Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Mandate 1387

Mandate Information
Mandate Title:
Teacher grievance procedures; hearing, three-member fact-finding panel
Purpose of legislation
Teacher grievance procedures; hearing; three-member fact-finding panel. Permits a school board to conduct a teacher grievance hearing before a three-member fact-finding panel consisting of one member selected by the teacher, one member selected by the division superintendent, and an impartial hearing officer selected by the other two panel members to serve as the chairman of the panel. Under current law, the school board has the option of appointing a hearing officer or conducting such hearing itself. The bill also removes the requirement that a teacher grievance hearing be set within 15 days of the request for such hearing and extends from five days to 10 days the minimum period of advanced written notice to the teacher of the time and place of such hearing.
Legislation mandating a change Chap 875 (2020)
VAC chapters to be amended
8 vac 20 - 90 : Procedure for Adjusting Grievances
Associated Regulatory Actions
Action 6244: Proposed Amendments to the Procedure for Dismissals to Comport with Legislation from the 2020 General Assembly
Latest Stage: Fast-Track
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