Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/17/14  8:26 pm
Commenter: Sandra Price-Stroble, member of Harrisonburg Electoral

Definition of "valid" as it applies to Voter ID.

I am commenting as an individual and not on behalf of the Harrisonburg EB.  If the purpose of requiring photo ID is to prove the identity of the voter, expiration date should not be considered. If the Election Officer can tell that the picture on the ID is that of the person who is trying to vote, the ID verification should be satisfied.  If this definition for "valid" is changed to not allow any photo I D expired over 30'days, it will not be consistent with the SBE issued Photo IDVoter card which has no expiration date.  It will be confusing for the voter and the Election Officers. We are currently educating the public on the definition of "valid" as defined by the State Board at the June meeting.  To change this as late as the end of August would not allow adequate time to re-educate before the November Election.  I respectfully ask the members of the State Board of Electons to retain the wording and definition of "valid" approved In June and to accept  photo IDs without consideration of Expiration date.

CommentID: 33255