Action | Amend Regulations Following Periodic Review |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 2/11/2015 |
Board of Health,
Hospitals, outpatient clinics, dentist offices - all of these are required to pass basic health and safety standards. Why wouldnt abortion "clinics" be required to so the same" In the debate over abortion, the abortion industry claims it is a safe procedure in no need of oversight or regulating. This is absolutely untrue, and anyway safe procedures are safe now BECAUSE of proper clinic safety standards Would you let someone even remove a mole with a dirty scalpel"Multiple news stories have come out about the true horrors at such centers, including numerous ones IN VIRGINIA. Abortion center safety regulations are desperately needed in the Commonwealth. My ob/gyn friends have told me that they personally have to care for numerous women who are the silent victims of botched abortions. As long as the legislature bends to the abortion industry funds and lobbyists, and fights basic health and safety standards in the clinics, women are in danger. Please allow the basic health standards to be in place - and be monitored and upheld. It is the right thing to do. Cynthia Hellman