Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action 2015 Voter Registration Application Regulation and Form Update
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/3/2015
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6/23/15  11:54 am
Commenter: Kathy McVay, Registrar Caroline County

Voter Registration Application

As a new Registrar with only 16 months of experience, I would like to make the following comments:

SIZE - It does concern me that the new form is a size that is not suited for our current filing system. Even though the new form would be a cost savings for the State, it would be very costly for my office. We would incur the expense of a new filing system to include filing cabinets, labels, labor, etc. I know there is a future option to scan the applications which would eliminate the physical filing. The applications would be stored in VERIS, BUT what happens when VERIS is down and we have a voter issue that requires the need to look at our alpha files for verification. I always feel better having a paper backup. My concern with this paper size change is it is just reallacting expenses to localities instead of the State. As you know we are all under budget restraints.

INFO - It is very important to have a form that is user friendly, but also provides information that allows a person to be registered accurately. I feel it is important to have the full SSN so that a person can be verified properly. Without verfying information you could end up with inaccurate information, duplicate voters, possible felons, etc. Our goal is always to have all voters registered accurately and properly and to accompllish that goal we need to have information for verification. We also feel that a phone number should be required so that information can be verified if needed.

Thank you for allowing me to voice my concerns.

CommentID: 40360