Title |
Legislation |
ActionID / Latest Stage |
Child day centers and family day homes; regulations, national background check required, report. |
Chap 758 (2015)
5077 /
5077 /
Child day centers and family day homes; regulations, national background check required, report. |
Chap 758 (2015)
5077 /
5077 /
Kinship Foster Care; Removal of Child from Physical Custody of Kinship Foster Parent |
Chap 257 (2014)
Storage & Preservation of Adoption Files |
Chap 10 (2018)
Child care providers; criminal history background check; sunset and contingency. |
Chap 278 (2018), Chap 146 (2018)
5077 /
Child care providers; criminal history background check; penalty. |
Chap 189 (2017), Chap 751 (2017)
5077 /
Temporary delegation of parental or legal custodial powers; child-placing agency. |
Chap 297 (2019)
5369 /
Foster care omnibus. |
Chap 446 (2019)
5369 /
Family First Prevention Services Act; statutory alignment. |
Chap 282 (2019), Chap 688 (2019)
5369 /
Child welfare mandates. |
Chap 631 (2016)
5370 /
5369 /
Shaken baby syndrome; distribution of information. |
Chap 551 (2010)
5370 /
5369 /
Budget Bill |
Chap 780 (2016), Item 346 (2016)
5369 /
Adoption and foster care; home study reciprocity. |
Chap 340 (2023)
Child custody, visitation, or support proceedings; educational seminars approved by Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia. |
Chap 17 (2023)
Assisted living facilities; minimum liability insurance. |
Chap 580 (2023)
Assisted living facilities; minimum liability insurance. |
Chap 580 (2023)
6410 /
Office of the Children's Ombudsman; children's residential facility. |
Chap 280 (2024)
State Department of Social Services; Home Energy Assistance Program. |
Chap 734 (2024)
6526 /