Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Conservation and Recreation
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8/4/23  11:48 am
Commenter: Kristiane Huber, The Pew Charitable Trusts

Draft Manuals for Flood Preparedness and Protection Funding--Pew Comments

Please accept The Pew Charitable Trusts’ (Pew’s) comments on the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation’s (DCR’s) draft grant manuals for the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF) and Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund (RVRF).


Pew believes DCR’s latest proposals for these grant manuals provide a solid foundation for future CFPF and RVRF awards.  Since it was established in 2020 and through three award rounds, the CFPF has resourced nearly $100 million in capacity-building and resilience projects across the State of Virginia,  and the RVRF can complement this record of accomplishment at the property scale.  To optimize the effectiveness of the CFPF and RVRF, Pew offers the following recommendations:


Prioritize Grants for Capacity-building
The Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act authorizes both loans and grants to be issued from the CFPF.  Pew recognizes the value of a diversified financing approach, and we commend the draft manual’s prioritization of funding for capacity-building to bolster local staff and resilience planning. That said, we recommend maintaining an emphasis on grantmaking for localities that are still in the initial stages of resilience planning, meet criteria as low-income or underserved communities, or have never received CFPF funding before. DCR could consider enhanced emphasis on loan opportunities for communities that have already received extensive grants for projects during past CFPF award rounds. We encourage DCR to clarify that communities may submit joint applications for local program capacity-building and local flood resilience program capitalization from the RVRF, allowing for coordination and resource-sharing among small and low-capacity communities.  


Transparent Funding Allocation and Committee Review
Funding decisions should be primarily based on verified application scores shared publicly with grant award announcements, ensuring transparency and accessibility for all localities. This approach will help guide localities in preparing applications and align funding decisions with clearly understood requirements. Further, we encourage transparency concerning makeup of the CFPF and RVRF’s Review Committee and urge that multiple agencies and departments are represented. Pew recommends consideration of Committee members from outside state government, including resilience experts and local government representatives, to the extent such participation would not give rise to conflicts of interest in the loan and grant-issuing process.



Flexibility in Required Review of a Certified Floodplain Manager
It is a laudable goal to encourage localities across the Commonwealth to hire and maintain dedicated certified floodplain manager (CFM) capacity. Broad use CFMs will enhance the long-term effectiveness of local resilience planning and CFPF monies. However, we suggest that DCR phase in any requirement that CFM capacity not be contractor-based, especially for communities seeing capacity-building grants in this round for local floodplain management. This phased approach can mitigate the limited availability of CFM training in some areas. In the interim, DCR could weigh dedicated CFM staffing as a factor in its scoring criteria, particularly for non-capacity-building projects.


Match Waivers
We applaud DCR for proposing capacity-building match waivers and urge expanding such waiver opportunities to low-income and underserved communities that apply for project grants.


Emphasis on Nature-based Solutions
The Clean Energy and Community Flood Preparedness Act directs that CFPF funding should be prioritized for projects that entail community-scale benefits and deploy nature-based mitigation solutions.  Pew appreciates DCR’s strong prioritization of acquisition of open space, as well as developed property, that offer flood mitigation benefits, and of other nature-based solutions—such as wetland and floodplain restoration—in proposed scoring criteria. The RVRF is authorized to provide funding for home buyouts and enhancement of the natural flood mitigation capacity of floodplains; accordingly, it should mirror CFPF’s emphasis on nature-based solutions. The manual and scoring criteria should clarify that restoration of natural floodplain after the demolition or removal of bought out structures is an eligible expense. DCR should also strategize how the CFPF, RVRF, and other funding sources can support long-term management of bought out properties and enhance conservation, habitat, and recreation benefits in reclaimed open space.


Design and Maintenance for the Full Project Lifespan
The CFPF commits applicants to replacing projects at the project owner’s expense or paying back grant funding to DCR in the event a project fails over the life of the project. This may unintentionally discourage grant applications for projects with long lifespans or those that are innovative. To support long-term project performance, applicants should be allowed to set aside some CFPF project funding for long-term maintenance, while DCR could create a separate maintenance category in future application rounds. CFPF project funding selection criteria should prefer projects designed using higher scenarios for precipitation and flooding, or use a long planning horizon (for instance, planning to mid-century precipitation and sea level rise projections) to ensure long-term benefits and returns on CFPF project investments.


Thank you for your consideration of Pew’s comments on the current draft CFPF and RVRF grant manuals.  As DCR finalizes changes to these important programs, we encourage the Department to consider seriously the diverse perspectives and needs of localities across the State of Virginia.  Please feel free to contact Kristiane Huber at Pew,, should you have any questions about these comments. 

CommentID: 218437

8/4/23  12:02 pm
Commenter: Virginia Municipal Stormwater Association (VAMSA)

RVRF and CFPF Draft Funding Manuals

Dear Mr. Glover:


I am writing on behalf of the Virginia Municipal Stormwater Association (VAMSA) with comments on the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s (DCR or Department) draft funding manuals entitled 2023 Funding Manual for the Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund (RVRF Draft Manual) and 2023 Funding Manual for the Virginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF Draft Manual).




VAMSA’s membership is comprised of cities, counties, and towns across Virginia from Hampton Roads to Northern Virginia to Southwest Virginia and all areas in between. For years now, our communities have faced significant storm-related challenges, including more frequent and intense storms resulting from seasonal hurricanes and localized pop-up storms with heavy precipitation over a short period of time. These storms can have serious, if not catastrophic, impacts on our citizens, businesses, and visitors. VAMSA members are also deeply concerned about the potential impacts of sea-level rise on our beautiful coastline.     


In 2020, the Virginia General Assembly established the Virginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF) to provide funding for community-level flood capacity building, planning, studies, and projects. VAMSA members have been the fortunate recipients of grant dollars from the CFPF over the last three grant rounds.


