration of the state plan.
F. Financial eligibility.
1. Screening. All applications shall have a Medicaid income eligibility screen completed. Children determined to be ineligible for Medicaid due to excess income will have their eligibility for FAMIS determined.
2. Standards.
a. The Commonwealth shall apply modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) methodologies for all separate CHIP covered groups, consistent with 42 CFR 457.315 and 435.603(b) through (i). FAMIS shall be available for targeted low-income children. Income standards shall be applied statewide. Children from birth to age 19 years who have income above the Medicaid-eligible limit at or below 200% of the federal poverty level, with a 5% income disregard, shall be income eligible to participate in FAMIS.
b. In determining family size for the eligibility determination of other individuals in the household that includes a pregnant woman, the pregnant woman is counted just as herself.
c. Financial eligibility is determined consistent with the following provisions:
(1) For new applicants, financial eligibility is based on the monthly income and family size.
(2) When determining eligibility for current beneficiaries, financial eligibility is based on current monthly household income and family size.
(3) In determining current household income, the agency will use reasonable methods to account for current income and reasonable prediction of changes in future income or family size.
d. Unless an exception exists, as provided at 42 CFR 457.315 and 42 CFR 435.603(d)(2) through (d)(4), household income is the sum of the MAGI-based income for every person counted in the individual's MAGI household.
3. Spenddown. The Commonwealth shall not apply a spenddown process for FAMIS where household income exceeds the income eligibility limit for FAMIS.
I. G. Eligibility of newborns.
1. If a child otherwise eligible for FAMIS is born within the three months prior to the month in which a signed application is received, the eligibility for coverage is effective retroactive to the child's date of birth if the child would have met all eligibility criteria during that time.
A child born to a mother who is enrolled in FAMIS, under
either the XXI Plan or a related waiver (such as FAMIS MOMS), on the date of
the child's birth shall be deemed eligible for FAMIS for one year from birth
unless the child is otherwise eligible for Medicaid.
2. A child born to a targeted low-income pregnant woman is deemed to have applied for and be eligible for FAMIS or Medicaid until the child turns age one year in accordance with § 2112 of the Social Security Act.
a. The child is deemed to have applied for and been found eligible for FAMIS or Medicaid, as appropriate, as of the date of the child's birth and remains eligible without regard to changes in circumstances until the child's first birthday.
b. DMAS shall cover as a deemed newborn a child born to a mother who is covered under Medicaid or CHIP through the authority of the state's § 1115 demonstration on the date of the newborn's birth.
12VAC30-141-110. Duration of eligibility and renewal.
A. The effective date of FAMIS eligibility shall be the date
of birth for a newborn deemed eligible under 12VAC30-141-100 I G.
Otherwise For all other children, the effective date of FAMIS eligibility
shall be the first day of the month in which a signed completed
application was received by either the FAMIS central processing unit or a
local department of social services LDSS or CPU if the applicant met
all eligibility requirements in that month. In no case shall a child's
eligibility be effective earlier than the date of the child's birth.
B. Eligibility for FAMIS will continue for 12 months so long
as the child remains a resident of Virginia and the child's countable income
does not exceed 200% of the federal poverty level. A child born to a mother who
was enrolled in FAMIS, under either the Title XXI Plan or a related
waiver (such as FAMIS MOMS), on the date of the child's birth shall remain
eligible for one year regardless of income unless otherwise found to be
eligible for Medicaid. A change in eligibility will be effective the first of
the month following expiration of a 10-day 10-calendar-day
advance notice. Eligibility based on all eligibility criteria listed in
12VAC30-141-100 C D will be redetermined no less often than
C. Renewal of coverage.
1. Renewal of coverage for individuals whose financial eligibility is based on the applicable modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) standard are performed as follows, consistent with 42 CFR 457.343:
a. Renewal of coverage is completed once every 12 months, and
b. Without requiring information from the individual if able to do so based on an ex parte review of reliable information contained in the individual's account or other more current information available to the agency.
2. If the agency cannot determine eligibility solely on the basis of the ex parte review or otherwise needs additional information to complete the redetermination, the individual is provided with a renewal form that is prepopulated with information contained in the individual's case. The individual shall be allowed 30 calendar days to return the renewal form and the necessary verifications.
If the individual's coverage is canceled because the renewal was not completed (either electronically, by phone, or on paper) or because verifications needed to complete the renewal were not returned, the individual has 90 calendar days after the coverage is canceled to provide the information necessary to complete the renewal without having to file a new application. This 90-calendar-day period is called the reconsideration period. If all necessary information is provided during the reconsideration period and the individual found eligible, enrollment will be restored without any lapse in coverage.
12VAC30-141-120. Children ineligible for FAMIS. (Repealed.)
A. If a child is:
1. Eligible for Medicaid, or would be eligible if he applied
for Medicaid, he shall be ineligible for coverage under FAMIS. A child found
through the screening process to be potentially eligible for Medicaid but who
fails to complete the Medicaid application process for any reason, cannot be
enrolled in FAMIS;
2. An inmate of a public institution as defined in 42 CFR §435.1009,
he shall be ineligible for FAMIS; or
3. An inpatient in an institution for mental disease (IMD)
as defined in 42 CFR §435.1010, he shall be ineligible for FAMIS.
B. If a child's parent or other authorized representative
does not meet the requirements of assignment of rights to benefits or
requirements of cooperation with the agency in identifying and providing
information to assist the Commonwealth in pursuing any liable third party, the
child shall be ineligible for FAMIS.
C. If a child, if age 18, or if under age 18, a parent,
adult relative caretaker, guardian, or legal custodian obtained benefits for a
child or children who would otherwise be ineligible by willfully
misrepresenting material facts on the application or failing to report changes,
the child or children for whom the application is made shall be ineligible for
FAMIS. The child, if age 18, or if under age 18, the parent, adult relative
caretaker, guardian, or legal custodian who signed the application shall be
liable for repayment of the cost of all benefits issued as the result of the
12VAC30-141-150. Application requirements.
A. Availability of program information. DMAS or its designee shall furnish the following information in written form and orally as appropriate to all applicants and to other individuals who request it:
1. The eligibility requirements;
2. Summary of covered benefits;
3. Copayment amounts required; and
4. The rights and responsibilities of applicants and enrollees.
B. Opportunity to apply. DMAS or its designee must afford an
individual, wishing to do so, the opportunity to apply for child health
insurance. Applications for health insurance will be accepted at a
central site designated by DMAS and at local departments of social services
throughout the Commonwealth. Applicants may file an application for child
health insurance by mail, by fax, by phone, via the internet, or in
person at local departments of social services. Applications filed at the
FAMIS CPU can be submitted by mail, by fax, via the Internet, or by phone.
Face-to-face interviews for the program are not required. Eligibility
determinations for FAMIS shall occur at either local departments of social
services or at the, DMAS designated central site, or
the CPU.
C. Application. DMAS or its designee shall require an application from the applicant if the applicant is at least 18 years of age or older, or from a parent, adult relative caretaker, guardian, legal custodian, or authorized representative if the applicant is younger than 18 years of age or the applicant is incapacitated.
1. DMAS employs a single, streamlined application developed by the state and approved by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services in accordance with § 1413(b)(I)(B) of the Affordable Care Act.
2. DMAS may employ an alternative application used to apply for multiple human service programs approved by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, provided that the agency makes readily available the single or alternative application used only for insurance affordability programs to individuals seeking assistance only through such programs.
C. D. Right to apply. An individual who is 18
years of age shall not be refused the right to complete an application for health
insurance for himself and shall not be discouraged from asking for
assistance for himself under any circumstances.
D. E. Applicant's signature. The applicant must
sign state-approved application forms submitted, even if another person fills
out the form, unless the application is filed and signed by the applicant's
parent, adult relative caretaker, legal guardian or conservator,
attorney-in-fact or authorized representative.
