Final Text
Part I
Definitions and Standards of Identity
2VAC5-490-10. Definitions and standards of identity.
The following words and terms, when used in this
chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context
clearly indicates otherwise:
"A hazard that is reasonably likely to occur" means a hazard for which a prudent milk plant, receiving station or transfer station operator would establish controls because experience, illness data, scientific reports, or other information provide a basis to conclude that there is a reasonable possibility that, in the absence of these controls, the hazard will occur in the particular type of milk, milk product, condensed milk, condensed milk product, dry milk, or dry milk product being processed.
"Abnormal milk" means milk that is visibly changed in color, odor or texture.
"Acidified milk" means "acidified milk" as defined in 21 CFR 131.111.
"Acidified milk product" means a product with an acidity of not less than 0.50% expressed as lactic acid, which product is obtained by the addition of food grade acids to pasteurized cream, half-and-half, heavy cream, light cream, lowfat milk, milk, skim milk, or sour cream.
"Acidified sour cream" means "acidified sour cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.162.
"Adulterated milk" or "adulterated milk product" means any milk, milk product, condensed milk product, or dry milk product which meets one or more of the conditions specified in Section 402 of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, as amended (21 USC 342).
"Aseptically processed milk" means milk that is hermetically sealed in a container and so thermally processed before or after packaging in conformance with 21 CFR Part 113 and the provisions of this chapter so as to render the product free of microorganisms capable of reproducing in the product under nonrefrigeration conditions of storage and distribution and that is free of viable microorganisms (including spores) capable of causing disease in humans.
"Aseptically processed milk product" means any milk or milk product that is hermetically sealed in a container and so thermally processed before or after packaging in conformance with 21 CFR Part 113 and the provisions of this chapter so as to render the product free of microorganisms capable of reproducing in the product under normal nonrefrigeration conditions of storage and distribution and that is free of viable microorganisms (including spores) capable of causing disease in humans.
"Aseptic processing" means that the product has been subjected to sufficient heat processing and packaged in a hermetically sealed container, to conform to the applicable requirements of 21 CFR Part 113 and the provisions of this chapter and to maintain the commercial sterility of the product under normal nonrefrigerated conditions.
"Audit" means an evaluation of the entire milk plant, receiving station or transfer station facility and HACCP System to ensure compliance with the voluntary HACCP program requirements of this chapter.
"Automatic milking installation" means the entire installation of one or more automatic milking units, including the hardware and software utilized in the operation of individual automatic milking units, the animal selection system, the automatic milking machine, the milk cooling system, the system for cleaning and sanitizing the automatic milking unit, the teat cleaning system, and the alarm systems associated with the process of milking cooling, cleaning and sanitation.
"Boiled custard" means "eggnog" as defined in 21 CFR 131.170.
"Bulk milk hauler" means any person who holds a permit issued by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to collect official milk samples and transport: (i) raw milk from a dairy farm to a milk plant, receiving station or transfer station; or (ii) raw milk products from one milk plant, receiving station or transfer station to another milk plant, receiving station or transfer station.
"Buttermilk" means the fluid milk product that remains after the manufacture of butter from milk or cream and contains not less than 8.25% of milk solids not fat.
"Cancel" means to permanently nullify, void, or delete a grade A permit issued by the State Regulatory Authority.
"Centralized deviation log" means a centralized log or file identifying data detailing any deviation of critical limits and the corrective actions taken.
"CFR" means the Code of Federal Regulations.
"Clean" means the surfaces of equipment and facilities have had an effective and thorough removal of product, soils, and contaminants.
"Coffee cream" means "light cream."
"Commercially sterile" means (i) the food has been thermally processed by the application of heat to render the food free of viable microorganisms (including spores) of public health significance and microorganisms capable of reproducing in the food under normal nonrefrigerated conditions of storage and distribution; or (ii) the food has been processed with the application of heat and the water activity of the food has been controlled to render the food free of microorganisms capable of reproducing in the food under normal nonrefrigerated conditions of storage and distribution.
"Concentrated milk" means "concentrated milk" as defined in 21 CFR 131.115.
"Concentrated milk product" means any of the following foods: homogenized concentrated milk, homogenized concentrated skim milk, concentrated lowfat milk, concentrated milk, and concentrated skim milk, which when combined with potable water according to the instructions printed on the food's container, conforms to the definition of the corresponding milk product in this chapter.
