Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Guidance Document Change: The Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools guidance document was developed in response to House Bill 145 and Senate Bill 161, enacted by the 2020 Virginia General Assembly, which directed the Virginia Department of Education to develop and make available to each school board model policies concerning the treatment of transgender students in public elementary and secondary schools. These guidelines address common issues regarding transgender students in accordance with evidence-based best practices and include information, guidance, procedures, and standards relating to: compliance with applicable nondiscrimination laws; maintenance of a safe and supportive learning environment free from discrimination and harassment for all students; prevention of and response to bullying and harassment; maintenance of student records; identification of students; protection of student privacy and the confidentiality of sensitive information; enforcement of sex-based dress codes; and student participation in sex-specific school activities, events, and use of school facilities.
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2/1/21  10:34 am
Commenter: Rhonda

Strongly OPPOSE

As a parent of 2 biological girls in the VA public school system, I STRONGLY OPPOSE this bill for several reasons:
1. Parental rights. My rights as a parent DO NOT end when my children cross the school property line. Legal adult age is 18. Not elementary age or middle school age or even high school age unless a child turns 18 during his or her high school years. They cannot even legally sign a contract until they turn 18 and yet you're proposing allowing them to make MONUMENTAL LIFE CHANGING DECISIONS without parental knowledge, notification, or, most importantly consent.

2. Proven biological science. You cannot shout "WE BELIEVE IN SCIENCE" and then blatantly go against the very science you claim to believe and support. Biological science is proven -  chromosomes and DNA. Educational institutions denying scientific fact is mind-boggling. Feelings are not scientific evidence and have never been. That is until it somehow became politically motivated and expedient. Are you also proposing to stop any sort of classes where DNA, chromosomes, biological science, and reproduction are taught? Or are you going to add caveats and trigger warnings due to "feelings"?

3. Forced pronoun usage - Unconstitutional. Period. Read the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. As a governmental entity, you cannot force speech codes. Schools are not a country unto themselves. People do not lose their Constitutional rights when they enter school grounds. Also refer back to #'s 1 and 2.

4. Girls sports - By proposing to allow biological males to participate on sports teams of biological girls, you are effectively killing sports for biological girls and robbing those biological girls of possible sports scholarships. Biological women FOUGHT for Title IX to have and protect those teams and to have sports scholarships for biological girls and you are throwing it all away. It is scientifically, biologically proven that biological males have greater muscle mass, bone structure, and lung capacity than biological girls. This makes biological males stronger and faster and have greater endurance and stamina than biological girls. It does not matter if they take hormones. Those hormones DO NOT change their muscle mass or bone structure or lung capacity nor does it EVER change those things or their DNA. You are allowing biological males - with or without hormones - to completely take over and dismantle the world of sports for biological females. (I CANNOT BELIEVE I JUST HAD TO TYPE THAT IN THAT SPECIFIC WAY TO MAKE THAT BIOLOGICAL DISTINCTION!!) Refer back to #2.

5. Bathrooms and locker rooms - Biological females of all ages have a right to privacy. Period! Your proposal calls for no safeguards for biological females. None. Teachers and school administrators can't even question a biological male if he walks in one day and says he's now a girl and must be allowed to enter the biological girl's bathrooms and locker rooms. There are zero requirements that he has to meet. He doesn't have to have ever demonstrated that decision prior to that day, nor does he have to dress that way, nor does he have to produce any documentation that he's serious and is undergoing hormone therapy, nor does he ever have to demonstrate that choice after that day, nor is anyone allowed to contact parents to confirm what he says. This is a recipe for disaster! Biological girls are generally taught to be private with their bodies and to protect their bodies. "My body my choice" right?! And, yet, here you are telling biological girls that won't be the case anymore because, now, biological males will be allowed into their personal spaces - WHILE THEY UNDRESS - and they have no say in the matter. No accommodations made for the thousands upon thousands of biological girls in VA who have to dress out for PE with a biological male in the locker room with them unless they wait for him to leave and then risk being late for class and getting into trouble. No, the wishes of the biological male who has announced that he's now to be treated as a female comes first at the expense of the biological girls.

What are you going to do if a biological girl is raped in the bathroom? Are you going to even address it? Are you going to notify parents? What are you going to do if the sexual assaults and teen pregnancy rate skyrockets in VA? Are you going to reevaluate this horrendous decision? Admit your mistake? Somehow, I doubt it. You are willfully blind if you don't think that hormonal driven biological male teenagers won't find a way to take advantage of all of this. You are literally making schools unsafe for the biological female half - 50% - of the population that attend public schools in VA. You are killing sports for biological females. You are trying to strip parental rights and Constitutional rights. The worst part is that you don't care and refuse to acknowledge actual biological science or even common sense, all to be politically correct for less than .03% - point zero three percent - three hundredths of a percent - .0003 as a decimal - of the population.

CommentID: 92647