E. F. The authorized representative for an
individual 18 years of age or older shall be those individuals as set forth in
F. G. The authorized representative for children
younger than 18 years of age shall be those individuals as set forth in
G. H. Persons prohibited from signing an
application. An employee of, or an entity hired by, a medical service provider
who stands to obtain FAMIS payments shall not sign an application for health
insurance on behalf of an individual who cannot designate an authorized
H. Written application. DMAS or its designee shall require
a written application from the applicant if he is at least 18 years of age or
older, or from a parent, adult relative caretaker, guardian, legal custodian,
or authorized representative if the applicant is less than 18 years of age or
the applicant is incapacitated. The application must be on a form prescribed by
DMAS, and must be signed under a penalty of perjury. The application form shall
contain information sufficient to determine Medicaid and FAMIS eligibility.
I. Assistance with application. DMAS or its designee shall
allow an individual or individuals of the applicant's choice to assist
and represent the applicant in the application process, or a redetermination
renewal process for eligibility, or both.
J. Timely determination of eligibility. The time processing
standards for determining eligibility for child health insurance begin
with the date a signed an application is submitted online, by
telephone, by fax, or received in hard copy either at a local
department of social services LDSS or the FAMIS CPU. An
application for health insurance received at local departments of social
services must shall have a full Medicaid eligibility
determination and, when a child is determined to be ineligible for Medicaid due
to excess income, a FAMIS eligibility determination an eligibility
determination performed, within the same Medicaid established
federal case processing time standards.
Except in cases of unusual circumstances as described
below, an application for health insurance received at the FAMIS CPU and
screened as ineligible for Medicaid, shall have a FAMIS eligibility
determination completed within 10 business days of the date the complete
application was received at the CPU. Applications that are screened as Medicaid
likely will be processed within Medicaid case processing time standards.
1. Unusual circumstances include: administrative or other
emergency beyond the agency's control. In such case, DMAS, or its designee, or
the LDSS must document, in the applicant's case record, the reasons for delay.
DMAS or its designee or the local department of social services must not use
the time standards as a waiting period before determining eligibility or as a
reason for denying eligibility because it has not determined eligibility within
the time standards.
2. Incomplete applications shall be held open for a period
of 30 calendar days to enable applicants to provide outstanding information
needed for an eligibility determination. Any applicant who fails to provide,
within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the initial application, information
or verifications necessary to determine eligibility, shall have his application
for FAMIS eligibility denied.
K. Notice of DMAS', its designee's or the local
department of social services' decision concerning eligibility. DMAS, its
designee or the local department of social services must The determining
agency shall send each applicant a written notice of the agency's/designee's
agency's or designee's decision on his the applicant's
application, and, if approved, his the applicant's
obligations under the program. If eligibility for both FAMIS and
Medicaid is denied, notice must be given concerning the reasons for the
action and an explanation of the applicant's right to request a review of the
adverse actions, as described in 12VAC30-141-50.
L. Case documentation. DMAS, its designee, or the local
department of social services must The determining agency shall
include in each applicant's record all necessary facts to support the decision
on his the applicant's application, and must dispose of
each application by a finding of eligibility or ineligibility, unless (i) there
is an entry in the case record that the applicant voluntarily withdrew the
application and that the agency or its designee sent a notice confirming his
the applicant's decision; or (ii) there is a supporting entry in the
case record that the applicant cannot be located.
M. Case maintenance. All cases approved for FAMIS shall be
maintained at the FAMIS CPU local departments of social services or
another entity designated by DMAS. Children determined by local
departments of social services to be eligible for FAMIS shall have their cases
transferred to the FAMIS CPU for ongoing case maintenance. The FAMIS CPU The
determining agency will be responsible for providing newly enrolled
recipients with program information, benefits available, how to secure services
under the program, a FAMIS handbook, and for processing changes in eligibility
and annual renewals within established time frames timeframes. DMAS
outreach resources may also provide information or assistance to the enrollee.
N. Redetermination Renewal of eligibility. DMAS,
LDSS, or the FAMIS CPU must shall redetermine the
eligibility of enrollees with respect to circumstances that may change at least
every 12 months. During the 12-month period of coverage, enrollees must make
timely and accurate reports if an enrollee no longer resides in the
Commonwealth of Virginia or when changes in income exceed 200% of the federal
poverty level plus a 5.0% income disregard. DMAS or the FAMIS CPU
must The agency responsible for managing the case shall promptly
redetermine eligibility when it receives information about changes in a FAMIS
enrollee's circumstances that may affect eligibility. DMAS or its designee
may assist with documenting changes reported by the enrollee.
O. Notice of decision concerning eligibility. DMAS or the
FAMIS CPU must The agency responsible for managing the case shall
give enrollees timely notice of proposed action to terminate their eligibility
under FAMIS. The notice must meet the requirements of 42 CFR 457.1180.
Part IV
Cost Sharing
12VAC30-141-160. Copayments for families not participating in FAMIS Select.
A. Copayments shall apply to all enrollees in an MCHIP.
B. These cost-sharing provisions shall be implemented with the following restrictions:
1. Total cost sharing for each 12-month eligibility period
shall be limited to (i) for families with incomes equal to or less than 150% of
FPL federal poverty level (FPL), the lesser of (a) $180 and (b)
2.5% of the family's income for the year (or 12-month eligibility period); and
(ii) for families with incomes greater than 150% of FPL, the lesser of $350 and
5.0% of the family's income for the year (or 12-month eligibility period).
2. DMAS or its designee shall ensure that the annual aggregate cost sharing for all FAMIS enrollees in a family does not exceed the aforementioned caps.
3. Families will be required to submit documentation to DMAS or its designee showing that their maximum copayment amounts are met for the year.
4. Once the cap is met, DMAS or its designee will issue a new eligibility card excluding such families from paying additional copays for the 12-month enrollment period.
C. Exceptions to the above cost-sharing provisions:
1. Copayments shall not be required for well-child, well baby, and pregnancy-related services. This shall include:
a. All healthy newborn inpatient physician visits, including routine screening (inpatient or outpatient);
b. Routine physical examinations, laboratory tests, immunizations, and related office visits;
c. Routine preventive and diagnostic dental services (i.e., oral examinations, prophylaxis and topical fluoride applications, sealants, and x-rays);
d. Services to pregnant females related to the pregnancy; and
e. Other preventive services as defined by the department.
2. Enrollees are not held liable for any additional costs, beyond the standard copayment amount, for emergency services furnished outside of the individual's managed care network. Only one copayment charge will be imposed for a single office visit.
3. No cost sharing will be charged to American Indians and Alaska Natives.
12VAC30-141-175. FAMIS Select.
A. Enrollees in FAMIS may, but shall not be required to, enroll in a private or employer-sponsored health plan if DMAS or its designee determines that such enrollment is cost effective, as defined in this section.
B. Eligibility determination. FAMIS children may elect to receive coverage under a health plan purchased privately or through an employer and DMAS may elect to provide coverage by paying all or a portion of the premium if all of the following conditions are met:
1. The children are determined to be eligible for FAMIS;
2. The cost of coverage for the child or children under FAMIS Select is equal to or less than the Commonwealth's cost of obtaining coverage under FAMIS only for the eligible targeted low-income children involved. The cost-effectiveness determination methodology is described in subsection E of this section;
3. The policyholder agrees to assign rights to benefits under the private or employer's plan to DMAS to assist the Commonwealth in pursuing these third-party payments for childhood immunizations. When a child is provided coverage under a private or employer's plan, that plan becomes the payer for all other services covered under that plan; and
4. The policyholder is not under a court order to provide medical support for the applicant child.
C. DMAS will continually verify the child's or children's coverage under the private or employer's plan and will redetermine the eligibility of the child or children for the FAMIS Select component when it receives information concerning an applicant's or enrollee's circumstances that may affect eligibility.
D. Application requirements.
1. DMAS shall furnish the following information in written form and orally, as appropriate, to the families of FAMIS children who have indicated an interest in FAMIS Select:
a. The eligibility requirements for FAMIS Select;
b. A description of how the program operates, the amount of premium assistance available, and how children can move from FAMIS Select into FAMIS if requested;
c. A summary of the covered benefits and cost-sharing requirements available through FAMIS;
d. A guide to help families make an informed choice by comparing the FAMIS plan to their private or employer-sponsored health plan. Such guide shall include a notice to the effect that children covered by FAMIS Select will not receive FAMIS-covered services, but only those health services covered by their private or employer-sponsored health plan, and that the FAMIS Select enrollee shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with their chosen health plan;
e. Information on coverage for childhood immunizations through FAMIS; and
f. The rights and responsibilities of applicants and enrollees.
