I am in complete agreement with this, and not only for LPC but all licenses. The Board advised me recently to call every LMFT in my area to see if they could supervise me before they would consider approving out of state supervision. There are a few problems with that. There is not a current way of knowing if those LMFT professionals are qualified to be supervisors, which is an uncomfortable conversation and a waste of time for the supervisee and LMFT contacted. I can only imagine how time consuming that would be in an urban area with many, many licensed individuals. Also, as an additional point to suggest, they should have a "Distance from zip code/address" search for potential certified supervisors. I had to punch in every zip code in the surrounding area to find out if there were any LMFTs registered there. If I could have searched in a range from my home it would have been a much quicker and simpler process.