Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Proposed Text


Workers' Compensation Claims Reporting Via Electronic Data ...
Stage: Proposed



16VAC30-90-10. Authority for regulations. (Repealed.)

Section 65.2-900 of the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act vests authority in the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission for the development of regulations for the correct filing of first reports.

Statutory Authority

§65.2-900 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 18, eff. July 1, 1996.

16VAC30-90-20. Definitions. (Repealed.)

The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Commission" or "VWC" means the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission.

"First report" means a complete injury report provided to the commission when the injury meets any of the following seven criteria:

1. Lost time or partial disability exceeding seven days.

2. Medical expenses exceeding $1,000.

3. Any denial of compensability.

4. Any disputed issues.

5. An accident that results in death.

6. Any permanent disability or disfigurement.

7. Any specific request made by the commission.

"Insurer" means a company licensed to write workers' compensation coverage in Virginia.

"Minor injury" means an injury that meets none of the seven criteria for filing a first report.

"Self-insurer" means an entity providing workers' compensation coverage directly to its employees based on formal approval by either the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission or the State Corporation Commission.

"USPS" means the United States Postal Service.

Statutory Authority

§65.2-900 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 18, eff. July 1, 1996.

16VAC30-90-30. Procedures for filing written reports. (Repealed.)

A. Written first reports must be submitted on the commission's form No. 3 within 10 days of the injury.

B. If an injury first reported as minor subsequently meets one of the seven criteria for filing a first report, that report must be filed immediately.

C. The commission will issue notification letters to all parties based on the information provided in the first reports.

D. The filing of first reports is a separate procedure from the reporting of minor injuries and medical costs. Injuries not meeting the criteria for filing of a first report must be provided separately according to the existing guidelines for reporting of minor injuries and medical costs.

E. It is essential that all data requested be provided. The only exceptions are that:

1. A VWC file number will usually not be available.

2. Certain other information that applies only to specific kinds of injuries or situations may not be applicable in all cases (e.g., return to work dates).

3. Certain supporting information may not be necessary if adequate summary information is provided (e.g., miscellaneous information on hours worked may not be needed if there is a certified average weekly wage).

Statutory Authority

§65.2-900 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 18, eff. July 1, 1996.

16VAC30-90-40. Overview of electronic filing. (Repealed.)

A. Electronic first reports must be filed weekly and according to the specified record format. Test transmissions and formal approval by the commission are required before moving into production.

B. If an injury first reported as minor subsequently meets one of the seven criteria for filing a first report, that report must be filed immediately.

C. Transmission of the data may be on a 3½-inch diskette or through deposit in the commission's electronic mail box.

D. The commission will issue notification letters to all parties based on the information provided on the first reports. An electronic "error report" will also be provided to the submitting insurer or self-insurer on request.

E. The electronic reporting of first reports is a separate procedure from the electronic reporting of minor injuries and medical costs. Injuries not meeting the criteria for filing of a first report must be reported separately according to the existing guidelines for electronic reporting of minor injuries and medical costs.

F. It is essential that all data requested be provided. The only exceptions are that:

1. A VWC file number will usually not be available.

2. Certain other information that applies only to specific kinds of injuries or situations may not be applicable in all cases (e.g., return-to-work dates).

3. Certain supporting information may not be necessary if adequate summary information is provided (e.g., miscellaneous information on hours worked may not be needed if there is a certified average weekly wage).

Statutory Authority

§65.2-900 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 18, eff. July 1, 1996.

16VAC30-90-50. Record format for electronic filing. (Repealed.)

Information should be arranged by record, delimited by commas within the records, and with records separated by the equivalent of hard carriage returns. A normal DOS end-of-file character should appear at the end of the report. All character data (including null values) must be enclosed in double quotation marks, and neither single nor double quotation marks may be used for any other purpose. Note that there are specific record requirements for the following:

1. Dates must be in a MM/DD/YY format, must include the indicated slashes, and may never be null.

2. Times must be in a 24-hour HH:MM format.

3. Social security number must include the hyphens.

4. Federal tax identification number must include the single hyphen after the first two digits.

5. Employee name must be in a LAST, FIRST MIDDLE format.

6. Phone numbers must include the area code and be in the format "(888) 777-6666."

7. Zip codes must have trailing zeros to fill out the full nine digits if only the five-digit form is being provided.

8. Miscellaneous letter codes must be "Y" and "N" for yes and no, "M" and "F" for sex, and "S" for single, "M" for married, "D" for divorced, and "W" for widowed.

