Regulations Governing the Practice of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
[18 VAC 30 ‑ 21]
Public Petition for Rulemaking: Supervision of speech-language assistants
CLOSED Opened on 10/11/2021 and Ended on 11/10/2021
Comment Title | Commenter | |
Speech-language pathologists | Ruman | 11/10/21 5:31 am |
Telemedicine in the Supervision of speech-language assistants | Mary Ellen Plitt | 10/19/21 2:58 pm |
Allow the use of telemedicine for the supervision of SLPAs & increase the number allowed to supervis | Terri | 10/18/21 11:29 am |
Funding will come from ...? | Chriss | 10/17/21 7:56 pm |
Please Allow Supervision via Telemedicine | Luke | 10/14/21 10:34 am |
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