Final Text
8VAC20-131-240. Administrative and support staff; staffing requirements.
A. Each school shall have at a minimum the staff as specified in the Standards of Quality with proper licenses and endorsements for the positions they hold.
B. The principal of each middle and secondary school shall be employed on a 12-month basis.
C. Each elementary, middle, and secondary school shall employ school counseling staff as prescribed by the Standards of Quality. School counseling shall be provided for students to ensure that a program of studies contributing to the student's academic achievement and meeting the graduation requirements specified in this chapter is being followed.
D. The Each member of the school counseling staff in
the counseling program for elementary, middle, and secondary schools shall provide
a minimum of 60% of the time for each member of the school counseling staff
devoted to spend at least 80% of his staff time during normal school
hours in direct counseling of individual students or groups of
E. A middle school classroom teacher's standard load shall be based on teaching no more than the instructional day minus one planning period per day or the equivalent with no more than 150 students or 25 class periods per week. If a middle school classroom teacher teaches more than 150 students or 25 class periods per week, an appropriate contractual arrangement and compensation shall be provided.
F. The secondary classroom teacher's standard load shall be based on teaching no more than the instructional day minus one planning period per day or the equivalent with no more than 150 students or 25 class periods per week. If a secondary school classroom teacher teaches more than 150 students or 25 class periods per week, an appropriate contractual arrangement and compensation shall be provided.
G. Middle or secondary school teachers shall teach no more than 150 students per week; however, physical education and music teachers may teach 200 students per week. If a middle or secondary school physical education or music teacher teaches more than 200 students per week, an appropriate contractual arrangement and compensation shall be provided.
H. Each elementary classroom teacher shall be provided at least an average of 30 minutes per day during the students' school week as planning time. Each full-time middle and secondary classroom teacher shall be provided one planning period per day or the equivalent, as defined in 8VAC20-131-5, unencumbered of any teaching or supervisory duties.
I. Staff-student ratios in special education and career and technical education classrooms shall comply with regulations of the board.
J. Student support positions as defined in the Standards of Quality shall be available as necessary to promote academic achievement and to provide support services to the students in the school.
8VAC20-131-410. Recognitions and rewards for school and division accountability.
A. Schools and divisions may shall be
recognized by the board in accordance with guidelines it shall establish for
the Virginia Index of Performance (VIP) incentive program Exemplar
School Recognition Program to recognize (i) schools or school divisions that
exceed board-established requirements or show continuous improvement on
academic and school quality indicators and (ii) schools, school divisions, and
school boards that implement effective, innovative practices. In order
to encourage school divisions to promote student achievement in science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), the board shall take into
account in its guidelines a school division's increase in enrollment and
elective course offerings in these STEM areas. Such recognition may
1. Public announcements recognizing individual schools and divisions;
2. Tangible rewards;
3. Waivers of certain board regulations;
4. Exemptions from certain reporting requirements; or
5. Other commendations deemed appropriate to recognize high achievement.
In addition to board recognition, local school boards shall adopt policies to recognize individual schools through public announcements, media releases, and participation in community activities when setting policy relating to schools and budget development, as well as other appropriate recognition.
B. Schools and divisions may be designated and recognized
by the board for exemplar performance in accordance with criteria and
guidelines it shall establish for top achievement in one or more school quality
indicators, and the board may include recognition for high performing schools
in specific peer categories, such as schools with high levels of poverty.