2. DMAS will provide interested families with applications for FAMIS Select.
3. A An electronic or written application for the
FAMIS Select component shall be required from interested families.
4. DMAS shall determine eligibility for the FAMIS Select component promptly, within 45 calendar days from the date of receiving an application that contains all information and verifications necessary to determine eligibility, except in unusual circumstances beyond the agency's control. Actual enrollment into the FAMIS Select component may not occur for extended periods of time, depending on the ability of the family to enroll in the employer's plan.
5. Incomplete FAMIS Select applications shall be held for a period of 30 calendar days to enable applicants to provide outstanding information needed for a FAMIS Select eligibility determination. Any applicant who, within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the initial application, fails to provide information or verifications necessary to determine FAMIS Select eligibility shall have his application denied.
6. DMAS must send each applicant a written notice of the agency's decision on his application for FAMIS Select and, if approved, his obligations under the program. If eligibility is denied, notice will be given concerning the reasons for the denial.
E. Cost effectiveness. DMAS may elect to provide coverage to
FAMIS children by paying all or a portion of the family's private or
employer-sponsored health insurance premium if the cost of such premium
assistance under FAMIS Select is equal to or less than the Commonwealth's cost
of obtaining coverage under FAMIS only for the eligible, targeted, low-income
child or children involved. Providing premium assistance for the FAMIS-eligible
children may result in the coverage of an adult or other relative/dependent
relative or dependent; however, this coverage shall be solely incidental
to covering the FAMIS child.
1. To ensure that the FAMIS Select program remains cost effective, DMAS will establish a fixed premium assistance amount per child that will be paid to a family choosing to enroll their FAMIS-eligible child in FAMIS Select. The fixed premium assistance amount will be determined annually by:
a. Determining the cost of covering a child under FAMIS. The cost will be determined by using the capitated payment rate paid to MCHIPs, or an average cost amount developed by DMAS;
b. Determining the administrative costs associated with the FAMIS Select program; and
c. Establishing a fixed premium assistance amount that includes administrative costs and is less than or equal to the cost of covering the FAMIS child or children under FAMIS.
DMAS will ensure that the total of the fixed premium assistance amounts for all the FAMIS-eligible children per family do not exceed the total cost of the family's health insurance premium payment for the private or employer-sponsored coverage. If the total fixed premium assistance amounts do exceed the family's premium payment, then the family premium assistance will be reduced by an amount necessary to ensure the premium assistance payment is less than or equal to the family's premium payment.
F. Enrollment and disenrollment.
1. FAMIS children applying for FAMIS Select will receive coverage under FAMIS until their eligibility for coverage under the FAMIS Select component is established and until they are able to enroll in the private or employer-sponsored health plan.
2. The timing and procedures employed to transfer FAMIS
children's coverage to the FAMIS Select component will be coordinated between
DMAS and the CPU agency managing the case to ensure continuation
of health plan coverage.
3. Participation by families in the FAMIS Select component shall be voluntary. Families may disenroll their child or children from the FAMIS Select component as long as the proper timing and procedures established by DMAS are followed to ensure continued health coverage.
G. Premium assistance. When a child is determined eligible for coverage under the FAMIS Select component, premium assistance payments shall become effective the month in which the FAMIS child or children are enrolled in the employer's plan. Payment of premium assistance shall end:
1. On the last day of the month in which FAMIS eligibility ends;
2. The last day of the month in which the child or children lose eligibility for coverage under the private or employer's plan;
3. The last day of the month in which the family notifies DMAS that it wishes to disenroll its child or children from the FAMIS Select component; or
4. On the next business day following a request by the family to immediately transfer the child from FAMIS Select into the FAMIS program. The request must include notification that the child's private or employer-sponsored coverage has been terminated as of the date of transfer and an agreement by the family to return to DMAS the premium assistance payment prorated for that portion of the month in which the child was not enrolled in the private or employer-sponsored plan.
H. Supplemental health benefits coverage will be provided to ensure that FAMIS children enrolled in the FAMIS Select component receive all childhood immunizations available under the FAMIS benefits. FAMIS children can obtain these supplemental benefits through Medicaid providers.
I. Cost sharing. FAMIS Select families will be responsible for all copayments, deductibles, coinsurance, fees, or other cost-sharing requirements of the private or employer-sponsored health plan in which they enroll their children. There is no Title XXI family cost-sharing cap applied to families with children enrolled in FAMIS Select.
There is no copayment required for the supplemental immunization benefits provided through FAMIS.
12VAC30-141-500. Benefits reimbursement.
A. Reimbursement for the services covered under FAMIS fee-for-service and MCHIPs shall be as specified in this section.
B. Reimbursement for physician services, surgical services, clinic
services, prescription drugs, laboratory and radiological services, outpatient
mental health services, early intervention services, emergency services, home
health services, immunizations, mammograms, medical transportation, organ
transplants, skilled nursing services, well baby and well child care, vision
services, durable medical equipment, disposable medical supplies, dental
services, case management services, physical therapy/occupational
therapy/speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, or speech-language
therapy services, hospice services, school-based health services, behavioral
therapy services including but not limited to applied behavior analysis,
and certain community-based mental health services shall be based on the Title
XIX rates.
C. Reimbursement to MCHIPs shall be determined on the basis of the estimated cost of providing the MCHIP benefit package and services to an actuarially equivalent population. MCHIP rates will be determined annually and published 30 days prior to the effective date.
D. Exceptions.
1. Prior authorization is required after five visits in a
fiscal year for physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech
speech-language therapy provided by home health providers and outpatient
rehabilitation facilities and for home health skilled nursing visits. Prior
authorization is required after 26 visits for outpatient mental health
visits in the first year of service and prior authorization is required for
the following nonemergency outpatient procedures: Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
including Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA), Computerized Axial Tomography
(CAT) scans, including Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA), or Positron
Emission Tomography (PET) scans performed for the purpose of diagnosing a
disease process or physical injury. Prior authorization for dental services
will be based on the Title XIX prior authorization requirements for dental
2. Reimbursement for inpatient hospital services will be based on the Title XIX rates in effect for each hospital. Reimbursement shall not include payments for disproportionate share or graduate medical education payments made to hospitals. Payments made shall be final and there shall be no retrospective cost settlements.
3. Reimbursement for outpatient hospital services shall be based on the Title XIX rates in effect for each hospital. Payments made will be final and there will be no retrospective cost settlements.
4. Reimbursement for inpatient mental health services other than by free standing psychiatric hospitals will be based on the Title XIX rates in effect for each hospital. Reimbursement will not include payments for disproportionate share or graduate medical education payments made to hospitals. Payments made will be final and there will be no retrospective cost settlements.
5. Reimbursement for outpatient rehabilitation services will be based on the Title XIX rates in effect for each rehabilitation agency. Payments made will be final and there will be no retrospective cost settlements.
6. Reimbursement for outpatient substance abuse treatment services will be based on rates determined by DMAS for children ages six through 18 years. Payments made will be final and there will be no retrospective cost settlements.
7. Reimbursement for prescription drugs will be based on the Title XIX rates in effect. Reimbursements for Title XXI do not receive drug rebates as under Title XIX.
8. Reimbursement for covered prescription drugs for noninstitutionalized FAMIS recipients receiving the fee-for-service benefits will be subject to review and prior authorization when their current number of prescriptions exceeds nine unique prescriptions within 180 calendar days, and as may be further defined by the agency's guidance documents for pharmacy utilization review and the prior authorization program. The prior authorization process shall be applied consistent with the process set forth in 12VAC30-50-210 A 7.
12VAC30-141-660. Assignment to managed care.
A. Except for children enrolled in the Virginia Birth-Related
Neurological Injury Compensation Program established pursuant to Chapter 50
(§ 38.2-5000 et seq.) of Title 38.2 of the Code of Virginia, all eligible
enrollees shall be assigned in managed care through the department or the
central processing unit (CPU) under contract to DMAS CPU. FAMIS
individuals, during the preassignment period to an MCHIP, shall receive Title
XXI benefits via fee-for-service utilizing a FAMIS card issued by DMAS. After
assignment to an MCHIP, benefits and the delivery of benefits shall be
administered specific to the managed care program in which the individual is
enrolled. DMAS shall contract with MCHIPs to deliver health care services for
infants born to mothers enrolled in FAMIS for the month of birth plus two
additional months regardless of the status of the newborn's application for
FAMIS. If federal funds are not available for those months of coverage, DMAS
shall use state funding only.
