Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Natural and Historic Resources
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Petition 94
Petition Information
Petition Title DuPont-Spruance Facility - Nutrient Waste Load Allocation Amendment
Date Filed 10/9/2009    [Transmittal Sheet]
Petitioner DuPont-Spruance Facility 
Petitioner's Request

By letter dated 10/09/09 - Amend the Water Quality Management Planning Regulation (9 VAC 25-720-60.C, James River Basin), regarding the total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) waste load allocations (WLAs) for the DuPont-Spruance facility (VPDES Permit #VA0004669; General Permit #VAN040079).  Current nutrient WLAs are TN = 201,080 lb/yr; TP = 7,816 lb/yr, based on a discharge flow of 23.33 million gallons per day (MGD). DuPont-Spruance presents two amendment options: 1) Allow determination of compliance with the existing WLAs at Outfall 001 based on just the loads attributable to manufacturing processes on the site, "netting" out nutrient content of the raw intake water pumped from the James; 2) Amend the WLAs to TN = 197,390 lbs/yr (a 3,690 lb/yr decrease) and TP = 11,840 lbs/yr (a 4,025 lb/yr increase), based on: (a) Relocating the compliance monitoring point from combined Outfall 001 to internal process Outfall 101, thereby eliminating contributions of non-contact cooling water and storm water from the regulated discharge flow; (b) Achieving nutrient reduction treatment (NRT) equivalent to POTW enhanced NRT (70-75% removal); (c) Setting design flow of the process wastewater system at 12.96 MGD, based on maximum effluent pumping capacity out of the treatment lagoons.

Agency's Plan

Public-notice receipt of the petition and provide for a 21-day public comment period. Upon close of the public comment period, review any comments received and then make a decision to either initiate a rulemaking or place the petition on the Board's next meeting agenda for their consideration.

Comment Period Began 11/9/2009    Ended 11/30/2009
Agency Decision Take no action    
Response Date Petition result not yet submitted for Publication.      
Agency Decision Summary

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Contact Information
Name / Title: John M. Kennedy 
Address: 629 East Main Street
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, 23218
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)698-4312    FAX: (804)698-4032    TDD: ()-