In 2022, the General Assembly established the Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund (RVRF) to provide funding for property-level resilience projects. As DCR aptly explains in the Draft CFPF Manual the CFPF and the RVRF work together: “As the name and statutory framework indicate, the Community Flood Preparedness Fund is focused on community-scale infrastructure projects. In this way, it complements the Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund (RVRF), which focuses on property-scale projects.” (Draft CFPF Manual, p. 4).


Both are important tools for VAMSA members to implement flooding projects at the local level. VAMSA therefore has a strong interest in the development of the Draft Manuals. We look forward to working with DCR as the Department implements the RVRF for the first time and continues to implement the CFPF.


VAMSA has carefully reviewed each draft and provides the comments below for the Department’s consideration. VAMSA appreciates the opportunity to comment, and requests that the Department also consider any individual comments filed by VAMSA members on this important topic.




VAMSA Supports Defining “Recurrent and Repetitive Flooding” Broadly


The RVRF Draft Manual includes a definition for “Recurrent or Repetitive Flooding” that includes rain events, storm surges, and tidal flooding that occur on a regular or frequent basis to include areas with repetitive loss properties as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 7).


VAMSA supports this broad definition. Because the FEMA requirements for a repetitive loss property are narrow, VAMSA members know there are many, many properties in their communities that are flood-prone that do not qualify as a repetitive loss property. The Fund should be available for these properties as well as those that meet the formal repetitive loss definition.


If there are narrow references in the Draft Manual that only reference repetitive loss properties, they should be expanded. For example, on p. 23, the Draft Manual states that the Scope of Work narrative should include the “number of repetitive loss properties that would be covered by the program.” See also Appendix D which asks: “Will the Local Flood Resilience Funding Program be part of an effort to remedy repetitive loss funding?” (App. D, p. 2) and Appendix E which asks: “Is the proposed project part of an effort to remedy repetitive loss funding?” (App. E, p. 2).


The Requirement to Track Flooding Should Be Deleted


The RVRF Draft Manual states that “All flooding should be tracked and managed by the community.” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 7).


Local governments do not have the capacity to track all flooding; in fact, we question whether the State could even do so. In addition, if local governments are considered the “community” referred to in this sentence, we are not able to manage all flooding, even with best efforts.


VAMSA requests that DCR either strike this sentence or replace it with: “As practicable, a local government with authority over land use decisions should maintain records of any known flooding in the jurisdiction (including records on weather conditions, citizen flooding complaints, and any responsive action taken by the local government).”


The Manual Should Define Disadvantaged Communities


The RVRF Draft Manual includes a definition for “Underserved Communities” that includes “disadvantaged communities.” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 7).


VAMSA requests that DCR provide a definition for “disadvantaged communities.”


Three Years May Not Be Adequate to Complete an Activity or Project


The RVRF Draft Manual states that an activity or project must be completed “not later than 3 years from the date of an executed agreement or by an extension date approved by the Department.” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 9, 13).


VAMSA appreciates the fact that DCR may allow extensions. However, we are concerned that three years may not be adequate for certain types of projects. For example, the Fund can be used for home buyouts “necessary for the construction of mitigation or resilience projects.” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 4). We can envision scenarios wherein purchasing a property, designing a project, and then constructing that project could easily take more than three years.


VAMSA suggests that DCR strike the one-size-fits-all three-year completion deadline in favor of language that would allow DCR and the applicant to establish a completion date based on the specific project.


On a related note, the RVRF Draft Manual limits extensions to projects that have “commenced within the first nine months of the original agreement period.” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 13). DCR has provided no logical basis for this limitation. Why should a project that began, through no fault of the applicant, nine months and one day after the agreement be barred from asking for an extension? As with the three-year deadline, VAMSA asks that DCR not impose a universal requirement here; DCR should approach an extension request based on the merits of the project, not on an artificial timeline.


DCR Should Not Limit Funding to Post-Award Costs


The RVRF Draft Manual states that: “Pre-award costs are not eligible.” (Draft Manual, p. 9).


VAMSA submits that the State will miss out on a lot of good projects if funding is limited in this manner. We question why the State would want to dissuade a local government from applying for funding for a project that has already, for example, gone through initial design. In fact, if anything, given the flooding situation across the State, we should be encouraging projects that can be completed as quickly as possible. The way to do this is to offer funds for reasonable pre-award costs.


VAMSA requests that DCR revise the RVRF Draft Manual to provide flexibility for an application to be submitted anytime during design or construction, similar to how DEQ handles SLAF applications. This will increase the likelihood of a project being completed within the required timeframe, funds will be expended at a faster rate, and it will reduce the number of applications and extensions needed to fund or complete the project within a timeframe.


Relatedly, the RVRF Draft Manual states that indirect costs are not eligible. The RVRF Draft Manual includes a definition of “cost”—the question of which costs are eligible, and which are not, is answered by that definition. The sentence on p. 9 is superfluous.


Identifying Matching Funds with the Application Could Be Burdensome


The RVRF Draft Manual explains that for a loan or grant to be authorized the local government must have authorized the request for assistance from the Fund and “the availability of identified cash matching funds, if required.” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 10).


VAMSA is concerned that there may be staff in communities that develop applications for grants and/or loans without first approaching the governing body. The staff would only ask for governing body authorization if the application is successful.[1] VAMSA understands that DCR is attempting to keep communities who cannot or will not provide matching funds from applying, but even under DCR’s scenario a governing body is likely to make the authorization for funds contingent on being chosen for a grant and/or loan. Including the requirement to prove matching funds will not fix the problem, and will, in fact, make the process much more difficult for applicants.


VAMSA requests that DCR eliminate this requirement from the RVRF Draft Manual. If DCR is not willing to do so, VAMSA requests some flexibility for applicants who have taken serious steps to pull together an application, even if they do not have formal governing body approval. The requirement should at a minimum be expanded to allow an applicant to show matching funds that may not be in cash.


The Requirement to Report Over the Life of the Project Is Vague


The RVRF Draft Manual states that a project that will require future maintenance must include a plan for monitoring the project, replacement of the project should it fail, and “reporting over the life of the project.” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 10)


VAMSA questions who will be reporting on the project, why reporting is necessary, and to whom should reporting be made?


