Final Text
18VAC110-20-680. Medical equipment suppliers.
A. A medical equipment supplier's location shall be inspected by the board prior to engaging in business. The location shall be clean and sanitary and shall have a system of temperature control to provide for specified storage conditions for any Schedule VI drug or device.
B. Hypodermic needles and syringes and Schedule VI drugs shall not be placed on open display or in an open area where patrons will have access to such items. No Schedule VI devices shall be placed in an area where responsible parties cannot exercise reasonable supervision and control.
C. A medical equipment supplier shall receive a valid order from a practitioner prior to dispensing and shall maintain this order on file on the premises for a period of two years from date of last dispensing. The original order may be kept at a centralized office as long as it is readily retrievable within 48 hours and a copy of the order is kept on the premises of the dispensing supplier. In lieu of a hard copy, an electronic image of an order may be maintained in an electronic database provided it preserves and provides an exact image of the order that is clearly legible and made available within 48 hours of a request by a person authorized by law to have access to prescription information.
D. Medical equipment suppliers shall make a record at the time of dispensing. This record shall be maintained on the premises for two years from date of dispensing and shall include:
1. Name and address of patient;
2. Item dispensed and quantity, if applicable; and
3. Date of dispensing.
E. A nonresident medical equipment supplier shall register and practice in accordance with ยง 54.1-3435.3:1 of the Code of Virginia.