"Condensed buttermilk" means the product resulting from the removal of a considerable portion of water from buttermilk.
"Condensed and dry milk product" means grade A condensed milk, grade A condensed and dry whey, grade A dry milk product, or grade A dry milk and whey product.
"Condensed milk" means concentrated milk as defined in 21 CFR 131.115. This definition does not include:
1. Any sterilized milk or milk product, when the sterilized milk or milk product is hermetically sealed in a container and processed, either before or after sealing, so as to prevent microbial spoilage; or
2. Any evaporated milk or sweetened condensed milk, except when the evaporated milk or sweetened condensed milk is combined with other substances in the commercial preparation of any pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized, or aseptically processed milk or milk product.
"Condensed whey" means "condensed whey" as defined in 21 CFR 184.1979(a)(2).
"Consumer" means any person who uses any grade A milk, grade A milk product, or milk product.
"Corrective action" means procedures followed when a deviation occurs.
"Cottage cheese" means "cottage cheese" as defined in 21 CFR 133.128.
"Cottage cheese dry curd" means "dry curd cottage cheese."
"Cream" means "cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.3(a).
"Critical control point" means a step at which control can be applied and is essential to prevent or eliminate a milk, milk product, condensed milk, condensed milk product, dry milk, or dry milk product safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level.
"Critical limit" means a maximum value or a minimum value to which a biological, chemical, or physical parameter must be controlled at a critical control point to prevent, eliminate, or reduce to an acceptable level the occurrence of a milk, milk product, condensed milk, condensed milk product, dry milk, or dry milk product safety hazard.
"Cultured half-and-half" means "sour half-and-half."
"Cultured milk" means "cultured milk" as defined in 21 CFR 131.112.
"Cultured sour cream" means "sour cream."
"Dairy farm" means any place or premises where any cow, goat, sheep, water buffalo, or other mammal (except humans) is kept, from which cow, goat, sheep, water buffalo, or other mammal (except humans) milk or any milk product is provided, sold or offered for sale for human consumption or provided to a milk plant, cheese plant, frozen desserts plant, transfer station, or receiving station.
"Deficiency" means an element that is inadequate or missing from the requirements of a HACCP System or with the voluntary HACCP program requirements of this chapter.
"Deny" means the State Regulatory Authority will not issue a grade A permit to the applicant.
"Deviation" means a failure to meet a critical limit.
"Drug" means: (i) articles recognized in the official United States Pharmacopeia, official Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States, or official National Formulary, or any supplement to any of them; (ii) articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals; (iii) articles other than food intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals; and (iv) articles intended for use as a component of any articles specified in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of this definition, but does not include devices or their components, parts, or accessories.
"Dry buttermilk" means "dry buttermilk" as defined in 7 CFR 58.251.
"Dry buttermilk product" means "dry buttermilk product" as defined in 7 CFR 58.251.
"Dry cream" means "dry cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.149.
"Dry curd cottage cheese" means "dry curd cottage cheese" as defined in 21 CFR 133.129.
"Dry milk product" means a product resulting from the drying of any milk or milk product and any product resulting from the combination of a dry milk product with other safe and suitable dry ingredients.
"Dry whey" means "dry whey" as defined in 21 CFR 184.1979.
"Dry whey product" means a product resulting from the drying of whey or whey products and any product resulting from the combination of dry whey products with other wholesome dry ingredients.
"Dry whole milk" means "dry whole milk" as defined in 21 CFR 131.147.
"Eggnog" means "eggnog" as defined in 21 CFR 131.170.
"Eggnog-flavored milk" means a milk product, to which an emulsifier and a maximum of 0.5% stabilizer may have been added consisting of a mixture of (i) at least 3.25% butterfat, (ii) at least 0.5% egg yolk solids, (iii) sweetener, and (iv) flavoring.
"Evaporated milk" means "evaporated milk" as defined in 21 CFR 131.130.
"Flavored milk" means milk to which a flavor or sweetener has been added.
"Flavored milk product" means any milk product to which a flavor or sweetener has been added.
"Fortified milk" means milk, other than vitamin D milk, the vitamin or mineral content of which milk has been increased.
