Conversion therapy needs to be banned as a measure of public safety. While the argument that individuals should have "choice of therapy" is understandable at first glance, this argument fails to acknowledge the great psychological damage done by reparative therapy. The American Psychological Association has already established that this practice is not scientifically valid, is ineffective at achieving its claimed goal, and is harmful to the individual undergoing it. Even preliminary searches on this topic will produce volumes of scholarly literature explaining the extreme detriment conversion therapy can cause, illustrating results as horrific as suicides completed by those who were subjected to it. Worse still, mental health professionals engaging in this practice often fail to disclose to clients the ineffectiveness of conversion therapy and the damage it does to mental health, leaving clients to agree to this therapy without informed consent or knowledge of the harm that could be done to them. For the sake of protecting the wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ individuals, and especially those who are minors, conversion therapy needs to be completely banned from being practiced.