1. MCHIPs shall be offered to enrollees in all areas.
2. All enrollees shall be assigned to the contracted MCHIPs.
3. Enrollees Applicants for FAMIS may choose an MCHIP
at the time of application. If a choice is not made at application, enrollees
shall be assigned through a random system algorithm; provided however, all
children within the same family shall be assigned to the same MCHIP.
4. All children enrolled in the Virginia Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Program shall be assigned to the fee-for-service component.
5. Enrolled individuals will receive a letter indicating that they may select one of the contracted MCHIPs that serve such area. Enrollees who do not select an MCHIP as described above, shall be assigned to an MCHIP as described in subdivision 3 of this subsection.
6. Individuals assigned to an MCHIP who lose and then regain eligibility for FAMIS within 60 days will be reassigned to their previous MCHIP.
B. Following their initial assignment to an MCHIP, those enrollees shall be restricted to that MCHIP until their next annual eligibility redetermination, unless appropriately disenrolled by the department.
1. During the first 90 calendar days of managed care assignment, an enrollee may request reassignment for any reason. Such reassignment shall be effective no later than the first day of the second month after the month in which the enrollee requests reassignment.
2. Enrollees may only request reassignment to another MCHIP serving that geographic area.
3. After the first 90 calendar days of the assignment period, the enrollee may only be reassigned from one MCHIP to another MCHIP upon determination by DMAS that good cause exists pursuant to subsection C of this section or for any reason at annual renewal.
C. Disenrollment for good cause, defined in 12VAC30-120-370, may be requested at any time.
1. After the first 90 calendar days of assignment in
managed care, enrollees may request disenrollment from DMAS based on good
cause. The request must be made in writing to DMAS and cite the reasons
why the enrollee wishes to be reassigned. The department shall establish
procedures for good cause reassignment through written policy directives.
2. DMAS shall determine whether good cause exists for reassignment.
Part VII
12VAC30-141-670. Definitions.
The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Act" means the Social Security Act.
"Adult caretaker relative" or "caretaker
relative" means an individual who is 18 years of age or older, who is not
the parent of but who is related to the child applicant by blood or marriage,
and who lives with and assumes responsibility for day-to-day care of the child
applicant in a place of residence maintained as his or their own home.
"Adverse action," consistent with 42 CFR 457.1130, means the denial of eligibility; failure to make a timely determination of eligibility; suspension or termination of enrollment, including disenrollment for failure to pay cost sharing; or delay, denial, reduction, suspension, or termination of health services, in whole or in part, including a determination about the type or level of services; and failure to approve, furnish, or provide payment for health services in a timely manner; provided, however, that determination of eligibility to participate in and termination of participation in the FAMIS Select program shall not constitute an adverse action.
"Adverse benefit determination," consistent with 42 CFR 438.400, means the denial or limited authorization of a requested service; the failure to take action or timely take action on a request for service; the reduction, suspension, or termination of a previously authorized service; denial in whole or in part of a payment for a service; failure to provide services within the timeframes required by the state; for a resident of a rural exception area with only one MCO, the denial of a enrollee's request to exercise the enrollee's right under 42 CFR 438.52(b)(2)(ii) to obtain services outside of the network; the denial of a enrollee's request to dispute a financial liability as provided in 42 CFR 438(b)(7); or the failure of an MCO to act within the timeframes provided in 42 CFR 438.408(b).
"Agency" means a local department of social
services, the central processing unit, or other entity designated by DMAS to
make eligibility determinations for FAMIS MOMS. the same as defined in
"Agency error" means a person or persons received
benefits to which they were not entitled as a result of an error on the part of
an eligibility worker at a local department of social services or the central
processing unit.
"Agent" means an individual designated in writing to act on behalf of a FAMIS MOMS Plan applicant or enrollee during the administrative review process.
"Appeal" means an enrollee's request for review of an adverse benefit determination by an MCO or an adverse action by the LDSS, CPU, or DMAS.
"Applicant" means a pregnant woman who has filed an application (or who has an application filed on her behalf) for health insurance and is awaiting a determination of eligibility. A pregnant woman is an applicant until her eligibility has been determined.
"Application for health insurance" means the form
or forms developed and approved by the Department of Medical Assistance
Services that are used for determining eligibility for Medicaid for poverty
level children, for the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan
(FAMIS) for children, for Medicaid for pregnant women, and for FAMIS MOMS
coverage for pregnant women single streamlined application for
determining eligibility in public health insurance programs operated by the
"Authorized representative" means a person who is authorized to conduct the personal or financial affairs for an individual who is 18 years of age or older.
"Board" or "BMAS" means that policy
board created by § 32.1-324 of the Code of Virginia to administer the plans
established by the Social Security Act.
"Central processing unit" or "CPU" means Cover
Virginia, which is the private contractor that will determine
eligibility for and administer part of the FAMIS MOMS Plan same as
defined in 12VAC30-141-10.
"Child" means an individual under the age of younger
than 19 years of age.
"Competent individual" means a person who has not
been judged by a court to be legally incapacitated.
"Comprehensive health insurance coverage" means
health benefits coverage, which includes the following categories of services
at a minimum: inpatient and outpatient hospital services, physician's surgical
and medical services, and laboratory and radiological services.
"Conservator" means a person appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction to manage the estate and financial affairs of an incapacitated individual.
"Continuation of enrollment coverage"
means ensuring an enrollee's benefits are continued until completion of the
review process, with the condition that should the enrollee not prevail in the
review process, the enrollee shall be liable for the repayment of all benefits
received during the review process.
"Creditable health coverage" means coverage that meets the definition at 42 CFR 457.10.
"Director" means the individual, or his designee, specified in § 32.1-324 of the Code of Virginia with all of the attendant duties and responsibilities to administer the State Plan for Medical Assistance and the State Plan for Title XXI.
"DMAS" or "department" means the Department of Medical Assistance Services.
"Enrollee" means a pregnant woman who has been determined eligible to participate in FAMIS MOMS and is enrolled in the FAMIS MOMS program.
"External quality review organization" means the independent contractor assigned by DMAS to handle quality reviews and to conduct final review of MCHIP adverse actions for FAMIS MOMS.
"Family" for a pregnant woman under the age of
21, means parents, including adoptive parents, if they are all residing
together and the spouse of the pregnant woman if the woman is married and
living with her spouse, as well as any children under the age of 21 the woman
may have.
For a pregnant woman over the age of 21, "family"
means her spouse, if married and living together, as well as any children under
the age of 21 the pregnant woman may have.
"Family income" means the total income of all
family members in a household. Income includes, but is not necessarily limited
to, before-tax earnings from a job, including cash, wages, salary, commissions,
tips, self-employment net profits, Social Security, Retirement Survivor
Disability Insurance (RSDI), veterans benefits, Railroad Retirement, disability
workers' compensation, unemployment benefits, child support, alimony, spousal
support, pensions, retirement benefits, settlement benefits, rental income, and
lottery/bingo winnings. Income excludes public assistance program benefits such
as SSI and TANF payments, foster care payments, general relief, loans, grants,
or scholarships for educational expenses or earned income of a child who is a
"FAMIS" means the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan.
"FAMIS MOMS" means the Title XXI program available to eligible pregnant women.
"Federal poverty level" or "FPL" means that income standard as published annually by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the Federal Register.
"Fee-for-service" means the traditional Medicaid health care delivery and payment system in which physicians and other providers receive a payment for each unit of service they provide.
"Fraud" means an intentional deception or
misrepresentation made by a person with the knowledge that the deception could
result in some unauthorized benefit to herself or some other person. It
includes any act that constitutes fraud under applicable federal or state laws.
"Group health plan" or "health insurance
coverage" means that health care coverage as defined in § 2791 of the
Public Health Services Act (42 USC § 300gg-91(a) and (b)(1)).