The RVRF Draft Manual also states that projects that fail before the projected lifespan “must be replaced at grantee expense or funds repaid to the Department.” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 22). VAMSA disagrees that a project that has failed, perhaps because flooding has increased over time in the area, should always be replaced or repaid.   


VAMSA requests that DCR eliminate both requirements.


The Manual Should Identify the Review Committee


The RVRF Draft Manual states that the Review Committee will be responsible for reviewing and ranking each application to determine a score. (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 13)


VAMSA requests that DCR explain in the Manual how the Committee will be formed and who will be included.


The Appendices Should Be Revised


VAMSA has a number of questions and comments about the appendices to the RVRF Draft Manual, including:


Appendix A


  • As a part of the Application Form, the applicant must attach a list of the ten largest employers in the jurisdiction and a list of the ten largest taxpayers. VAMSA does not understand why this is necessary if a locality is providing its budget and Capital Improvement Plan. (App. A, p. 3). We recommend deleting these two requirements as burdensome and unhelpful.


Appendix B


  • Is the response in Question 4 correct? If a project has not previously been included in an application for funding, it is not eligible for consideration?


  • The term “socially vulnerable” is used in Question 6. This is a new term, not defined earlier in the RVRF Draft Manual. We note that “Low-income Community” and “Underserved Communities” are both defined, but neither are used here.


  • The term “existing code violations” is used in Question 7. We assume DCR means a code violation based on the local ordinance in the community applying for funding, however this is not clear.


Appendix C


  • Question 4 requires a letter of support from the owners of the property being mitigated. Obtaining a letter could be burdensome for some localities. We recommend revising this to either require a letter or a signed authorization for the project.


  • The term “Critical Facility” is used in Question 11 (“What is being protected?”). We assume the definition would be similar to or identical to the definition in the CFPF Draft Manual (p. 5), however, this should be clarified.




Several of the comments above apply with equal force to the CFPF Draft Manual. These include comments relating to: adding a definition for “disadvantaged communities” (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 7); eliminating a requirement to track and manage all flooding (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 7); eliminating statements about indirect costs (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 9); adding flexibility to allow an applicant to submit an application during design or construction (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 8, 29); eliminating the requirement to identify matching funds with the application (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 9); eliminating the requirement to report over the life of a project (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 10); identifying the Review Committee (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 12); establishing a project completion date based on the specific project (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 12); eliminating the arbitrary nine-month requirement for requesting an extension (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 13); and expanding the scope of projects to include recurrent flooding in addition to repetitive loss (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 24).   


Additionally, VAMSA shares the following comments that are unique to the CFPF Draft Manual.


The Requirement for a Community Scale Project to Reach 10% of the Population Could Be Difficult to Achieve


The CFPF Draft Manual defines a “Community Scale Project” to include a project that benefits a “substantial” part of the population, or 10% of the locality based on the 2020 U.S. Census. (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 5).


This could be difficult to achieve for larger jurisdictions. VAMSA recommends making this scalable or providing an alternative minimum number of residents that the project will benefit, whichever is less.


Several Definitions Should Be Revised


The CFPF Draft Manual defines “Flood prevention or protection” as the “construction of hazard mitigation projects, acquisition of land, or implementation of land use controls that reduce or mitigate damage from coastal or riverine flooding.” (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 6).


VAMSA requests that DCR add “pluvial” to the definition as this is what urban areas most often experience. Much of urban flooding is neither coastal nor riverine.


The CFPF Draft Manual defines “Flood prevention or protection benefits” as the “physical benefits provided by a project and societal benefits provided by the protection of critical infrastructure.” (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 6).


VAMSA requests that DCR add neighborhoods and reduced risk to residential and commercial structures to this definition in addition to critical infrastructure.


The CFPF Draft Manual defines “Flood prevention or protection study” as conducting “a hydraulic or hydrologic study of a floodplain with historic and predicted floods, the assessment of flood risk, and the development of strategies to prevent or mitigate damage from coastal or riverine flooding.” (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 6).


VAMSA requests that DCR revise the definition to include “urban flood-prone areas” to acceptable study areas and add “pluvial” to coastal and riverine flooding.


The CFPF Draft Manual defines “Low-income geographic area” as “an locality, or community within a locality, that has a median household income that is not greater than 80 percent of the local median household income, or any area in the Commonwealth designated as a qualified opportunity zone by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury via his delegation of authority to the Internal Revenue Service.”


VAMSA requests that DCR include Justice 40 areas as qualified to meet this definition.


Example Projects Should Include Pluvial Flooding


The CFPF Draft Manual includes examples of applicable study projects. One example provided is a study to “develop strategies to prevent or mitigate damage from coastal or riverine flooding.”
(CFPF Draft Manual, p. 17).


VAMSA requests that DCR revise this text to include “pluvial” flooding.


Grant Totals Should Be Clarified


The CFPF Draft Manual establishes a maximum $5,000,000 for projects in low-income geographic areas and $3,000,000 elsewhere and states that “No applicant shall be awarded more than $5,000,000 in grants.” (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 18).


VAMSA questions whether this the maximum is $5,000,000 per application or total and asks DCR to clarify this point in the Draft Manual.


On a similar note, p. 18 lists $20,000,000 in long-term loans but Part II.A.1 includes $25,000,000 in long-term loans. (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 8).


Certain Projects on Private Property Should Be Allowed


The CFPF Draft Manual states that “Projects on private property will not be considered unless the project provides community scale benefits (such as community-scale flood control structures).” (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 20)


VAMSA asks that DCR please add “unless the project is within an easement granted to the jurisdiction that allows the construction and maintenance of the project.”


Scope of Work Narrative Description Should Be Revised


The CFPF Draft Manual includes a list of questions (for example, “What is the specific problem being solved (not just that flooding exists or may occur in the future)?”). (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 22).


VAMSA suggests changing the questions into statements. In addition, please consider repeating this for the three award categories as some of these are not applicable to capacity building.