"Fortified milk product" means any milk product, other than a vitamin D milk product, the vitamin or mineral content of which milk product has been increased.
"Frozen milk concentrate" means the frozen milk product which, when water is added in accordance with instructions on the package containing the frozen milk product, the reconstituted milk product contains the percentage of milkfat and the percentage of milk solids not fat of milk.
"Goat milk" means the normal lacteal secretion, practically free of colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy goats which, when sold in retail packages, contains not less than 2.5% milkfat and not less than 7.5% nonfat milk solids not fat.
"Grade A condensed and dry whey" means condensed or dry whey which complies with the provisions of the "Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, 2005 Revision" and this chapter.
"Grade A condensed milk" means condensed milk which complies with the provisions of the "Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, 2005 Revision" and this chapter.
"Grade A dry milk product" means any dry milk product which complies with the provisions of the "Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, 2005 Revision" and this chapter.
"Grade A dry milk and whey product" means any dry milk or whey product which has been produced for use in any grade A pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized, or aseptically processed milk product; and which has been manufactured under the provisions of the "Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, 2005 Revision" and this chapter.
"Grade A permit" means the written document issued by the state regulatory authority to the person who operates a: (i) dairy farm to produce raw milk for pasteurization, ultra-pasteurization, or aseptic processing; (ii) milk plant; (iii) receiving station; (iv) transfer station; (v) milk condensing plant; (vi) milk drying plant; (vii) whey condensing plant; or (viii) whey drying plant; after the State Regulatory Authority has inspected and approved the person's operation and determined the person's compliance with the provisions of this chapter for the operations specified in this definition.
"HACCP" means hazard analysis critical control point.
"HACCP plan" means the written document, which is based upon the principles of HACCP and delineates the procedures to be followed.
"HACCP system" means the implemented HACCP plan and prerequisite programs, including other applicable requirements of the voluntary HACCP program of this chapter.
"Half-and-half" means "half-and-half" as defined in 21 CFR 131.180.
"Hazard" means a biological, chemical, or physical agent that is reasonably likely to cause illness or injury in the absence of its control.
"Hazard analysis" means the process of collecting and evaluating information on hazards associated with the milk, milk product, condensed milk, condensed milk product, dry milk, or dry milk product under consideration, to decide which are reasonably likely to occur and must be addressed in the HACCP plan.
"Heavy cream" means "heavy cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.150.
"Lactose-reduced lowfat milk" means the product resulting from the addition of safe and suitable enzymes to convert enough lactose to glucose or galactose so that less than 30% of the lactose remains in the lowfat milk from which the product is made.
"Lactose-reduced milk" means the product resulting from the addition of safe and suitable enzymes to convert enough lactose to glucose or galactose so that less than 30% of the lactose remains in the milk from which the product is made.
"Lactose-reduced skim milk" means the product resulting from the addition of safe and suitable enzymes to convert enough lactose to glucose or galactose so that less than 30% of the lactose remains in the skim milk from which the product is made.
"Light cream" means "light cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.155.
"Light whipping cream" means "light whipping cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.157.
"Lowfat yogurt" means "lowfat yogurt" as defined in 21 CFR 131.203.
"Low-sodium lowfat milk" means the milk product resulting from the treatment of lowfat milk by a process of passing the lowfat milk through an ion exchange resin process, or by any other process which has been recognized by the Food and Drug Administration that effectively reduces the sodium content of the product to less than 10 milligrams in 100 milliliters.
"Low-sodium milk" means the milk product resulting from the treatment of milk by a process of passing the milk through an ion exchange resin process, or by any other process which has been recognized by the Food and Drug Administration that effectively reduces the sodium content of the product to less than 10 milligrams in 100 milliliters.
"Low-sodium skim milk" means the milk product resulting from the treatment of skim milk by a process of passing the skim milk through an ion exchange resin process, or by any other process which has been recognized by the Food and Drug Administration that effectively reduces the sodium content of the product to less than 10 milligrams in 100 milliliters.
"Market milk" means milk.
"Market milk product" means milk product.
"Milk" means the whole, fresh, clean lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows, goats, sheep, water buffalo, or other mammal (except humans) intended for human consumption excluding that obtained before and after birthing, for such a period as may be necessary to render the milk practically colostrum free.