"Guardian" means a person appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be responsible for the affairs of an incapacitated individual, including responsibility for making decisions regarding the person's support, care, health, safety, habilitation, education, and therapeutic treatment, and, if not inconsistent with an order of commitment, residence.
"Incapacitated individual" means a person
who, pursuant to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, has been found
to be incapable of receiving and evaluating information effectively or
responding to people, events, or environments to such an extent that the
individual lacks the capacity to (i) meet the essential requirements of her
health, care, safety, or therapeutic needs without the assistance or protection
of a guardian, or (ii) manage property or financial affairs or provide for her
support or for the support of her legal dependents without the assistance or
protection of a conservator.
"Legally emancipated" means that the parents and
child have gone through the court and a judge has declared that the parents
have surrendered the right to care, custody, and earnings of the child and have
renounced parental duties. A married minor is not emancipated unless a court
has declared the married minor emancipated from her parents.
"Lawfully residing" means the individual is lawfully present in the United States and meets state residency requirements.
"LDSS" or "local department" means the local department of social services.
"Managed care health insurance plan" or "MCHIP," as defined in § 32.1-137.1 of the Code of Virginia, means an arrangement for the delivery of health care in which a health carrier under contract with DMAS for Title XXI delivery systems undertakes to provide, arrange and pay for, or reimburse any of the costs of health care services for a covered person on a prepaid or insured basis, which contains one or more incentive arrangements, including any credential requirements intended to influence the cost of the health care services between the health carrier and one or more providers and requires or creates benefit payment differential incentives for covered persons to use providers that are directly or indirectly managed, owned, under contract with, or employed by the health carrier.
"Member of a family," for purposes of determining
whether the applicant is eligible for coverage under a state employee health
insurance plan, means a spouse, parent or parents, including stepparents with
whom the child is living if the stepparent claims the child as a dependent on
the employee's federal tax return.
"Managed care organization" or "MCO" means an organization that offers managed care health insurance plans (MCHIPs) as defined in this section.
"Pregnant woman" means a woman of any age who is medically determined to be pregnant. The pregnant woman definition is met from the first day of the earliest month that the medical practitioner certifies as being a month in which the woman was pregnant, through the last day of the month in which the 60th day occurs, following the last day of the month in which her pregnancy ended, regardless of the reason the pregnancy ended.
"Provider" means the individual, facility, or other entity registered, licensed, or certified, as appropriate, and enrolled by an MCHIP or in fee-for-service to render services to FAMIS MOMS enrollees eligible for services.
"State fair hearing" means, consistent with 42 CFR 438.400, the process set forth in 42 CFR 431 Subpart E.
"Title XXI" means the federal State Children's Health Insurance Program as established by Subtitle J of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997.
"Virginia State Employee Health Insurance Plan"
means a health insurance plan offered by the Commonwealth of Virginia to its
12VAC30-141-680. Administration and general background.
A. The state shall use funds provided under Title XXI for obtaining coverage that meets the requirements of Title XXI of the Social Security Act and any waiver of federal regulations approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
B. The DMAS director will have the authority to contract with
entities for the purpose purposes of establishing a centralized
processing site, determining eligibility, enrolling eligible pregnant women
into health plans, performing outreach, data collection, reporting, and other
services necessary for the administration of the FAMIS MOMS program; and for
employing state staff to perform Medicaid eligibility determinations on
pregnant women referred by the contractor's staff.
C. Health care services under FAMIS MOMS shall be provided through MCHIPs and fee-for-service or through any other health care delivery system deemed appropriate by the Department of Medical Assistance Services.
12VAC30-141-690. Outreach and public participation.
A. DMAS will work cooperatively with other state agencies and contractors to ensure that state and federal law and any applicable state and federal regulations are met.
B. DMAS shall develop a comprehensive marketing and outreach
effort. The marketing and outreach efforts will be aimed at promoting FAMIS
MOMS and Medicaid for pregnant women and increasing enrollment, and may
include contracting with a public relations firm, nonprofit agencies, and
foundations, and coordination with other state agencies, coordination with
the business community, and coordination with health care associations and
12VAC30-141-700. Review Appeal of adverse actions or
adverse benefit determinations.
A. Upon written request, all FAMIS MOMS program
applicants and enrollees shall have the right to a review state fair
hearing of an adverse action made by the MCHIP, local department of
social services, CPU, or DMAS, or an internal appeal of an adverse
benefit determination made by the MCO.
B. During review the appeal of a suspension or
termination of enrollment or a reduction, suspension, or termination of
services, the enrollee shall have the right to continuation of coverage if the
enrollee requests review an internal appeal with the MCO or an appeal
to DMAS prior to the effective date of the suspension or termination of
enrollment or suspension, reduction, or termination of services.
C. Review An appeal of an adverse action made by
the local department of social services, CPU, or DMAS shall be heard and
decided by an agent of DMAS who has not been directly involved in the adverse
action under review appeal.
D. Review An internal appeal of an adverse action
benefit determination made by the MCHIP MCO must be
conducted by a person or agent of the MCHIP MCO who has not been
directly involved in the adverse action benefit determination
under review appeal.
E. After final review by Pursuant to 42 CFR
438.402(c)(1)(B), after exhausting the MCHIP MCO's internal
appeals process, there shall also be opportunity for final
independent the enrollee to request an external medical
review by the an independent external quality review
organization. The review is optional and shall not be required before
proceeding to a state fair hearing. The review shall not extend any of the
timeframes for issuing a decision and shall not disrupt any continuation of coverage
granted to the enrollee.
F. There will be no opportunity for review appeal
of an adverse action to the extent that such adverse action is based on a
determination by the director that funding for FAMIS MOMS has been terminated
or exhausted. There will be no opportunity for review based on which type of
delivery system (i.e., fee-for-service, MCHIP) is assigned. There will be
no opportunity for review appeal if the sole basis for the adverse
action decision is a provision in the State Plan or in a
state or federal law or regulation requiring an automatic change in
eligibility or enrollment or a change in coverage under the health benefits
package that affects all applicants or enrollees or a group of applicants
or enrollees without regard to their individual circumstances.
G. The burden of proof shall be upon the applicant or enrollee to show that an adverse action or adverse benefit determination is incorrect.
H. At no time shall the MCHIP's, local department's of
social services, the CPU's MCO, LDSS, CPU, or DMAS' DMAS
failure to meet the time frames timeframes set in this chapter or
set in the MCHIP's MCO or DMAS' DMAS written review
procedures appeal procedure constitute a basis for granting the
applicant or enrollee the relief sought.
12VAC30-141-710. Notice of adverse action or adverse benefit determination.
contractor shall send written notification to enrollees at least 10
calendar days prior to suspension or termination of enrollment.
B. DMAS or the MCHIP MCO shall send written
notification to enrollees at least 10 calendar days prior to reduction,
suspension, or termination of a previously authorized health service.
C. The local department of social services, the CPU,
DMAS, or the MCHIP MCO shall send written notification to
applicants and enrollees of all other adverse actions within 10 calendar days
of the adverse action.
D. Notice shall include the reasons for determination, an
explanation of applicable rights to a review of that determination, the
standard and expedited time frames for review, the manner in which a review can
be requested, and the circumstances under which enrollment or services may
continue pending review.:
1. The determination the LDSS, CPU, DMAS, or MCO has made or intends to make;
2. The reasons for the determination, including the right of the enrollee to be provided upon request and free of charge reasonable access to and copies of all documents, records, and other information relevant to the determination;
3. An explanation of applicable rights to request an appeal of that determination. For adverse benefit determinations by an MCO, this shall include information on the MCO's internal appeals process and, after the internal appeals process is exhausted, a state fair hearing pursuant to 42 CFR 402(b) and 42 CFR 402(c);
4. The procedures for exercising these appeal rights;
5. The circumstances under which an appeal process can be expedited and how to request it; and
6. The circumstances under which enrollment or services may continue pending appeal, how to request benefits be continued, and the circumstances, consistent with state policy, under which the enrollee may be required to pay the costs of these services.
12VAC30-141-720. Request for review appeal.
