Action | Electronic Visit Verification |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 3/21/2020 |
I am Deaf, and two out of my 6 PCAs are Deaf as well. In addition, I live in an area with spotty cellular service. My phone only gets a signal in my back yard, and it records me as living two towns away. As a result, all of my entries would need me to confirm them through another system, such as the online timesheet system that I’m currently using. Care providers clock in and out, just like any other job. The attempts to make the process “easier and more accurate” will make things more complicated due to a voice control system that is inaccessible to myself and 1/3 of my PCAs, and it will only work outside of my house. My last PCA shows up at 10pm and leaves between 1:00-2:00am. I’m sound asleep by then, transferred to my bed, positioned comfortably, hooked to the ventilator and other devices. Then, she does a batch of laundry and tidied up. In order to clock out with the new system, she would need me to verify it…and go outside in order to get a signal.
The EVV system will make the process less accurate and less accessible.