Scope of Work for Projects Should Not Include Benefit-Cost Analysis


The CFPF Draft Manual states that the Scope of Work for a project must include a benefit-cost analysis with the application. (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 25).


Performing a benefit-cost analysis can be time consuming and difficult to complete without hiring a consultant. This requirement could chill interest in applying, especially by smaller communities. 


VAMSA requests that DCR limit a cost-benefit analysis requirement to projects that exceed $2 Million.


Applicants Should Not Be Required to Detail Problems with Other Projects


The CFPF Draft Manual states that the applicant must describe for other projects “any problems that arose with meeting the obligations of the grant and how the obligations of this project will be met.” (CFPF Draft Manual, p. 27).


VAMSA asks that DCR delete this sentence. Applicants should be dealt with in good faith based on the current request and not on past issues that may or may not have been the fault of the community.

[1] We also note, conversely, there may be staff in communities that develop applications for grants and/or loans that immediately seek approval from the governing body. Even in this situation, local staff do not control meeting schedules for the governing body. 



CommentID: 218438

8/4/23  2:17 pm
Commenter: Jessica Lassetter, City of Alexandria, VA

RVRF and CFPF Draft Funding Manuals

Dear Ms. Davis,


The City of Alexandria, Virginia (City), is grateful for the opportunity to provide public comments to the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) on the Draft – 2023 Funding Manual for the Virginia Community Flood Preparedness Fund and the Draft – 2023 Funding Manual for the Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund pursuant to the July 7, 2023, Notice in the Virginia Register of Regulations.


The City experienced three severe storm events in less than 14-months which caused widespread flooding and damage and prompted the creation of Flood Action Alexandria initiative in 2021. This initiative focuses on making the City more resilient to these more frequent, intense storms by accelerating flood mitigation capital projects and implementing programs to create a more resilient City. The community has benefited greatly from the Community Flood Preparedness Fund which is helping to accelerate our highest priority projects while incorporating green infrastructure in flood-prone areas.


Comments directed to Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF) Grant Manual are as follows:


  • Please consider allowing pre-award costs that are directly tied to the specific project to be funded. This pre-award funding is key to ensure that the planning stage has been adequately executed to increase feasibility of the project through initial data gathering, early modeling, and working with the community to identify issues and relevant stakeholders. All of this increases the viability of the project. Additionally, this is particularly helpful to ensure expediency when potential delays may occur in processing an agreement or other unforeseen factors. Pre-award costs could instead be approved on a case-by-case basis similar to Federal Awards (see 2 CFR Section 200.458). (Manual pages 9 and 29)


  • Please consider removing the requirement for projects to start within 9-months of award date to apply for an extension. Similar to pre-award costs, the project may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. It may be helpful for DCR to consider tracking project delays instead via the quarterly grant reporting process which would help make the determination if an extension is warranted. (Page 13)


  • Consider updating the Scope of Work requirements as statements instead of questions to help make the elements clearer to the applicant.


  • Please provide clearer expectations for the Maintenance Plan (Page 27) and consider including any aspects of liability in the event of the project failure in the terms of the agreement that is included in the Manual.


  • The City recommends removing the requirement to use the FEMA BCA Tool to demonstrate cost effectiveness. This tool is cumbersome to use and may be a barrier to entry for applicants. Further the tool provides a greater score for projects that are already identified in a hazard management plan (most of the City’s flooding and subsequent projects were identified only recently with the intense storm events in 2019 and 2020) and a greater score when you are able to quantify the impacts of the storm events, which, for highly localized events, are too small to trigger quantifiable damages and/or a disaster declaration. (Appendix B: Scoring Criteria for Flood Prevention and Protection Projects)


As a long-standing active member, the City endorses the comments submitted on behalf of the Virginia Municipal Stormwater Association (VAMSA) for both CFPF and the Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund.


If you have any comments, please contact Jessica Lassetter, Senior Environmental Scientist at or 703-746-4127.


Respectfully yours,

black 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" alt="A picture containing text Description automatically generated" width="136" height="57" border="0" />


Jesse E. Maines, Division Chief

Stormwater Management

Transportation and Environmental Services

CommentID: 218446

8/5/23  10:24 am
Commenter: Emily Steinhilber

Joint NGO comments on CFPF and RVRF draft manuals - part 1

RE: Flood Preparedness and Protection Grants - Draft Manuals for Public Comment


On behalf of Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Chesapeake Climate Action, Clean Fairfax Council, Environmental Defense Fund, Friends of the Rappahannock, James River Association, Lynnhaven River NOW, Natural Resources Defense Council, SERCAP, Inc, Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, Southern Environmental Law Center, The Nature Conservancy, Virginia Conservation Network, Virginia Interfaith Power and Light, and Wetlands Watch, we jointly offer these comments on the draft manuals for the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF) and the Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund (RVRF). The manuals that guide the implementation of these two important flood resilience funding programs play a crucial role in determining their effectiveness and in effectuating key priorities that are included in the statutes that establish them. We therefore appreciate the opportunity to comment on the draft manuals and hope that you will closely consider our comments.  


We commend the great strides the Commonwealth has made in the last several years by distributing nearly $100 million to localities statewide for flood resilience planning and implementation grants. As the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) prepares to issue a new application round for both Funds, we urge you to stay on track with the application and award timeline outlined during the recent Annual Virginia Flood Preparedness Coordination Meeting so that communities can continue accessing these critical funds.


The following is a bulleted list of our comments and recommendations on the two draft manuals. The comments are listed in the order in which they appear in the manual(s).


Comments that apply to both the CFPF and RVRF Draft Manuals:


  • Although we appreciate the opportunity for local governments and Tribes to receive a variety of funding and financing opportunities through these two programs, we are concerned about DCR over-emphasizing loans at this point in time. As many localities are just beginning resilience planning work – and some are still planning projects that are not yet shovel-ready – grants can serve as a critical catalyst for local governments that may not have the resources or sufficient comfort with project implementation to apply for a loan without prior proof-of-concept. Until localities are more established with resilience plans and project ideas, we recommend DCR maintain the CFPF’s prior emphasis on grants since they are much more accessible for the vast majority of localities than loans and can help convince local leaders to invest their own resources and set up financing for resilience projects at a later time.