A. Requests for review internal appeal of MCHIP
MCO adverse actions benefit determinations shall be
submitted orally or in writing to the MCHIP MCO. Unless
the enrollee requests an expedited appeal, an oral appeal request must be
followed by a written appeal request. The enrollee must exhaust the MCO's
internal appeals process before appealing to DMAS.
B. If the MCO fails to adhere to the notice or timing requirements set forth in this part, the enrollee is deemed to have exhausted the MCO's internal appeals process and may initiate a state fair hearing.
C. Requests for review appeal of adverse
actions made by the local department of social services, LDSS, the
CPU, or DMAS, or of internal appeal decisions by the MCO shall be
submitted in writing to DMAS.
C. D. Any written communication clearly
expressing a desire to have an adverse action benefit determination
by an MCO reviewed shall be treated as a request for review an
internal appeal. Any communication expressing a desire to have an
adverse action by the LDSS, CPU, or DMAS reviewed shall be treated as a request
for a state fair hearing. Any communication expressing a desire to have an MCO
internal appeal decision reviewed shall be treated as a request for a state
fair hearing.
D. E. To be timely, requests for review an
internal appeal of a MCHIP an MCO's adverse benefit
determination shall be received by the MCHIP MCO no later than 30
60 calendar days from the date of the MCHIP's MCO's notice
of adverse action benefit determination.
E. F. To be timely, requests for an appeal of an
adverse benefit determination upheld in whole or in part by the MCO's internal
appeal decision shall be received by DMAS within 120 calendar days from the
date of the internal appeal decision.
G. To be timely, requests for review appeal
of a local department of social services, DMAS, or CPU determination adverse
action shall be filed with DMAS no later than 30 calendar days from the
date of the CPU's, LDSS' or DMAS' notice of adverse action. Requests for
review appeal of a local department of social services, DMAS,
or CPU an agency determination shall be considered filed with DMAS
on the date the request is postmarked, if mailed, or on the date the
request is received, if delivered other than by mail, by DMAS.
12VAC30-141-730. Review Appeal procedures.
A. At a minimum, the MCHIP review MCO internal
appeal shall be conducted pursuant to written procedures as defined in §
32.1-137.6 of the Code of Virginia and as may be further defined by DMAS
42 CFR 438.400 et seq. Such procedures shall be subject to review and
approval by DMAS.
B. Any adverse benefit determination upheld in whole or in part by the internal appeal decision issued by the MCO may be appealed by the enrollee to DMAS in accordance with the DMAS client appeals regulations at 12VAC30-110-10 through 12VAC30-110-370. DMAS shall conduct an evidentiary hearing in accordance with 12VAC30-110-10 through 12VAC30-110-370 and shall not base any appealed decision on the record established by any internal appeal decision of the MCO. The MCO shall comply with the DMAS appeal decision. The DMAS decision in these matters shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal by the MCO.
The DMAS review C. Appeals of adverse actions by the
LDSS, CPU, or DMAS shall be conducted pursuant to written procedures
developed by DMAS 12VAC30-110.
C. The procedures in effect on the date a particular
request for review is received by the MCHIP or DMAS shall apply throughout the
D. Copies of the procedures shall be promptly mailed provided
by the MCHIP MCO or DMAS to applicants and enrollees upon receipt
of timely requests for review internal appeals or state fair hearings.
Such written procedures shall include but not be limited to the
1. The right to representation by an attorney or other agent of
the applicant's or enrollee's choice, but at no time shall the MCHIP, local
department of social services, MCO, LDSS, DSS, or DMAS be required
to obtain or compensate attorneys or other agents acting on behalf of
applicants or enrollees;
2. The right to timely review of their files and other
applicable information relevant to the review internal appeal or
state fair hearing of the decision;
3. The right to fully participate in the review internal
appeal or state fair hearing process, whether the review internal
appeal or state fair hearing is conducted in person or in writing,
including the presentation of supplemental information during the review
internal appeal or state fair hearing process;
4. The right to have personal and medical information and
records maintained as confidential; and
5. The right to a written final decision within 90 calendar
days of receipt of the request for review, unless the applicant or enrollee
requests or causes a delay.:
a. For internal appeals to the MCO, within 30 calendar days of receipt of the request for an internal appeal; or
b. For state fair hearings, within the time limitations for appeals imposed by federal regulations and as permitted in 12VAC30-110-30;
E. 6. For eligibility and enrollment matters, if
the applicant's or enrollee's physician or health plan determines that the
90-calendar-day timeframe could seriously jeopardize the applicant's or
enrollee's life or health or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum
function, an applicant or enrollee will have the opportunity to request an
expedited review appeal. Under these conditions, a request for review
an expedited appeal shall result in a written final decision within three
business days 72 hours after DMAS receives, the expedited
appeal request from the physician or health plan, with the
case record and information indicating that taking the time for a standard
resolution of the review appeal request could seriously
jeopardize the applicant's or enrollee's life or health or ability to attain,
maintain, or regain maximum function, unless the applicant or enrollee or
her authorized representative causes a delay. requests an extension;
F. 7. For health services matters for FAMIS MOMS
enrollees receiving services through MCHIPs, if an MCO:
a. If the enrollee's physician or health plan
determines that the 90-calendar-day 30-calendar-day timeframe for
a standard internal appeal could seriously jeopardize the enrollee's life or,
health, or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function, an
enrollee will have the opportunity to request an expedited review
internal appeal. Under these conditions, a request for review an
internal appeal shall result in a written decision by the external
quality review organization MCO within 72 hours from the time
an enrollee requests the expedited review internal
appeal is requested, unless the applicant, enrollee, or authorized
representative requests or causes a delay. If a delay is requested or
caused by the applicant, enrollee, or authorized representative, then
expedited review internal appeal may be extended up to 14
calendar days.
b. If the adverse benefit determination is upheld in whole or in part by the expedited internal appeal decision issued by the MCO, and if the enrollee's physician or health plan determines that the timeframe for a standard appeal to DMAS could seriously jeopardize the enrollee's life or health or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function, an enrollee will have the opportunity to request an expedited appeal to DMAS. Under these conditions, a request for a state fair hearing shall result in a written decision within 72 hours from the time an enrollee requests the expedited appeal, unless the applicant, enrollee, or authorized representative requests or causes a delay. If a delay is requested by the applicant, enrollee, or authorized representative, then the expedited appeal may be extended up to 14 calendar days; and
G. 8. For health services matters for FAMIS MOMS
enrollees receiving services through fee-for-service, if the enrollee's
physician or health plan determines that the 90-calendar-day timeframe for a
standard appeal could seriously jeopardize the enrollee's life, health,
or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function, an enrollee will
have the opportunity to request an expedited review. Under these
conditions, a request for review an expedited appeal shall result
in a written decision within 72 hours from the time an enrollee requests
the expedited review appeal is requested, unless the
applicant, enrollee, or authorized representative requests or causes a delay.
If a delay is requested or caused by the applicant, enrollee, or authorized
representative, then expedited review appeal may be extended up
to 14 calendar days.
12VAC30-141-740. Eligibility requirements General
conditions of eligibility.
A. This section shall be used to determine eligibility of pregnant women for FAMIS MOMS.
B. FAMIS MOMS shall be in effect statewide.
C. Eligible pregnant women must:
1. Be determined ineligible for Medicaid due to excess income
by a local department of social services or LDSS, by DMAS eligibility
staff co-located at the FAMIS, or by the CPU;
2. Be a pregnant woman at the time of application;
3. Be a resident of the Commonwealth as described in 12VAC30-141-100 E;
4. Be either a U.S. United States citizen, U.S.
United States national, lawfully residing, or a qualified
noncitizen as described in 12VAC30-141-100 E;
5. Be uninsured, that is, not have comprehensive creditable
health insurance coverage; and
6. Not be an inpatient in an institution for mental diseases (IMD),
or an inmate in a public institution that is not a medical facility.
