Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action Proposed Regulation on Voter Photo Identification Document
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 5/12/2014
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5/12/14  7:41 pm
Commenter: Rona Ackerman

Voter Photo ID

I am concerned by the phrase general registrars may, but are not required to, solicit appllications...outside of their..offices.  Those most likely to not have ID are those who are unable to get to those offices.  There needs to be an initial push to get the registrars out into the community and this wording does not encourage that.

I am also concerned by the limitation created by saying A photograph of the voter is taken by the general registrar or the registrar's designated staff.  This appears to exclude volunteers or other governmental employees who might provide assistance. I would prefer a wording such as registrar's designee.

I appreciated seeing that one could apply for an ID at any general registrar's office, not just the jurisdiction in which one votes. I was glad to see the felony clause removed as well.

CommentID: 31776