9. VWC codes for nature of injury, the type of accident, and body parts affected may be substituted for equivalent text fields.

10. Standard 3-digit SIC codes may be substituted for the equivalent nature of business text field.

To the extent possible, abbreviations in titles, addresses, and other text fields should follow the commission's one-page summary of abbreviations which are, for the most part, a subset of the far more extensive USPS abbreviations.

Statutory Authority

§65.2-900 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 18, eff. July 1, 1996.

16VAC30-90-60. Alternate formats for electronic filing. (Repealed.)

Alternate formats will be considered and may be approved on a case-by-case basis by the commission if they meet the four conditions listed below:

1. The alternate format must include all information required by the standard electronic and manual formats.

2. The information provided by the alternate format must be convertible to the specific data specifications of the standard format.

3. The alternate format must be based on an open, nonproprietary standard of wide use and demonstrated industry support (e.g., ANSI certified).

4. Those proposing the alternate format must be willing to provide all hardware and software necessary for converting the alternate format to one compatible with the commission's data system.

Statutory Authority

§65.2-900 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 18, eff. July 1, 1996.

16VAC30-90-70. Detailed record format. (Repealed.)

 On VWC                                                            

 Form No.3      Description                                  Type  


            VWC File Number (7 digits)                       chr-7 

            Reason for filing                                chr-1 

            Insurer code                                     chr-5 

            Insurer location                                 chr-3 

            Insurer claim number                             chr-20

            Date insurer claim file created                  date  




 01         Name                                             chr-35

 02         FEIN (include hyphen)                            chr-10

 03         reserved                                         chr-10

 04A        Address (Number, Street)                         chr-30

 04B        Address (City )                                  chr-26

 04C        Address (State)                                  chr-2 

 04D        Zip code                                         chr-9 

 05A        Alternate address (Number, Street)               chr-30

 05B        Alternate address (City and State)               chr-30

 05C        Alternate zip code                               chr-9 

 06         Parent corporation Insured name                  chr-35

 07         Nature of business                               chr-30

 08         Insurer name                                     chr-35

 09         Policy number                                    chr-20

 10         Effective date (MM/DD/YY)                        date  


                Time and Place of Accident                         


 11         City/county where accident occurred              chr-20

 12         On employer's premises?                          chr-1 

 13         On state property?                               chr-1 

 14         Date of injury (MM/DD/YY)                        date  

 15         Hour of injury (HH:MM)                           chr-5 

 16         Date of incapacity (MM/DD/YY)                    date  

 17         Hour of incapacity (HH:MM)                       chr-5 

 18         Employee paid in full for day of injury?         chr-1 

 19         Employee paid in full for day incapacity began?  chr-1 

 20         Date injury/illness reported (MM/DD/YY)          date  

 21         Person to whom reported                          chr-18

 22         Name of other witness                            chr-18

 23         If fatal: date of death (MM/DD/YY)               date  




 24         Name (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE)                        chr-35

 25         Phone number                                     chr-13

 26         Sex                                              chr-1 

 27A        Address (Number, Street, Apt)                    chr-30

 27B        Address (City)                                   chr-26

 27C        Address (State)                                  chr-2 

 27D        Zip code                                         chr-9 

 28         Date of birth (MM/DD/YY)                         date  

 29         Marital status                                   chr-1 

 30         SSN (include hyphens)                            chr-11

 31         Occupation at time of injury/illness             chr-35

 32         Department                                       chr-18

 33         Number of dependent children                     chr-1 

 34         Date started current job                         date  

 35         Date of employment                               date  

 36         Piecework or hourly payment basis                chr-1 

 37         Hours worked per day                             #     

 38         Days worked per week                             #     

 39         Value of perquisites per week                    #     

 40         Wages per hour                                   #     

 41         Earnings per week (gross)                        #     


                Nature and Cause of Accident                       


 42         Machine/tool/object causing injury/illness       chr-25

 43         Specify part of machine, etc.                    chr-20

 44         Safeguard/safety equipment provided?             chr-1 

 45         Safeguard/safety equipment utilized?             chr-1 

 46A        Describe how injury/illness occurred             chr-75

 46B        Injury/illness cont.                             chr-75

 47A        Describe nature of injury/illness                      

 47B        Describe parts of body affected                  chr-75

 48         Physician (name and address)                     chr-35

 49         Hospital (name and address)                      chr-35

 50         Probable months of disability                    #     

 51         Has employee returned to work?                   chr-1 

 52         At what wage?                                    #     

 53         On what date? (MM/DD/YY)                         date  

 54         Employer:prepared by                             chr-35

 55         Date (MM/DD/YY)                                  date  

 56         Phone number                                     chr-13

 57         Insurer: processed by                            chr-35

 58         Date (MM/DD/YY)                                  date  

 59         Phone number                                     chr-13


                Commission Fields                                  


            Date received                                    date  

            Date processed                                   date  

            Processor                                        chr-5 

Statutory Authority

§65.2-900 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 18, eff. July 1, 1996.