D. Income Financial eligibility.
1. Screening. All applications for FAMIS MOMS coverage received
at the FAMIS central processing unit must be screened to identify
applicants who are potentially eligible for Medicaid shall have a
Medicaid income eligibility screen completed. Pregnant women screened
and found potentially eligible for Medicaid cannot be enrolled in FAMIS MOMS
until there has been a finding of ineligibility for Medicaid. Pregnant women
who do not appear to be eligible for Medicaid due to excess income determined
to be ineligible for Medicaid due to excess income shall have their
eligibility for FAMIS MOMS determined and, if eligible, will be enrolled in
the FAMIS MOMS program. Applications for FAMIS MOMS received at a local
department of social services shall have a full Medicaid eligibility
determination completed. Pregnant women determined to be ineligible for
Medicaid due to excess income will have their eligibility for FAMIS MOMS
determined and, if eligible, the local department of social services will
enroll the pregnant woman in the FAMIS MOMS program.
2. Standards. Income standards for FAMIS MOMS are based on a
comparison of countable income to 200% of the federal poverty level for the
family size. Countable income and family size are based on the methodology
utilized by the Medicaid program as defined in 12VAC30-40-100 B 1 b. Pregnant
women who have income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level, but are
ineligible for Medicaid due to excess income, will be income eligible to
participate in FAMIS MOMS the same as those described at 12VAC30-141-100
F 2, applied to pregnant women. For purposes of income determination, the
family size of the pregnant woman will count the unborn child.
3. Spenddown. Deduction of incurred medical expenses from
countable income (spenddown) shall not apply in FAMIS MOMS. If the family income
exceeds the income limits described in this section, the individual shall be
ineligible for FAMIS MOMS regardless of the amount of any incurred medical
expenses DMAS does not apply a spenddown process for FAMIS MOMS where
household income exceeds the income eligibility limit for FAMIS MOMS.
E. Residency. The requirements for residency, as set forth
in 42 CFR 435.403, will be used when determining whether a pregnant woman is a
resident of Virginia for purposes of eligibility for FAMIS MOMS. A child who is
not emancipated and is temporarily living away from home is considered living
with her parents, adult relative caretaker, legal guardian, or person having
legal custody if the absence is temporary and the child intends to return to
the home when the purpose of the absence (such as education, medical care,
rehabilitation, vacation, visit) is completed.
F. U.S. citizenship or nationality. Upon signing the
declaration of citizenship or nationality required by § 1137(d) of the Social
Security Act, the applicant or recipient is required under § 2105(c)(9) to
furnish satisfactory documentary evidence of U.S. citizenship or nationality
and documentation of personal identity unless citizenship or nationality has
been verified by the Commissioner of Social Security or unless otherwise
G. Qualified noncitizen. The requirements for qualified
aliens set out in Public Law 104-193, as amended, and the requirements for
noncitizens set out in subdivisions 3 b, c, and e of 12VAC30-40-10 will be used
when determining whether a pregnant woman is a qualified noncitizen for
purposes of FAMIS MOMS eligibility.
H. E. Coverage under other health plans.
1. Any pregnant woman covered under a group health plan or under health insurance coverage, as defined in § 2791 of the Public Health Services Act (42 USC § 300gg-91(a) and (b)(1)), shall not be eligible for FAMIS MOMS.
2. No FAMIS MOMS shall not be a substitution for
private insurance.
a. Only uninsured pregnant women shall be eligible for FAMIS MOMS. A pregnant woman is not considered to be insured if the health insurance plan covering the pregnant woman does not have a network of providers in the area where the pregnant woman resides. Each application for FAMIS MOMS coverage shall include an inquiry about health insurance the pregnant woman has at the time of application.
b. Health insurance does not include Medicare, Medicaid, FAMIS or insurance for which DMAS paid premiums under Title XIX through the Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program or under Title XXI through the SCHIP premium assistance program.
12VAC30-141-750. Duration of eligibility.
A. The effective date of FAMIS MOMS eligibility shall be the
first day of the month in which a signed an application was
received by either the FAMIS central processing unit or a local department
of social services LDSS, DMAS, or the CPU if the applicant met all
eligibility requirements in that month.
B. Eligibility for FAMIS MOMS will continue through the last day of the month in which the 60th day occurs, following the last day the woman was pregnant, regardless of the reason the pregnancy ended. Eligibility will continue until the end of the coverage period, regardless of changes in circumstances such as income or family size.
12VAC30-141-760. Pregnant women ineligible for FAMIS MOMS.
A. If a pregnant woman is:
1. Eligible for Medicaid, or would be eligible if she
applied for Medicaid, she shall be ineligible for coverage under FAMIS MOMS.
A pregnant woman found through the screening process to be potentially eligible
for Medicaid but who fails to complete the Medicaid application process for any
reason, cannot be enrolled in FAMIS MOMS;
2. An inmate of a public institution as defined provided
in 42 CFR 435.1009 435.1009(a)(1), she shall be ineligible for
FAMIS MOMS at the initial determination of eligibility; or
3. An inpatient in an institution for mental disease (IMD)
as defined provided in 42 CFR 435.1010 42 CFR
435.1010(a)(2), she shall be ineligible for FAMIS MOMS at the initial
determination of eligibility.
B. If a pregnant woman age 18 years or older or, if younger than age 18 years, a parent or other authorized representative does not meet the requirements of assignment of rights to benefits or requirements of cooperation with the agency in identifying and providing information to assist the Commonwealth in pursuing any liable third party, the pregnant woman shall be ineligible for FAMIS MOMS.
C. If a pregnant woman age 18 years or older, or if younger than age 18 years, a parent, adult relative caretaker, guardian, or legal custodian obtained benefits for a pregnant woman who would otherwise be ineligible by willfully misrepresenting material facts on the application or failing to report changes, the pregnant woman for whom the application is made shall be ineligible for FAMIS MOMS. The pregnant woman age 18 years or older, or if younger than age 18 years, the parent, adult relative caretaker, guardian, or legal custodian who signed the application shall be liable for repayment of the cost of all benefits issued as the result of the misrepresentation.
12VAC30-141-790. Application requirements.
A. Availability of program information. DMAS or its designee shall furnish the following information in written form and orally as appropriate to all applicants and to other individuals who request it:
1. The eligibility requirements;
2. Summary of covered benefits;
3. Copayment amounts required; and
4. The rights and responsibilities of applicants and enrollees.
B. Opportunity to apply. DMAS or its designee must afford a
pregnant woman, wishing to do so, the opportunity to apply for the FAMIS MOMS
program. Applications from pregnant women will be accepted at a central site
designated by DMAS and at local departments of social services throughout the
Commonwealth. Applicants may file an application for health insurance
by mail, by fax, by phone, via the internet, or in person at local
departments of social services. Applications filed at the FAMIS CPU can be
submitted by mail, by fax, by the Internet, or by phone. Face-to-face
interviews for the program are not required. Eligibility determinations for
FAMIS MOMS shall occur at either local departments of social services or at
the DMAS-designated central site LDSS, DMAS, or the CPU.
C. Application. DMAS or its designee shall require an application from the applicant if the applicant is at least 18 years of age or older, or from a parent, adult relative caretaker, guardian, legal custodian, or authorized representative if the applicant is younger than 18 years of age or the applicant is incapacitated.
1. DMAS employs a single, streamlined application developed by the state and approved by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services in accordance with § 1413(b)(1)(B) of the Affordable Care Act.
2. DMAS may employ an alternative application used to apply for multiple human service programs approved by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, provided that the agency makes readily available the single or alternative application used only for insurance affordability programs to individuals seeking assistance only through such programs.
D. Right to apply. An individual who is 18 years of age or older shall not be refused the right to complete an application for health insurance for herself and shall not be discouraged from asking for assistance for herself under any circumstances.
D. E. Applicant's signature. The applicant must
sign state-approved application forms submitted, even if another person fills
out the form, unless the application is filed and signed by the applicant's
parent, spouse, adult relative caretaker, legal guardian or conservator,
attorney-in-fact or authorized representative.
E. F. The authorized representative for an
individual 18 years of age or older shall be those individuals as set forth in
F. G. The authorized representative for children
younger than 18 years of age shall be those individuals as set forth in
G. H. Persons prohibited from signing an
application. An employee of, or an entity hired by, a medical service provider
who stands to obtain FAMIS MOMS payments shall not sign an application for
health insurance on behalf of an individual who cannot designate an authorized
H. Written application. DMAS or its designee shall require
a written application from the applicant if she is at least 18 years of age or
older, or from a parent, adult relative caretaker, guardian, legal custodian,
or authorized representative if the applicant is less than 18 years of age or
the applicant is incapacitated. The application must be on a form prescribed by
DMAS and must be signed under a penalty of perjury. The application form shall
contain information sufficient to determine Medicaid and FAMIS MOMS
I. Assistance with application. DMAS or its designee shall
allow an individual or individuals of the applicant's choice to assist
and represent the applicant in the application process, or a redetermination
renewal process for eligibility.