  • We strongly support the 25% low-income set-aside and emphasis on nature-based solutions required by the CFPF’s enacting statute. We also support incorporating the same emphases into the RVRF, along with a stated preference for capacity building and planning applications. However, past CFPF rounds have failed to award funding to several capacity building and nature-based projects despite those applications scoring well, so the extent to which application scores affect funding decisions has not been clear. We believe it is essential that verified application scores for both the CFPF and RVRF be the primary, if not exclusive, determinant of which applications are selected for funding. Using scores as an exclusive determinant makes the application process more transparent and accessible, by providing time-restricted localities with a frame of reference around which to build their application. We urge DCR to include clarifications in the manuals that will ensure the funding awards made under both programs will closely align with the verified scores that applications receive under the manuals’ scoring methodologies.


  • The addition to the “locality-certified floodplain manager” definition is confusing and should be clarified to allow localities to contract with external agents. It is unclear in the draft manuals when an external consultant or contractor with a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) credential could be utilized by a local government to meet CFPF requirements. We appreciate the reference to the permissibility of localities sharing the cost of a regionally employed CFM, but at this time many regions and communities depend on outside consultants. This dependence is due to the limited CFM training that is available in VA and the significant barriers that travel costs, time, and administration present to localities that would otherwise be interested in sending staff to CFM courses to become certified. A rough estimate from the Virginia Floodplain Management Association (VFMA) shows that only 20% of VA localities have a CFM on staff. We recommend clarifying this new language to allow applicants to contract CFMs outside the employ of the locality or regional group of localities. Likewise, we urge DCR to provide more CFM training resources statewide. Additionally, the finalized CFPF manual should reestablish the CFM certification as a priority use for the Capacity Building and Planning category funds.
    • Reference for both manuals: Part I: Introduction and Overview, Section B. Definitions, “Locality-certified floodplain manager”


  • We urge DCR staff to provide significant training opportunities for applicants on how to use the WebGrants portal. Both draft manuals require applications to be submitted via the WebGrants portal. Although the WebGrants system can streamline parts of the application process, it can also create a barrier for locality staff who are not familiar with it or with the registration process required to access the application. We urge DCR to offer online training webinars that walk applicants through the WebGrants application process.
    • Reference for both manuals: Part II: General Department Grant Eligibility Criteria and Application Procedures, Section A: Department Conditions and Limitations for Making Grants and Loans, “Submission and Scope”


  • Those portions of existing staff salaries directly tied to Fund project management should be an eligible use of the Funds to help make them more accessible to low-income communities. We urge you to reconsider language included in both draft manuals that would make CFPF and RVRF funding unavailable to cover the portion of existing staff salaries allocated to manage plans and projects that are awarded funding under the two programs. In many localities, it is unlikely that the activities that both Funds prioritize can be completed successfully without localities using their existing staff. Allowing CFPF and RVRF funds to be put toward staff salaries, specifically for managing projects awarded CFPF and RVRF funding, would allow localities more flexibility to shift existing staffing resources around to most effectively execute the CFPF/RVRF projects and meet their flood mitigation and resilience planning needs.
    • Reference for both manuals: Part II: General Department Grant Eligibility Criteria and Application Procedures, Section A: Department Conditions and Limitations for Making Grants and Loans, “Eligible Costs”


  • Low-income communities should be able to request up to 50% of their full award upfront. We appreciate that both draft manuals would allow successful applicants for grants and loans for activities in low-income communities to receive funding advances prior to completing the work, as allowed in previous CFPF rounds. However, low-income communities rarely have funds on hand to initiate and maintain projects, making reimbursement-only funding opportunities inaccessible. We recommend that both manuals allow for funding advances of up to 50% for grant awards in low-income geographic areas, reducing barriers to project implementation in localities with high risk. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program could be a model for DCR to emulate. We suggest DCR discuss lessons learned and best practices with the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development to improve this process for future funding rounds of these programs.
    • Reference for both manuals: Part II: General Department Grant Eligibility Criteria and Application Procedures, Section A: Department Conditions and Limitations for Making Grants and Loans, “Disbursement”


  • Maintenance and stewardship expenses should be allowable costs for applicants. This is particularly important for land acquisition and natural- and nature-based design projects that are able to grow over time but require ongoing maintenance to ensure the nature-based practices are well-established and sustained. Placing the financial responsibility of maintenance costs on the grantee is an unreasonable ask for resource-constrained localities, and it can undermine the priority that resilience funds place on natural and nature-based projects. We urge you to allow the costs and labor necessary to effectively maintain a project to be eligible for funding in all cases in which a maintenance plan is required as this will help ensure the success of the projects that those programs help fund.
    • Reference for both manuals: Part II: General Department Grant Eligibility Criteria and Application Procedures, Section A. Department Conditions and Limitations for Making Grants and Loans, “General Conditions”


  • We commend DCR for encouraging applicants to provide letters of support from impacted stakeholders as a component of their application package. To further emphasize the need for stakeholder buy-in, DCR should award points to applications when applicants provide letters of support from impacted stakeholders. Garnering community support leads to more successful and accepted projects, so applications that demonstrate this outreach should be rewarded. However, we also understand that this could be an additional burden for some communities, so we suggest that the points awarded for this component be between 3-5 points.
    • Reference for both manuals: Part II, Section B: Application and Selection Process, 2. Application Contents, “Scope of Work Narrative”


  • We appreciate the Administration’s prior commitment to transparency in funding decisions, including the establishment of a Review Committee. However, the finalized manuals should provide more information on the Review Committee, including a list of the specific agency departments and staff that will serve on the committee. Also, we encourage DCR to include staff from other state agencies on the Review Committee to take advantage of the technical expertise they offer, as interagency review panels have been successful for other funding programs, such as those administered by the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation.
    • Reference for both manuals: Part II: Conditions and Limitations, General Eligibility Criteria and Application Procedures, Section B. Application and Selection Process, 3. Application Review and Approval Process, “Committee Review”