16VAC30-90-80. List of abbreviations. (Repealed.)

(Do not use an abbreviation for the first word in a company title.)

A. Business abbreviations


  ADJUSTOR                               ADJ                                   

  ADMINISTRATOR                          ADMIN                                 

  AMERICAN                               AMER                                  

  AND                                    &                                     

  ASSISTANT                              ASST                                  

  ASSOCIATION                            ASSOC                                 

  BOARD                                  BD                                    

  BROTHERS                               BROS                                  

  COMPANY                                CO                                    

  COMPENSATION                           COMP                                  

  CONSTRUCTION                           CONST                                 

  COORDINATOR                            COORD                                 

  CORPORATION                            CORP                                  

  DEPARTMENT                             DEPT                                  

  DIRECTOR                               DIR                                   

  DISTRIBUTOR                            DISTR                                 

  DIVISION                               DIV                                   

  ESQUIRE                                ESQ                                   

  GENERAL                                GEN                                   

  GUARANTY                               GUAR                                  

  INCORPORATED                           INC                                   

  INDEMNITY                              INDEMN                                

  INDUSTRIES                             IND                                   

  INSURANCE                              INS                                   

  INTERNATIONAL                          INTL                                  

  LIMITED                                LTD                                   

  MANAGEMENT                             MGMT                                  

  MANAGER                                MGR                                   

  MANUFACTURER                           MFR                                   

  MERCHANDISE                            MDSE                                  

  METROPOLITAN                           METRO                                 

  NATIONAL                               NATL                                  

  NO.                                    #                                     

  PERSONNEL                              PERS                                  

  PRESIDENT                              PRES                                  

  REPRESENTATIVE                         REP                                   

  SERVICES                               SERV                                  

  SPECIALIST                             SPEC                                  

  SUITE NO.                              #                                     

  SUPERINTENDENT                         SUPT                                  

  SUPERVISOR                             SUPVR                                 

  UNIVERSITY                             UNIV                                  

  VICE PRESIDENT                         VP                                    


B. Address abbreviations


  APARTMENT                              APT                                   

  AVENUE                                 AVE                                   

  BUILDING                               BLDG                                  

  BOULEVARD                              BLVD                                  

  CENTER                                 CTR                                   

  CIRCLE                                 CIR                                   

  COURT                                  CT                                    

  CREEK                                  CRK                                   

  DRIVE                                  DR                                    

  FLOOR                                  FL                                    

  HIGHWAY                                HWY                                   

  LANE                                   LN                                    

  PARK                                   PK                                    

  PARKWAY                                PKWY                                  

  PLACE                                  PL                                    

  POST OFFICE BOX                        PO BOX                                

  ROAD                                   RD                                    

  RURAL ROUTE                            RR                                    

  ROUTE                                  RT                                    

  SQUARE                                 SQ                                    

  STREET                                 ST                                    

  TERRACE                                TER                                   

  TURNPIKE                               TPKE                                  


C. Never use

1. "County of," "city of" (except at end of name);

2. Extra spaces;

3. Punctuation (single quote, double quote, comma, period, colon, semicolon), except a comma between claimant's last and first name;

4. "The," "a," or "an" at the beginning of a company name;

