Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Mandate 1377

Mandate Information
Mandate Title:
Regulation Governing Notification to Property Owners of Installation of Invasive Plant Species
Purpose of legislation
The legislation amends the Noxious Weeds Law (Va. Code ยง 3.2-800 et seq.), in part, to mandate that the Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services adopt regulations that require tradespersons to provide written notification to property owners for all plants proposed for installation that are invasive plant species.
Legislation mandating a change Chap 153 (2023)
VAC chapters to be amended
2 vac 5 - 455 : Regulations for Tradespersons Installing Invasive Plant Species
Associated Regulatory Actions
Action 6312: Promulgate regulations governing the installation of invasive plant species by tradespersons in Virginia
Latest Stage: Proposed
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