Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/16/14  4:37 pm
Commenter: Sherry Zachry, Citizen

Redefining Valid Photo ID

I am opposed to redefining what constitutes a "valid" photo ID, especially as it pertains to expiration dates.  I believe that including an expiration date of an otherwise acceptable photo ID that could be used at the polling place will create much confusion, extra burden on the election officials on election day and unnecessarily penalize our older/elderly citizens who no longer drive.  Requiring people who may no longer drive because of age or other circumstance but still have a DMV driver's license in their possession which has expired will put an undue burden on those individuals to have to acquire a new photo ID for the purposes of voting.  And these individuals will presumably be the least capable of getting themselves to a registrar's office to obtain said ID. 

Seems to me, the new restrictions would disenfranchise a large group of people in Virginia and cause them undue hardship. Don't change the wording that was accepted by the Virginia Department of Elections on June 10, 2014 which clearly states the purpose of the ID -- to demonstrate that the picture on the card is the same as the person wishing to vote.  No expiration date needed for that purpose.


CommentID: 33060