5. Hyphen, except in hyphenated words, between name and title, or in SSNs and FEINs.

D. State and territory abbreviations


  ALABAMA                                AL                                    

  ALASKA                                 AK                                    

  ARKANSAS                               AR                                    

  ARIZONA                                AZ                                    

  AMERICAN SAMOA                         AS                                    

  CALIFORNIA                             CA                                    

  COLORADO                               CO                                    

  CONNECTICUT                            CT                                    

  DELAWARE                               DE                                    

  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA                   DC                                    

  FLORIDA                                FL                                    

  GEORGIA                                GA                                    

  GUAM                                   GU                                    

  HAWAII                                 HI                                    

  IDAHO                                  ID                                    

  ILLINOIS                               IL                                    

  INDIANA                                IN                                    

  IOWA                                   IA                                    

  KANSAS                                 KS                                    

  KENTUCKY                               KY                                    

  LOUISIANA                              LA                                    

  MAINE                                  ME                                    

  MARYLAND                               MD                                    

  MASSACHUSETTS                          MA                                    

  MICHIGAN                               MI                                    

  MINNESOTA                              MN                                    

  MISSISSIPPI                            MS                                    

  MISSOURI                               MO                                    

  MONTANA                                MT                                    

  NEBRASKA                               NE                                    

  NEVADA                                 NV                                    

  NEW HAMPSHIRE                          NH                                    

  NEW JERSEY                             NJ                                    

  NEW MEXICO                             NM                                    

  NEW YORK                               NY                                    

  NORTH CAROLINA                         NC                                    

  NORTH DAKOTA                           ND                                    

  NORTHERN MARIANAS                      CM                                    

  OHIO                                   OH                                    

  OKLAHOMA                               OK                                    

  OREGON                                 OR                                    

  PENNSYLVANIA                           PA                                    

  PUERTO RICO                            PR                                    

  RHODE ISLAND                           RI                                    

  SOUTH CAROLINA                         SC                                    

  SOUTH DAKOTA                           SD                                    

  TENNESSEE                              TN                                    

  TRUST TERRITORIES                      TT                                    

  TEXAS                                  TX                                    

  UTAH                                   UT                                    

  VERMONT                                VT                                    

  VIRGINIA                               VA                                    

  VIRGIN ISLANDS                         VI                                    

  WASHINGTON                             WA                                    

  WEST VIRGINIA                          WV                                    

  WISCONSIN                              WI                                    

  WYOMING                                WY                                    


Statutory Authority

§65.2-900 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 18, eff. July 1, 1996.

FORMS (Repealed.)

Employer's First Report of Accident (VWC #3) w/instructions

Report of Minor Injuries w/instructions

Procedures for Automated Reporting


16VAC30-91-10. Definitions.

The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Claims reports" means FROI and SROI reports concerning an injury filed by or on behalf of an insurer or self-insurer with the commission pursuant to the requirements set forth in the Implementation Guide.

"Commission" means the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission.

"EDI," or "Electronic Data Interchange," means the method used to exchange data electronically between the commission and those organizations submitting claims reports to the commission.

"Filed electronically" means filed with the commission through EDI or through the internet portal established by the commission for submission of claims reports, pursuant to the requirements set forth in the Implementation Guide.

"First Report of Injury," or "FROI," means the initial claims report filed with the commission concerning an injury.

"Implementation Guide" means the requirements published and updated by the commission to be followed when claims reports are filed electronically with the commission.

"Insurer" means a company licensed to write workers' compensation coverage in Virginia.

"Minor injury" means an injury that meets none of the following seven reporting criteria:

1. Lost time or partial disability exceeding seven days.

2. Medical expenses exceeding $1,000.

3. Any denial of compensability.

4. Any disputed issues.

5. An accident that results in death.

6. Any permanent disability or disfigurement.

7. Any specific request made by the commission.

"Self-insurer" means an entity providing workers' compensation coverage directly to its employees based on formal approval by either the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission or the State Corporation Commission.

"Subsequent Report of Injury," or "SROI," means a claims report filed with the commission after a FROI, which reports medical or indemnity payment activity about an injury or a decision to deny or no longer make payment on an injury.

Statutory Authority

§§65.2-201, 65.2-701, and 65.2-900 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume , Issue , eff. Month dd, yyyy.

16VAC30-91-20. Procedures for filing claims reports.

A. By no later than July 1, 2009, all claims reports must be filed electronically with the commission.

B. The commission shall publish an Implementation Guide describing the requirements to be followed when claims reports are filed electronically with the commission.  Any changes or updates to the Implementation Guide shall be published by the commission on an annual basis on or about September 1.

C. A FROI must be filed on all injuries in accordance with the Implementation Guide.

D. SROI reports concerning denials, indemnity payments, medical payments, and suspensions must be filed on all injuries that do not meet the definition of a minor injury, in accordance with the Implementation Guide.

E. An injury that meets the definition of a minor injury may be reported as such to the commission on a FROI in accordance with the Implementation Guide.  If an injury that is reported to the commission as being a minor injury subsequently fails to meet the definition of a minor injury, then an updated FROI on that injury, followed by required SROI reports, must be filed with the commission immediately, in accordance with the Implementation Guide.

Statutory Authority

§§65.2-201, 65.2-701, and 65.2-900 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume , Issue , eff. Month dd, yyyy.


Implementation Guide (rev. May 1, 2008).

First Report of Injury.