J. Timely determination of eligibility. The time processing standards
for determining eligibility for FAMIS MOMS coverage begin with the date a
signed an application is submitted online, by telephone, by fax,
or received either in hard copy at a local department of
social services or the FAMIS CPU. All Applications received at
local departments of social services must applications shall
have a full Medicaid an eligibility determination and, when a
pregnant woman is determined to be ineligible for Medicaid due to excess
income, a for pregnant women and FAMIS MOMS eligibility
determination performed, within the same Medicaid case
processing time standards (10 business days) if all information necessary to
make the determination has been received.
Except in cases of unusual circumstances as described
below, health insurance applications for pregnant women received at the local
department of social services shall have a Medicaid eligibility determination
completed and, if denied Medicaid for excess income, a FAMIS MOMS eligibility
determination completed within 10 business days of the date the signed
application was received at the local department. An application from a
pregnant woman received at the FAMIS CPU and screened as ineligible for
Medicaid, shall have a FAMIS MOMS eligibility determination completed within 10
business days of the date the complete application was received at the CPU.
Complete applications that are screened as Medicaid likely will be processed
within the 10 business day time standard. If the application cannot be
processed within this standard, a notice will be sent to the applicant
explaining why a decision has not yet been made.
1. Unusual circumstances include administrative or other
emergency beyond the agency's control. In such case, DMAS or its designee or
the LDSS must document, in the applicant's case record, the reasons for delay.
DMAS or its designee or the local department of social services must not use
the time standards as a waiting period before determining eligibility or as a
reason for denying eligibility because it has not determined eligibility within
the time standards.
2. Applications filed at the CPU that are incomplete shall
be held open for a period of 30 calendar days to enable applicants to provide
outstanding information needed for an eligibility determination. Incomplete applications
determined complete by the receipt of additional information required to
determine FAMIS MOMS eligibility will be processed in an expedited manner upon
receipt of the additional information. Any applicant who fails to provide,
within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the initial application, information
or verifications necessary to determine eligibility, shall have her application
for FAMIS MOMS eligibility denied.
K. Notice of DMAS', its designee's or the local
department of social services' decision concerning eligibility. DMAS, its
designee or the local department of social services must an LDSS, or the
CPU shall send each applicant a written notice of the agency's/designee's
agency's or designee's decision on her the applicant's application,
and, if approved, her the applicant's obligations under
the program. If eligibility for FAMIS MOMS is denied, notice must shall
be given concerning the reasons for the action and an explanation of the
applicant's right to request a review of the adverse actions, as described in
L. Case documentation. DMAS, its designee, or the local
department of social services must, or the CPU shall include in
each applicant's record all necessary facts to support the decision on her
the applicant's application, and must shall dispose
of each application by a finding of eligibility or ineligibility, unless (i)
there is an entry in the case record that the applicant voluntarily withdrew
the application and that the agency or its designee sent a notice confirming her
the applicant's decision; or (ii) there is a supporting entry in
the case record that the applicant cannot be located.
M. Case maintenance. All cases approved for FAMIS MOMS shall
be maintained at the FAMIS CPU departments of social services or the
CPU. Pregnant women determined by local departments of social services
to be eligible for FAMIS MOMS shall have their cases transferred to the FAMIS
CPU for ongoing case maintenance. The FAMIS CPU The LDSS or the
agency determining eligibility will be responsible for providing newly
enrolled recipients with program information, benefits available, how to secure
services under the program, a FAMIS MOMS handbook, and for processing changes
in eligibility within established time frames timeframes. DMAS
outreach resources may also provide information or assistance to the enrollee.
N. Notice of decision concerning eligibility. DMAS or the
FAMIS CPU LDSS, DMAS, or the CPU must give enrollees timely notice
of proposed action to terminate their eligibility under FAMIS MOMS. The notice
must meet the requirements of 42 CFR 457.1180.
12VAC30-141-800. Copayments.
A. Pregnant women enrolled in FAMIS MOMS will be subject to copayments for medical services in the same manner and amount as pregnant women covered by the Medicaid program as defined in 12VAC30-10-570 B and C.
B. These cost-sharing provisions shall be implemented with the following restrictions:
1. Total cost sharing for a pregnant woman shall be limited to the
lesser of (i) $180 and (ii) 2.5% of the family's income (i) for families
with incomes equal to or less than 150% of federal poverty level (FPL), the
lesser of (a) $180 and (b) 2.5% of the family's income for the year; and (ii)
for families with incomes greater than 150% of FPL, the lesser of $350 and 5.0%
of the family's income for the year for the duration of her the
pregnant woman's enrollment in FAMIS MOMS.
2. If a family includes a pregnant woman enrolled in FAMIS MOMS
and a child or children enrolled in FAMIS, DMAS or its designee shall
ensure that the annual aggregate cost sharing for all Title XXI enrollees in a
family does not exceed the cost sharing caps as defined in 12VAC30-141-160 B.
3. Families will be required to submit documentation to DMAS or its designee showing that their maximum copayment amounts are met for the year.
4. Once the cap is met, DMAS or its designee will issue a new eligibility card or written documentation excluding such families from paying additional copays.
C. Exceptions to the above cost-sharing provisions. No cost sharing will be charged to American Indians and Alaska Natives.
12VAC30-141-880. Assignment to managed care.
A. All eligible enrollees shall be assigned in managed care through the department or the central processing unit (CPU) under contract to DMAS. FAMIS MOMS individuals, during the preassignment period to an MCHIP, shall receive Medicaid-like benefits via fee-for-service utilizing a FAMIS MOMS card issued by DMAS. After assignment to an MCHIP, benefits and the delivery of benefits shall be administered specific to the managed care program in which the individual is enrolled.
1. MCHIPs shall be offered to enrollees in all areas.
2. All enrollees shall be assigned to that contracted MCHIP.
3. Enrollees shall be assigned through a random system algorithm.
4. Enrolled individuals will receive a letter indicating that they may select one of the contracted MCHIPs that serve such area. Enrollees who do not select an MCHIP as described above, shall be assigned to an MCHIP as described in subdivision 3 of this subsection.
5. Individuals assigned to an MCHIP who lose and then regain eligibility for FAMIS MOMS within 60 calendar days will be reassigned to their previous MCHIP.
B. Following their initial assignment to an MCHIP, those enrollees shall be restricted to that MCHIP until their next annual eligibility redetermination, unless appropriately disenrolled by the department.
1. During the first 90 calendar days of managed care assignment, an enrollee may request reassignment for any reason from that MCHIP to another MCHIP serving that geographic area. Such reassignment shall be effective no later than the first day of the second month after the month in which the enrollee requests reassignment.
2. After the first 90 calendar days of the assignment period, the enrollee may only be reassigned from one MCHIP to another MCHIP upon determination by DMAS that good cause exists pursuant to subsection C of this section.
C. Disenrollment for good cause may be requested at any time.
1. After the first 90 calendar days of assignment in
managed care, enrollees may request disenrollment from DMAS based on good
cause. The request must be made in writing to DMAS and cite the reasons
why the enrollee wishes to be reassigned. The department shall establish
procedures for good cause reassignment through written policy directives.
2. DMAS shall determine whether good cause exists for reassignment.
D. Exclusion for assignment to a MCHIP. The following
individuals shall be excluded from assignment to a MCHIP. Newly eligible
individuals who are in the third trimester of pregnancy and who request
exclusion within a department-specified time frame timeframe of
the effective date of their MCHIP enrollment. Exclusion may be granted only if
the member's obstetrical provider (physician or hospital) does not participate
with the enrollee's assigned MCHIP. Exclusion requests made during the third
trimester may be made by the enrollee, MCHIP, or provider. DMAS shall determine
if the request meets the criteria for exclusion.