  • The minimum expected useful life of a project should be extended from 10 years to at least 15 years to maximize the awards provided by these programs, alongside updates to the “Expected Lifespan of Project” scoring criterion. Both draft manuals require projects to have an expected useful life of 10 years or more. In order to maximize the value that the Commonwealth receives in return for its CFPF and RVRF investments, we recommend increasing the expected minimum life span to at least 15 years. Of note, current regulatory guidelines for the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act (CBPA) require a useful lifespan of 30 years when feasible. Since many of the projects likely to be awarded grants and loans from the Funds will require compliance with the CBPA, we recommend aligning these programs with the CBPA requirements to the greatest extent possible. As part of this change, we also recommend adjusting the application scoring criterion for “Expected Lifespan of Project” to eliminate any points for activities with a minimum lifespan of less than 15 years, and increasing the number of points proposed to be awarded for activities with an expected lifespan of over 20 years. 
    • Reference for CFPF draft manual: Part III: Award Categories, Section C. Flood Prevention and Protection Projects, “Additional Information”
    • Reference for RVRF draft manual: Part III: Award Categories, Section B. Hazard Mitigation of Buildings, “Additional Information”


  • Soften the requirement that localities replace projects at their own expense or pay back funding they received when projects fail before the projected lifespan. While we appreciate that DCR may want to ensure responsible expenditure of the Funds on effective projects, we have concerns with the requirement for awardees to pay back funds or cover replacement costs at their own expense if a project fails – especially when the project failure may be caused by an “Act of God” or circumstances over which the locality has little to no control. The potential risk of repayment or project replacement could be a strong deterrent for localities to seek these funds, and particularly for those under-resourced localities that do not have the budget to consider undertaking these projects without CPFP or RVRF funding. This requirement could also undercut the Commonwealth’s stated preference for nature-based projects, as localities generally have less experience implementing and maintaining nature-based solutions than they do with implementing traditional, gray infrastructure projects, and the threat of paying to repair or replace a failed nature-based project may deter them from working to gain that experience.  Without the agency staff or resources to commit to monitoring these projects, this requirement will add more burden onto DCR staff who are already stretched thin. We recommend clarifying that localities are only responsible for the cost of project repair or replacement when a project fails within the first three years after installation and the locality’s improper or negligent installation was clearly responsible for the project’s failure. Alternatively, DCR could recommend that localities pursue performance-based contracts to help address concerns about potential project failures.
    • Reference for CFPF draft manual: Part IV: Required Application Components, Section B. Scope of Work Narrative, d. Scope of Work Narrative - Projects, “Maintenance Plan”
    • Reference for RVRF draft manual: Part IV: Required Application Components, Section B. Scope of Work Narrative, b. Scope of Work Narrative - Hazard Mitigation of Buildings, “Maintenance Plan"


Community Flood Preparedness Fund Draft Manual Comments:


  • We appreciate that DCR is attempting to clarify the “community scale project” definition in this updated manual with the intent to fund projects that will provide flood risk reduction benefits to many people. However, we are concerned that the suggested 10% population threshold could work to exclude projects implemented on public space in a neighborhood (a locally defined, named place, typically made up of multiple streets, with a shared identity) that would provide benefits to the entire neighborhood, as well as other residents of the locality and travelers passing through it. This is problematic for neighborhood-scale resilience planning efforts, which are underway across the state and an important component of many localities’ flood resilience initiatives.
    • Reference: Part I: Introduction and Overview, Section B, “Definitions”


  • We appreciate DCR’s transparency regarding match waivers and for increasing the match waiver limit to $50,000 for capacity building and studies; match waivers should also be available for all project categories. Match waivers are an important equity consideration that will allow many under-resourced localities to access the CFPF even with limited municipal budgets. The same considerations are just as important for project implementation as they are for capacity building and planning activities, so we urge DCR to also allow for match waivers for flood prevention and projection projects.
    • Reference: Part III: Award Categories, Sections A-C


  • We can understand a number of reasons why DCR is considering capping CFPF grant awards, including to stretch the current resources available in the program and to spread available funding across more localities – and particularly to lower-resourced localities. However, we are concerned that a funding cap could incentivize some localities pursuing projects with costs that exceed the proposed cap to circumvent the CFPF review process altogether and instead make a direct funding request to the General Assembly; this could undermine the priority the CFPF program places on equity and nature based design ultimately result in less favorable outcomes. To ensure that the funding cap is not a barrier to applicants with larger resilience projects in mind, while still encouraging that awards are geographically widespread, we recommend that the cap for grant awards be raised from $5 million to $10 million per applicant.
    • Reference: Part III: Award Categories, Section C. Flood Prevention and Protection Projects, “Minimums and Maximums”


  • Expand the list of entities that may own and maintain acquired lands in perpetuity to include qualified conservation organizations. Language included on page 20 and in Appendix I of the draft manual indicates that for land acquisition projects, the acquired property must be “owned and maintained by the locality in perpetuity as an open space or conservation area.” We support requiring the land acquired to be held in perpetuity as open space or a conservation area, but we recommend making clear that localities may partner with land conservation organizations that would either own the acquired property or hold a conservation easement on it. Based on our organizations’ conservation work, we know that maintaining acquired conservation properties can be a significant financial burden for localities that may not have the expertise on staff to steward the acquired lands. Many examples of partnerships between localities and conservation groups for this purpose exist in the Commonwealth, and we believe that conservation organizations that have the capacity to do this work should be permitted to hold the acquired lands. We therefore recommend striking the phrase “by the locality” where it appears in the CPFP manual in this context, and recommend making clear in the manual that organizations eligible to own conserved land through the Virginia Conservation Easement Act and the Virginia Open Space Land Act may also hold ownership and easement interests in the acquired property.
    • Reference: Part III: Award Categories, Section C. Flood Prevention and Protection Projects, “Additional Information”


-- comments continued in part 2 --

CommentID: 218461

8/6/23  9:57 pm
Commenter: Karen W. Forget, Lynnhaven River NOW (LRNow)

Comments on the CFPF and RVRLF Draft Manuals

RE: Community Flood Preparedness Fund draft manual and the Resilient Virginia Revolving Load Fund draft manual

Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the draft manuals for the Community Flood Preparedness Fund draft manual and the Resilient Virginia Revolving Loan Fund on behalf of Lynnhaven River NOW (LRNow) in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Sea level rise and flooding are our biggest challenges in Virginia Beach and the Community Flood Preparedness Fund has been a lifeline for our city and our region.  This program has provided the only consistent source of funding to assist the citizens in Virginia Beach and the other cities and counties in our region in tackling these challenges.