"Milk condensing plant" means any plant in which milk or any milk product is condensed or dried, or in which milk or any milk product is received, separated, or otherwise processed for drying and packaging.
"Milk drying plant" means any plant in which milk or any milk product is condensed or dried, or in which milk or any milk product is received, separated, or otherwise processed for drying and packaging.
"Milkfat" means the fat of milk.
"Milkhouse" means the building or room in which there is conducted on a grade A dairy farm (i) the cooling, handling, and storing of milk and (ii) the washing, sanitizing, and storing of milk containers and utensils.
"Milk plant" means any place, premises, or establishment where any milk or milk product is collected, handled, processed, stored, pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized, aseptically processed, condensed, dried, bottled, or prepared for distribution.
"Milk producer" means any person who operates a dairy farm and who provides, sells, or offers milk for sale for human consumption or to a milk plant, receiving station, or transfer station.
"Milk product" means: (i) acidified lowfat milk, acidified nonfat milk, acidified milk, acidified milk product, acidified reduced fat milk, acidified skim milk, acidified sour cream, acidified sour half-and-half, aseptically processed milk, aseptically processed milk product, buttermilk, coffee cream, concentrated milk, concentrated milk product, cottage cheese, cottage cheese dry curd, cream, cultured half-and-half, cultured milk, cultured lowfat milk, cultured nonfat milk, cultured reduced fat milk, cultured skim milk, cultured sour cream, cultured sour half-and-half, dry curd cottage cheese, eggnog, eggnog-flavored milk, flavored milk, flavored milk product, fortified milk, fortified milk product, frozen milk concentrate, goat milk, half-and-half, heavy cream, heavy whipping cream, lactose-reduced lowfat milk, lactose-reduced nonfat milk, lactose-reduced milk, lactose-reduced reduced fat milk, lactose-reduced skim milk, light cream, light whipping cream, lowfat cottage cheese, lowfat milk, lowfat yogurt, low-sodium lowfat milk, low-sodium nonfat milk, low-sodium milk, low-sodium reduced fat milk, low-sodium skim milk, milk, nonfat milk, nonfat yogurt, recombined milk, recombined milk product, reconstituted milk, reconstituted milk product, reduced fat milk, sheep milk, skim milk, sour cream, sour half-and-half, table cream, vitamin D milk, vitamin D milk product, whipped cream, whipped light cream, whipping cream, or yogurt; (ii) any of the following foods: milk, lowfat milk, or skim milk with added safe and suitable microbial organisms; or (iii) any food made with a food specified in (i) of this definition by the addition or subtraction of milkfat or addition of safe and suitable optional ingredients for protein, vitamin, or mineral fortification. Nothing in this definition shall be deemed to include any evaporated milk, evaporated skim milk, condensed milk (sweetened or unsweetened), infant formula, ice cream or other dessert, dietary product, dry milk product (except as defined herein), canned eggnog in a rigid metal container, or butter or cheese, except when butter or cheese is combined with other substances to produce any pasteurized or aseptically processed food as specified in this definition.
"Misbranded milk" or "misbranded milk product" means any milk, milk product, or condensed and dry milk product that: (i) satisfies any of the conditions specified in § 403 of the Federal Food Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended (21 USC 343), (ii) does not conform to its definition; or (iii) is not labeled in accordance with 2VAC5-490-40.
"Nonconformity" means a failure to meet specified requirements of the HACCP system.
"Nonfat dry milk" means "nonfat dry milk" as defined in 21 CFR 131.125.
"Nonfat dry milk fortified with vitamins A and D" means "nonfat dry milk fortified with vitamins A and D" as defined in 21 CFR 131.127.
"Nonfat yogurt" means "nonfat yogurt" as defined in 21 CFR 131.206.
"Normal storage" means storage at a temperature of 45°F or cooler, but does not include freezing.
"Official laboratory" means a biological, chemical, or physical laboratory operated by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
"Officially designated laboratory" means: (i) a commercial laboratory authorized by the State Regulatory Authority to examine milk, milk product, condensed and dry milk product, producer samples of Grade "A" raw milk for pasteurization, or commingled milk tank truck samples of raw milk or milk products or (ii) a milk-industry laboratory authorized by the State Regulatory Authority to examine milk producer samples of raw milk for pasteurization, and for drug residues and bacterial limits, samples of raw milk commingled in a tank truck.
