Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action 2015 Voter Registration Application Regulation and Form Update
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/3/2015
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7/30/15  11:32 am
Commenter: James Symanski

Proposed Changes Open Door for [More] Voter Fraud

I strongly urge removal of lines #8, 10, and 11 in section B of 1VAC20-40-70.

With regard to lines #10 and 11: While the affirmation statement requires the signer to testify that they are United States citizens and are not felons, by not checking the appropriate blocks, the signer is clearly indicating that they can not read or did not take the time to read the form properly and likely did not read the affirmation statement they are signing. This should be an immediate red flag and justification for denial of their application.

More importantly, the proposal to ignore these requirements without further investigation indicates that the Commonwealth may not even have a system in place to confirm that applicants are U.S. citizens and non-felons. Essentially, the regulation is telling the people of Virginia that we take everyone at their word and there's no need to verify their claims, even if they clearly refuse to tell us whether they are citizens or felons.

Shouldn't every voter registration application be double-checked through E-Verify (for citizenship) and the Central Criminal Records Exchange (for felony convictions)? And if they already are, then why is the application even asking for this information?

With regard to line #8: If someone doesn't have a social security number and writes the word "none" in the blank, why in the world would the Commonwealth ignore this very obvious indication that the person is not a U.S. citizen? If they don't have a social security number, they should be reported to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and/or the Social Security Administration for investigation. They should NOT be given a Virginia voter registration card!

To this U.S. citizen, these efforts appear to be a further watering-down of voter registration requirements in order to allow more fraudulent voting. We should be tightening our voter registration requirements, to prevent fraud, not loosening them!

CommentID: 41052