Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Dentistry
Regulations Governing Dental Practice [18 VAC 60 ‑ 20]
Action Registration and practice of dental assistants
Comment Period Ended on 11/12/2008
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11/10/08  4:38 pm
Commenter: Danielle Faurot, DNH student

This would take away from the more qualified RDN

If you gave the patients the choice to have there teeth cleaned by a RDH or an assistant I could bet most of them would opt to have to RDH. They won’t get that choose thought it will be made for them.

If you allow this it would take a lot away from the RDH because in every office I have worked in most of the cleaning patients would fall into this category. This means most patients would become part of the assistant’s duties. How would this not take away from RDH?

I have learned so much in school and I would not feel comfortable about having a level 2 assistant scale my teeth. Because I would not want them to scale my teeth, I think it is wrong to have them scale patient’s teeth. There is damage that can be done with these interments when not operated right, damage to the operator and damage to the oral cavity.  I understand there would be more training but it would not be enough. Our patient’s deserve the best quality of care.

Because these patients have good OH does not mean they should get less.

These patients the assistant would be scaling are the patients that come to get there teeth cleaned every six months as they are supposed too. The patients that get the work that there trusted dentist say they need. Now you want to jip them of a quality cleaning? I think that is wrong.

CommentID: 3462