The citizens of Virginia Beach supported a bond referendum that allows the city to borrow $567 million to complete projects throughout the city that will help to prevent flooding of homes and neighborhoods.  This is just the beginning of work that needs to be done in Virginia Beach alone.  While Virginia Beach has the staffing and resources to begin to tackle these challenges, the same is not true for the other cities and counties in our region. The future stability and prosperity of our region depends on the success that every community has in tackling these challenges.

With that in mind, we offer the following comments on the draft manuals:

  • We support the 25% set aside for low income communities. This is very important part of making this program work effectively for all regions of Virginia.
  • We support the emphasis on nature-based solutions. These projects bring multiple benefits to our citizens.  In addition to flood control, nature-based also support water quality improvements and are often the most cost-effective approach.
  • We support low-income communities being provided the opportunity to receive 50% of the funding upfront.  This will allow many more opportunities for low-income communities to take advantage of this program to develop plans for the resiliency of their economy, their neighborhoods and their citizens.
  • We applaud the commitment to transparency and consistency. That includes full transparency regarding the rating scale and how projects are chosen for funding.
  • It is important to understand that this work is on-going and will continue to provide new challenges to communities across Virginia.  As conditions change, new funding may be needed to maintain previously constructed projects. This needed evaluation and maintenance should be supported by the fund.

We have concerns about this aspects of the proposed draft manual:

  • The increased emphasis on loans eliminates the communities that need the funds the most.  Loans are beyond the means of many counties and cities and will not help them meet their challenges.  Our regional resilience is dependent upon equal opportunity for every community to work toward greater resilience.
  • Community-scale projects should include neighborhood-scale. The problems in each neighborhood and watershed are unique.  Individual projects need to meet those varying needs.
  • Not all communities are able to support a certified floodplain manager on their city or county staff.  They should be allowed to contract these services and be eligible for project funding.
  • Eligible funding must support the staffing needed to evaluate, plan, implement and maintain flood prevention and resiliency.
  • Equity in the implementation of the Community Flood Preparedness Fund can only be achieved if match-waivers are provided.
  • Equity also requires that cost-benefit analysis is not the deciding factor in which projects are funded.  Neighborhoods with higher valued properties are not more valuable than lower-valued properties to the stability of our communities, neighborhoods, and citizens.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide these comments.

Karen W. Forget

Executive Director 

Lynnhaven River NOW

CommentID: 218478

8/6/23  10:11 pm
Commenter: Benjamin McFarlane, Hampton Roads Planning District Commission

RVRF and CFPF Draft Funding Manuals

Dear Mr. Glover,

The staff of the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the Draft 2023 Funding Manual for the Resilient Virginia Revolving Fund (RVRF) and the Draft 2023 Funding Manual for the Community Flood Preparedness Fund (CFPF), which were posted for public comment by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) on July 7, 2023. Our comments reflect review by the HRPDC staff and coordination with our member jurisdictions and other regional stakeholders. We request DCR’s consideration of the following comments and suggestions.


Comments related to both the CFPF and RVRF Draft Funding Manuals:


The definition of “locality-certified floodplain manager” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 6; CFPF Draft Manual, p. 6) remains confusing and in conflict with the practice of local floodplain management. DCR’s interpretation of the state code language to mean a “Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) according to the Association of State Floodplain Managers…who is in the employ of a local government” increases the burden on localities without providing a rationale for such a certification. Although helpful for many floodplain management tasks, the HRPDC does not consider a CFM designation to be necessary for determining the effectiveness of a proposed project for reducing flood risks. The HRPDC recommends that DCR allow for the locality floodplain administrator, chief administrative officer, public works director, or similar official be allowed to certify projects.

However, if DCR continues to require CFMs to certify projects, the HRPDC recommends removing the statement about contractors from the definition of “locality-certified floodplain manager.” Localities often use contracted professional and other services when the frequency of those tasks does not require a full-time staff person or when staff cannot be hired (for a variety of reasons), even when a locality would wish to hire someone.

The HRPDC appreciates the broad definition of “recurrent and repetitive flooding” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 7; CFPF Draft Manual, p. 7) and that it goes beyond the definition of repetitive flooding as used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). However, the statement that “all flooding should be tracked and managed by the community” should be removed, since it is not relevant to the definition, nor is it a requirement of either the CFPF or RVRF as legislated.

The HRPDC recommends that DCR define “disadvantaged communities” as contained in the definition for “underserved communities.” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 7; CFPF Draft Manual, p. 7)

Indirect Costs

The HRPDC disagrees with DCR’s determination that indirect costs are not an eligible use of funds. Indirect costs are used to cover the inherent costs of running an organization that are not directly related to any one funded project. The HRPDC recommends that DCR allow for indirect costs to be included in the matching funds for any project if they are supported by an approved Indirect Cost Allocation Plan. In addition, the HRPDC recommends that indirect costs associated with any new staff also be allowed. (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 9; CFPF Draft Manual, p. 9)

Project Time Limits

Both draft funding manuals require that projects be completed within three years from the date of the executed agreement. (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 9, p.  13; CFPF Draft Manual, p. 8, p. 12) Although both programs allow for extensions, the HRPDC recommends that DCR increase the default time allowed for project completion to five years and to allow for applicants to request longer time periods as part of the application process.