"Pasteurization" or "pasteurized" means the process of heating every particle of milk, milk product, or whey in equipment designed and operated in conformance with this chapter, to one of the temperatures given in the following table and held continuously at or above that temperature for at least the corresponding specified time for the equipment indicated:
Temperature |
Time |
Equipment |
145°F* |
30 minutes |
Vat Pasteurization |
161°F* |
15 seconds |
High Temperature Short Time |
191°F |
1.0 second |
High Temperature Short Time |
194°F |
0.5 second |
High Temperature Short Time |
201°F |
0.1 second |
High Temperature Short Time |
204°F |
0.05 second |
High Temperature Short Time |
212°F |
0.01 second |
High Temperature Short Time |
*If: (i) the fat content of the milk or milk product is 10% or more; (ii) the milk or milk product contains added sweeteners; (iii) the product is condensed milk; or (iv) the milk product is a condensed milk product, then pasteurization means increasing the specified temperature by 5°F.
*If the dairy product is cream for butter-making, then "pasteurization" means heating to at least 165°F and holding continuously in a vat pasteurizer for not less than 30 minutes or pasteurizing by the High Temperature Short Time method at a minimum temperature of not less than 185°F for not less than 15 seconds.
*If the milk product is eggnog, then "pasteurization" means heating to at least the following temperatures for the corresponding time specifications and equipment:
Temperature |
Time |
Equipment |
155°F |
30 minutes |
Vat Pasteurization |
175°F |
25 seconds |
High Temperature Short Time |
180°F |
15 seconds |
High Temperature Short Time |
Nothing in this definition shall be construed as barring any other process which has been recognized by the Food and Drug Administration as being equally efficacious as pasteurization, so long as that other process has been approved by the State Regulatory Authority.
"Person" means any individual, plant operator, partnership, corporation, company, firm, trustee, or institution.
"Prerequisite programs" means procedures, including Good Manufacturing Practices, that address operational conditions that provide the foundation for the HACCP system.
"Public" means any person in the Commonwealth.
"Pull date" means the date affixed to a consumer package or container of grade A pasteurized milk or grade A pasteurized milk product which is the date after the day of manufacturing and processing of the package or container and the last day on which the grade A pasteurized milk or grade A pasteurized milk product as determined by the milk plant may be offered for sale to consumers under normal storage.
"Raw milk" means: (i) any milk or any milk product which has not been pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized, or aseptically processed; or (ii) or any milk or any milk product which has been pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized, or aseptically processed and which has been exposed to microbiological contamination before, during, or after packaging.
"Receiving station" means any place, premises, or establishment where raw milk is: (i) received, collected, handled, stored, or cooled; and (ii) prepared for further transporting.
"Recombined milk" means the food which, when combined with potable water according to the instructions printed on the food's container, conforms to the milk fat and nonfat milk solids requirements for milk, as specified in the definition of "milk."
"Recombined milk product" means the food which, when combined with potable water according to the instructions printed on the food's container, conforms to the milk fat and milk nonfat solids requirements for the milk product designated on the food's container.
"Reconstituted milk" means "recombined milk."
"Reconstituted milk product" means "recombined milk product."
"Reduced lactose whey" means "reduced lactose whey" as defined in 21 CFR 184.1979a.
"Reduced minerals whey" means "reduced minerals whey" as defined in 21 CFR 184.1979b.
"Revoke" means to permanently annul, repeal, rescind, countermand, or abrogate a Grade A permit issued by the State Regulatory Authority.
"Safe and suitable" means "safe and suitable" as defined in 21 CFR 130.3(d).
"Sanitization" means the application of any effective method or substance to a clean surface for the destruction of pathogens, and of other organisms as far as is practicable, and when used does not adversely affect: (i) the equipment which comes in contact with milk, milk product, or condensed and dry milk product; (ii) the milk, milk product, or condensed and dry milk product; or (iii) the health of consumers.
"Septage" means material accumulated in a pretreatment system or privy.
"Sewage" means water-carried and nonwater-carried human excrement; kitchen, laundry, shower, bath, or lavatory wastes separately or together with such underground, surface, storm and other water and liquid industrial wastes as may be present from residences, buildings, vehicles, industrial establishments or other places.
