Final Text
A. The funeral service intern registration shall expire on March 31 of each calendar year and may be renewed by submission of the renewal notice and prescribed fee.
B. A person who fails to renew a registration by the expiration date shall be deemed to have an invalid registration. No credit will be allowed for an internship period served under an expired registration.
C. The funeral service intern is responsible for notifying the board within 14 days of any changes in name, address, employment, or supervisor. Any notices shall be validly given when mailed to the address on record with the board. Renewal notices may be mailed or sent electronically.
A. A funeral service intern whose registration has expired may be reinstated renewed within one year following expiration by payment of the current renewal fee and the late renewal fee.
B. A funeral service intern whose registration has been expired for more than one year shall apply for reinstatement by submission of an application and payment of a reinstatement fee. The board may consider reinstatement of an expired registration for up to three years following expiration.
C. When a registration is not reinstated within three years of its expiration date, a new application for registration shall be filed and a new internship begun.
A. The internship shall consist of at least 3,000 2,000 hours of training to be completed within no less than 12 months and no more than 48 months. For good cause shown, the The board may grant an extension of time for completion of an internship only for extenuating circumstances.
B. The funeral service intern shall be assigned a work schedule of not less than 20 hours nor more than 60 hours per week in order to receive credit for such training. For good cause shown, the board may waive the limitation on an intern's work schedule.
C. A funeral service intern shall receive training in all areas of funeral service.
D. A funeral service intern shall be identified to the public as a funeral service intern in a title used, name tag worn, and any correspondence or communication in which the intern's name is used.
A. The board shall approve only an establishment or two combined establishments to serve as the training site or sites that:
1. Have a full and unrestricted Virginia license;
2. Have complied in all respects with the provisions of the regulations of the Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers; and
3. Have 50 or more funerals and 50 or more bodies for embalming over a 12-month period for each person to be trained. This total must be maintained throughout the period of training. If the establishment does not meet the required number of funerals or embalmings, the funeral service intern may seek approval for an additional training site.
B. The board may grant approval for a resident trainee an intern to receive all or a portion of the embalming training at a facility of state or federal government or an accredited educational institution.
A. Training shall be conducted under the direct supervision of a licensee or licensees approved by the board. Credit shall only be allowed for training under direct supervision.
B. The board shall approve only funeral service licensees, licensed funeral directors, or licensed embalmers to give funeral training who have a full and unrestricted Virginia funeral license, have at least two consecutive years in practice as a funeral service licensee, funeral director, or embalmer and are employed full time in or under contract with the establishment, facility, or institution where training occurs. The board will not approve registration of a supervisor who has been subject to board disciplinary action within the most recent two years.
C. A supervisor licensed as an embalmer or a funeral director shall provide supervision only in the areas of funeral practice for which he is licensed. A supervisor shall ensure that [ a funeral service an ] intern receives training under the direct supervision of a licensee who has a current license in good standing.
D. A supervisor shall register with the board for each [ funeral service ] intern for whom the supervisor is providing supervision. Such registration shall expire 48 months after registration or at the completion of the intern's training, whichever occurs first. If the intern has been granted an extension beyond 48 months for extenuating circumstances, the supervisor may continue to provide supervision for a time period specified by the board.
D. E. Failure to register as a supervisor may subject the licensee to disciplinary action by the board.
E. F. If a supervisor is unable or unwilling to continue providing supervision, the funeral service intern shall obtain a new supervisor. Credit for training shall resume when a new supervisor is approved by the board and the intern has paid the prescribed fee for the change of supervisor.
G. No more than two [ funeral service interns ] shall be concurrently registered under any one person licensed for the practice of funeral service, funeral directing, or embalming.
A. A licensee seeking approval by the board as a supervisor of an intern shall submit a completed application and any additional documentation as may be required to determine eligibility for each intern to be supervised.
B. The application for supervision of a funeral service intern shall be signed by the establishment manager and by the persons who will be providing supervision for embalming and for the funeral services.
A. The intern, the supervisor or supervisors, and the establishment shall submit a written report to the board at the end of every 1,000 hours of training. The report shall:
1. Specify the period of time in which the 1,000 hours has been completed and verify that the intern has actually served in the required capacity during the preceding period; and
2. Be received in the board office no later than 14 days following the end of the completion of 1,000 hours. Late reports may result in additional time being added to the internship.
B. If the internship is terminated or interrupted prior to completion of 1,000 hours or if the intern is changing supervisors or training sites, the intern and the supervisor shall submit a partial report to the board with a written explanation of the cause of program termination or interruption or of the change in training or supervision.
1. The partial report shall provide the amount of time served and the dates since the last reporting period. Credit for partial reports shall be given for the number of hours of training completed.
2. Partial reports shall be received in the board office no later than 14 days after the interruption or termination of the internship or after the change in supervisors or training sites. Credit may be deducted for late reports.
A. The supervisor shall provide the intern with all applicable laws and regulations or sections of regulations relating to the funeral industry.
B. The supervisor shall provide the intern with copies of and instruction in the use of all forms and price lists employed by the funeral establishment.
C. The supervisor shall provide the intern with instruction in all aspects of funeral services and shall allow the intern under direct supervision to conduct all necessary arrangements for assist in conducting a minimum of 25 funerals.
D. The embalming supervisor shall provide instruction on all necessary precautions, embalming functions, and reporting forms and shall allow the intern under direct supervision to perform assist in the performance of a minimum of 25 embalmings.
E. The supervisor shall provide the intern with instruction in making preneed funeral arrangements and instruction on the laws and regulations pertaining to preneed funeral contracts and disclosures.
F. The supervisor shall provide instruction on cremation and on the laws and regulations pertaining to cremation.
G. If a training site does not offer preneed funeral planning or cremation services, the supervisor shall arrange for such training at another licensed funeral establishment that does.
The board may refuse to issue or renew a license, registration, or approval to any applicant; and may suspend for a stated period of time or indefinitely, or revoke any license, registration, or approval, or reprimand any person, or place his license or registration on probation with such terms and conditions and for such time as it may designate or impose a monetary penalty for failure to comply with the laws [ or and ] regulations of the Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers.