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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
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2/6/25  9:58 am
Commenter: Dale Thomas, Loudoun County MHSADS

Investigation timeline shortened too much

Please reconsider the proposed change to the new E.6. of 12VAC35-115-175 Human rights complaint process from a total of 20 days to a total of 10 days for A/N/E investigations. Ten days is a very short time period to complete a thorough investigation and determine corrective actions. We are already required to put precautionary measures in place to protect the individual upon receipt of the allegation, so shortening the timeframe for the full investigation does not add any protective benefit to the individual, nor does it reduce regulatory burden on us as the provider. If anything, this increases burden by hastening an already quick timeline. It is also a discredit to the spirit of the investigation process, which can often involve many staff interviews, documentation reviews, and meetings with program and department leadership to determine an action plan that will actually prevent recurrence. The purpose of an investigation should not just be a simple yes/no on whether it's founded or not, but also quality improvement. Please consider leaving this as is. 

Thank you.

CommentID: 230664