"Sheep milk" means the normal lacteal secretion, practically free of colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy sheep.
"Sour cream" means "sour cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.160.
"State Regulatory Authority" means the Commissioner of
Agriculture and Consumer Services or his agent when carrying out any duty
specified in § 3.1-530.3 3.2-5207 of the Code of Virginia or the
State Health Commissioner or his agent when carrying out any duty specified in
§ 3.1-530.4 3.2-5208 of the Code of Virginia.
"Suspend" means to temporarily nullify, void, debar, or cease for a period of time a grade A permit issued by the State Regulatory Authority.
"Sweetened condensed milk" means "sweetened condensed milk" as defined in 21 CFR 131.120.
"Table cream" means "light cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.155.
"Transfer station" means any place, premises, or establishment where milk or milk products are transferred directly from one milk tank truck to another.
"Trim" means to shorten the hair on the udder and tail of milking cows and goats by clipping, singeing, cutting, or other means.
"Ultra-pasteurized" means, when used to describe any milk or milk product, that the milk or milk product has been thermally processed at a temperature of 280°F (138°C) or hotter for at least two seconds, either before or after packaging, so as to produce a product that has an extended shelf life under normal storage.
"Validation" means the element of verification focused on collecting and evaluating scientific and technical information to determine whether the HACCP plan, when properly implemented, will effectively control the hazards.
"Verification" means those activities, other than monitoring, that determine the validity of the HACCP plan and that the HACCP system is operating according to the plan.
"Vitamin A milk" means milk, the vitamin A content of which has been increased to at least 2000 International Units per quart.
"Vitamin A milk product" means a milk product, the vitamin A content of which has been increased to at least 2000 International Units per quart.
"Vitamin D milk" means milk, the vitamin D content of which has been increased to at least 400 International Units per quart.
"Vitamin D milk product" means a milk product, the vitamin D content of which has been increased to at least 400 International Units per quart.
"Water buffalo milk" means the normal lacteal secretion, practically free of colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy water buffalo.
"Whey" means "whey" as defined in 21 CFR 184.1979.
"Whey condensing plant" means a plant in which whey is condensed or in which whey is received and processed for drying and packaging.
"Whey drying plant" means a plant in which whey is dried or in which whey is received and processed for drying and packaging.
"Whey product" means any fluid product removed from whey, or made by the removal of any constituent from whey, or by the addition of any wholesome substance to whey or parts thereof.
"Whipped cream" means "heavy cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.150 or "light whipping cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.157, into which air or gas has been incorporated.
"Whipped light cream" means "light whipped cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.155, into which air or gas has been incorporated.
"Whipping cream" means "light whipping cream" as defined in 21 CFR 131.157.
"Yogurt" means "yogurt" as defined in 21 CFR 131.200.
2VAC5-490-31. Authority to cancel, suspend, revoke or deny a permit.
A. The State Regulatory Authority may cancel, suspend, or revoke the grade A permit of any person, or may deny to any person a grade A permit if:
1. The grade A permit holder fails to engage daily in the business for which the grade A permit is issued;
2. The grade A permit holder does not daily produce, provide, manufacture, sell, offer for sale, or store in the Commonwealth, or bring, send, or receive into the Commonwealth milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product;
3. The grade A permit holder fails to provide at no cost to the State Regulatory Authority samples of milk, milk product, condensed milk product and dry milk product in the person's possession for testing by the State Regulatory Authority;
4. The grade A permit holder fails to provide on a daily basis milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product in the person's possession for sampling and testing by the State Regulatory Authority;
5. The grade A permit holder fails to comply with any
requirement of this chapter, or of §§ 3.1-420 through 3.1-424,
§§ 3.1-530.1 through 3.1-530.11 or §§ 3.1-531.1 through 3.1-545.1 §§ 3.2-5200
through 3.2-5211 or 3.2-5218 through 3.2-5233 of the Code of Virginia;
6. A public health hazard exists that affects the grade A permit holder's milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product;
7. The grade A permit holder or any agent of the grade A permit holder has obstructed or interfered with the State Regulatory Authority in the performance of its duties;
8. The person supplies false or misleading information to the State Regulatory Authority: (i) in the person's application for a grade A permit; (ii) concerning the identity of the person who will control the facility that is the subject of the grade A permit; (iii) concerning the amount of milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product which the person produces, provides, manufactures, sells, offers for sale, or stores in the Commonwealth, or brings, sends, or receives into the Commonwealth and the distribution of the person's milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product; (iv) concerning any investigation conducted by the State Regulatory Authority; or (v) concerning the location of any part of the person's operation that is subject to a grade A permit;
9. The grade A permit holder engages in fraudulent activity regarding: (i) the amount of milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product the person offers to sell or sells; or (ii) the collection of samples of the person's milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product used to determine compliance with any provision of this chapter or as a basis for payment for milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product;
10. Three of the most recent five bacteria counts, somatic cell counts, or cooling temperature determinations conducted on the grade A permit holder's raw milk exceed the standards specified in this chapter;
11. Three of the most recent five bacteria counts, coliform determinations, or cooling temperature determinations conducted on the grade A permit holder's milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product exceed the standards specified in this chapter;
12. Two of the most recent cryoscope tests on the grade A permit holder's milk violate the standard specified in this chapter and the most recent violative sample occurred within two years of the next most recent violative sample;
13. The most recent aflatoxin or drug residue test on the grade A permit holder's milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product violates the standards specified in this chapter.