Both draft funding manuals include a statement that extensions will only be allowed if the approved activity “commenced within the first nine months of the original agreement period.” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 13; CFPF Draft Manual, p. 13) This requirement does not appear to be based on a common standard. In addition, neither manual includes a provision describing how to determine whether a project has commenced. The HRPDC recommends removing the limitation from both draft funding manuals.

Maintenance and Monitoring Requirements

Both draft funding manuals include a requirement for a “maintenance, management, and monitoring plan” that will demonstrate “how the project will be maintained with funds secured by the grant recipient independent of the Fund over the lifespan of the project.” This plan “must also outline procedures for monitoring the project, replacement at project owner expense should the project fail, and reporting over the life of the project.” (RVRF Drat Manual, p. 10; CFPF Draft Manual, p. 10) Although the HRPDC recognizes the importance of incorporating future maintenance requirements into funding decisions, the HRPDC questions the utility of requiring ongoing reports over the life of a project. In addition, projects may fail for a variety of reasons, many of which are outside the control of locality. The HRPDC recommends removing both requirements from both funding manuals. This recommendation also applies to the requirement on pages 20, 23, and 27 of the CFPF draft funding manual and page 22 of the RVRF draft funding manual.

DCR Review of Applications

The HRPDC requests that DCR identify who will be on the “Review Committee” (RVRF Draft Manual, p. 13; CFPF Draft Manual, p. 12), including whether the Review Committee will include only DCR staff. The HRPDC recommends that DCR consider inviting other departments (such as the Department of Transportation, the Department of Environmental Quality, the Department of Emergency Management, the Department of Housing and Community Development, etc.) to participate on the Review Committee. In addition, the HRPDC recommends that DCR provide final score determinations for all projects to improve transparency and illustrate the Review Committee’s priorities and interpretations of both programs.  

Required Documentation

The HRPDC recommends that DCR reduce the number of documents required in Appendix A in both draft funding manuals to include only those that are directly relevant to effective consideration of the proposals. Specifically, the HRPDC recommends reducing the number of years for required financial statements and removing the requirements to submit the ten largest employers and the ten largest taxpayers in the applicant’s jurisdiction. These requirements do not appear to be relevant and add an extra burden on localities.


Comments related to the CFPF Draft Funding Manual:


The CFPF Draft Funding Manual defines a “Community Scale Project” to include a project that benefits “an area encompassing a US Census Block or greater” or providing benefits to “a ‘substantial’ number of the total population within a locality,” defined as “at least 10%.” The HRPDC contends that this definition would create a substantial threshold for qualification and burden both rural localities with lower populations and urban localities with higher populations. The HRPDC recommends that DCR instead use other means to determine community scale benefits, such as whether a project would benefit or protect a community facility or infrastructure or extend across multiple parcels.

The definition of “flood prevention or protection” should be expanded to include pluvial flooding in addition to coastal and riverine flooding.

The definition of “flood prevention and protection study” should be expanded to include flood-prone areas (in addition to “floodplains”) and pluvial flooding (in addition to “coastal and riverine flooding”).

Project Scoring

The HRPDC recommends that DCR incorporate a metric into the scoring of projects that reflects the frequency and severity of flooding that is being addressed, such as high tide flooding or the 1% annual chance flood. (CFPF Draft Funding Manual, Appendix B)

The HRPDC recommends removing the requirement to use FEMA’s Benefit-Cost-Analysis (BCA) tool for projects or establishing a cost threshold under which a BCA would not be required. Use of FEMA’s BCA tool is time consuming, expensive, and burdensome. The amount of work taken to complete a BCA does not align with the relatively low number of points assigned for the resultant BCA score. In addition, BCA tools are known to prioritize monetary value of protected assets over concerns. The HRPDC instead recommends that DCR consider metrics such as the number of buildings or people protected or benefitting from a project to score its impact. (CFPF Draft Funding Manual, Appendix B, p. 3)


Comments related to the RVRF Draft Funding Manual:

General Comments

The HRPDC recommends that DCR consider structuring the RVRF to use a rolling application process, which would allow for localities to better coordinate RVRF applications with applications for federal grant funds. Restricting the RVRF to a single annual application period will undoubtedly result in missed opportunities for many communities who might otherwise wish to use state funding or loans to assist with meeting federal match requirements.

Loans Disbursed at Beginning of Project

The HRPDC recommends that DCR replace Part II, Section A, Section 6 (RVRF Draft Funding Manual, p. 9) from the RVRF Draft Funding Manual with the language used in the same section for the CFPF Draft Funding Manual (CFPF Draft Funding Manual, p. 9), which includes separate disbursement policies for grants and loans.

Funding for Matching Federal Programs

The HRPDC recommends that the Department of Defense’s Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Program be added to the list of federal programs for which the RVRF can be used as nonfederal match. (RVRF Draft Funding Manual, p. 16)

Eligible Projects

The HRPDC recommends adding demolition-reconstruction projects to the “examples of eligible projects.” (RVRF Draft Funding Manual, p. 18)

Establishment of Local Programs

The RVRF Draft Funding Manual requires localities to establish “a funding program to provide low-interest loans or grants to any persons of the Commonwealth eligible for projects for resilience purposes” for both the Local Program Capacity-Building Grants and the Capitalization for Local Flood Resilience Programs. (RVRF Draft Funding Manual p. 19 and p. 20) Considering that DCR intends to require localities to have already established these programs before applying and that the specific requirements of such programs are part of the funding manual, HRPDC recommends that DCR consider an application deadline that will provide localities with sufficient time to develop and establish such local programs, given that they will likely require substantial action by locality staff and local governing bodies.


We appreciate DCR’s efforts in developing these programs and appreciate your consideration of these comments and suggestions. We would be happy to discuss these comments further. Please contact either Whitney Katchmark ( or Benjamin McFarlane ( if we can be of any further assistance. 


Benjamin J. McFarlane

Chief Resilience Officer

Hampton Roads Planning District Commission


CommentID: 218479