14. The most recent phosphatase test on the grade A permit holder's milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product violates the standard specified in this chapter;
15. The most recent chemical residue test or pesticide residue test on the grade A permit holder's milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product exceeds the actionable level, tolerance level, or safe level for any chemical residue or pesticide residue specified in: 40 CFR Part 180 and 21 CFR Parts 70, 71, 73, 74, 80, 82, 130, 131, 133, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 189, 556, 570, 573, 589. In the event that no actionable level, tolerance level, or safe level for a chemical residue or pesticides residue has been established in: 40 CFR Part 180 and 21 CFR Parts 70, 71, 73, 74, 80, 82, 130, 131, 133, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 189, 556, 570, 573, 589, the tolerance level shall be deemed to be zero;
16. The grade A permit holder fails to correct any: (i) violation of this chapter documented as a result of an inspection or (ii) deficiency or nonconformity documented as a result of a HACCP audit that the State Regulatory Authority has cited in a written notice of intent to suspend the person's grade A permit, as a violation of this chapter;
17. The grade A permit holder's raw milk for pasteurization is warmer than 50°F two hours after the completion of the first milking or the grade A permit holder's raw milk for pasteurization is warmer than 50°F during or after any subsequent milking;
18. The grade A permit holder's equipment is covered or partially covered by an accumulation of milk solids, milk fat, or other residue so that the milk, milk product, condensed milk product or dry milk product is adulterated;
19. The grade A permit holder sells or offers for sale milk, milk products, condensed milk product or dry milk product which violate any requirement of this chapter;
20. The grade A permit holder's permit is suspended three times within a 12-month period;
21. The authority in another state responsible for issuing grade A permits has denied, suspended, or revoked the permit of the person in that state for any act or omission that would violate this chapter or the statutes under which this chapter was adopted, had the act or omission occurred in the Commonwealth; or
22. The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has previously revoked the person's grade A permit.
B. The State Regulatory Authority may summarily suspend a grade A permit for violation of any of the following subdivisions of subsection A of this section: 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, or 19.
C. The State Regulatory Authority may suspend from sale any condensed milk, condensed milk product, dry milk, dry milk product, milk or milk product in violation of the requirements of this chapter processed by any grade A dairy plant permit holder in lieu of suspending the grade A dairy plant permit holder's permit.
D. If the State Regulatory Authority suspends a permit holder's permit more than three times within any 12-month period, the permit holder's permit shall not be reinstated for a period of three days on the fourth suspension within any 12-month period and six days on the fifth suspension within any 12-month period with three days being added to the required suspension period for each additional suspension thereafter within any 12-month period.
E. If the State Regulatory Authority issues two written notices of intent to suspend a person's permit for failure to correct the same deficiency within any 12-month period, the State Regulatory Authority may issue and enforce a written notice of intent to summarily suspend the person's permit at any time within six months after the date the written notice of intent to summarily suspend is issued, to summarily suspend the person's permit if the same violation exist on any inspection during the six-month period specified in the written notice of intent to summarily suspend.